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Alignments and Linkages

The alignments and interlinkages are taken from the InforMEA Goals Section. See further information

Table of Contents

  1. Division – Acronyms and abbreviations
  2. Division I – Introduction
  3. Division II – The World Heritage list
  4. Division III – Process for the inscription of properties on the World Heritage List
  5. Division IV – Process for monitoring the state of conservation of World Heritage Properties
  6. Division VII – The World Heritage Fund and International Assistance
  7. Division VIII – The World Heritage Emblem
  8. Annex 2A
  9. Annex 2B
  10. Annex 6
  11. Annex 7
  12. Annex 9
  13. Annex 12

Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention

Acronyms and abbreviations

D0C0M0M0International Committee for the Documentation and Conservation of Monuments and Sites of the Modern Movement
ICCROMInternational Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
ICOMOSInternational Council on Monuments and Sites
IFLAInternational Federation of Landscape Architects
IUCNInternational Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
IUGSInternational Union of Geological Sciences
MABMan and the Biosphere Programme of UNESCO
NGONon-governmental organization
TICCIHInternational Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage
UNEPUnited Nations Environment Programme
UNEP-WCMCWorld Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP)
UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

I – Introduction

Chapter I.A
The Operational Guidelines

1.The Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (hereinafter referred to as the Operational Guidelines) aim to facilitate the implementation of the Convention concerning the Protection c f the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (hereinafter referred to as “the World Heritage Convention” or “the Convention”), by setting forth the procedures for:
a)the inscription of properties on the World Heritage List and the List of World Heritage in Danger;
b)the protection and conservation of World Heritage properties;
c)the granting of International Assistance under the World Heritage Fund; and
d)the mobilization of national and international support in favor of the Convention.
2.The Operational Guidelines are periodically revised to reflect the decisions of the World Heritage Committee.[The historical development of the Operational Guidelines is available at:]
3.The key users of the Operational Guidelines are:
a)the States Parties to the World Heritage Convention;
b)the Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection of the Cultural and Natural Heritage of Outstanding Universal Value, hereinafter referred to as “the World Heritage Committee” or “the Committee”;
c)the UNESCO World Heritage Centre as Secretariat to the World Heritage Committee, hereinafter referred to as “the Secretariat”;
d)the Advisory Bodies to the World Heritage Committee;
e)site managers, stakeholders and partners in the protection of World Heritage properties.

Chapter I.B
The World Heritage Convention

4.The cultural and natural heritage is among the priceless and irreplaceable assets, not only of each nation, but of humanity as a whole. The loss, through deterioration or disappearance, of any of these most prized assets constitutes an impoverishment of the heritage of all the peoples of the world. Parts of this heritage, because of their exceptional qualities, can be considered to be of “Outstanding Universal Value” and as such worthy of special protection against the dangers which increasingly threaten them.
5.To ensure, as far as possible, the proper identification, protection, conservation and presentation of the world's heritage, the Member States of UNESCO adopted the World Heritage Convention in 1972. The Convention foresees the establishment of a “World Heritage Committee” and a “World Heritage Fund”. Both the Committee and the Fund have been in operation since 1976.
6.Since the adoption of the Convention in 1972, the international community has embraced the concept of “sustainable development”. The protection and conservation of the natural and cultural heritage constitute a significant contribution to sustainable development.
7.The Convention aims at the identification, protection, conservation, presentation and transmission to future generations of cultural and natural heritage of Outstanding Universal Value.
8.The criteria and conditions for the inscription of properties on the World Heritage List have been developed to evaluate the Outstanding Universal Value of properties and to guide States Parties in the protection and management of World Heritage properties.
9.When a property inscribed on the World Heritage List is threatened by serious and specific dangers, the Committee considers placing it on the List of World Heritage in Danger. When the Outstanding Universal Value of the property which justified its inscription on the World Heritage List is lost, the Committee considers deleting the property from the World Heritage List.

Chapter I.C
The States Parties to the World Heritage Convention

10.States are encouraged to become party to the Convention. Model instruments for ratification/acceptance and accession are included as Annex 1. The original signed version should be sent to the Director-General of UNESCO.
11.The list of States Parties to the Convention is available at: states parties
12.States Parties to the Convention are encouraged to adopt a human-rights based approach, and ensure gender-balanced participation of a wide variety of stakeholders and rights-holders, including site managers, local and regional governments, local communities, indigenous peoples, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other interested parties and partners in the identification, nomination, management and protection processes of World Heritage properties.[Decision 43 COM 11A]
13.States Parties to the Convention should provide the Secretariat with the names and contact details of the governmental organization(s) primarily responsible as national focal point(s) for the implementation of the Convention, so that copies of all official correspondence and documents can be sent by the Secretariat to these national focal points as appropriate.[Decision 43 COM 11A]
14.States Parties are encouraged to bring together their cultural and natural heritage experts at regular intervals to discuss the implementation of the Convention. States Parties may wish to involve representatives of the Advisory Bodies and other experts and partners as appropriate.[Decision 43 COM 11A]
14bis.States Parties arc encouraged to mainstream into their programmes and activities related to the World Heritage Convention the principles of the relevant policies adopted by the World Heritage Committee, the General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention and the UNESCO Governing Bodies, such as the Policy Document for the Integration of a Sustainable Development Perspective into the Processes of the World Heritage Convention and the UNESCO policy on engaging with indigenous peoples, as well as other related policies and documents, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and international human rights standards.[Decision 43 COM 11A]
15.While fully respecting the sovereignty of the States on whose territory the cultural and natural heritage is situated, States Parties to the Convention recognize the collective interest of the international community to cooperate in the protection of this heritage. States Parties to the World Heritage Convention, have the responsibility to:[Article 6(1) of the World Heritage Convention.][Decision 43 COM 11A]
a)ensure the identification, nomination, protection, conservation, presentation, and transmission to future generations of the cultural and natural heritage found within their territory, and give help in these tasks to other States Parties that request it;[ Article 4 and 6(2) of the World Heritage Convention.]
b)adopt general policies to give the heritage a function in the life of the community;[ Article 5 of the World Heritage Convention.]
c)integrate heritage protection into comprehensive planning programmes and coordination mechanisms, giving consideration in particular to the resilience of socio-ecological systems of properties;
d)establish services for the protection, conservation and presentation of the heritage;
e)develop scientific and technical studies to identify actions that would counteract the dangers that threaten the heritage;
f)take appropriate legal, scientific, technical, administrative and financial measures to protect the heritage;
g)foster the establishment or development of national or regional centres for training in the protection, conservation and presentation of the heritage and encourage scientific research in these fields;
h)not take any deliberate measures that directly or indirectly damage their heritage or that of another State Party to the Convention;[ Article 6(3) of the World Heritage Convention.]
i)submit to the World Heritage Committee an inventory of properties suitable for inscription on the World Heritage List (referred to as a Tentative List);[ Article 11(1) of the World Heritage Convention.]
j)make regular contributions to the World Heritage Fund, the amount of which is determined by the General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention;[ Article 16(1) of the World Heritage Convention.]
k)consider and encourage the establishment of national, public and private foundations or associations to facilitate donations for the protection of World Heritage;[ Article 17 of the World Heritage Convention.]
l)give assistance to international fundraising campaigns organized for the World Heritage Fund;{ Article 18 of the World Heritage Convention.}
m)use educational and information programmes to strengthen appreciation and respect by their peoples of the cultural and natural heritage defined in Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention, and to keep the public informed of the dangers threatening this heritage;[ Article 27 of the World Heritage Convention.]
n)provide information to the World Heritage Committee on the implementation of the World Heritage Convention and the state of conservation of properties; and[ Article 29 of the World Heritage Convention.][Resolution adopted by the 11th General Assembly of States Parties (1997)]
o)contribute to and comply with the sustainable development objectives, including gender equality, in the World Heritage processes and in their heritage conservation and management systems.
16.States Parties are encouraged to attend sessions of the World Heritage Committee and its subsidiary bodies.[Rule 8.1 of the Rules of Procedure of the World Heritage Committee.]

Chapter I.D
The General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention

17.The General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention meets during the sessions of the General Conference of UNESCO. The General Assembly manages its meetings according to its Rules of Procedure, available at:[Article 8(1), of the World Heritage Convention, Rule 49 of tire Rules of Procedure of the World Heritage Committee.]
18.The General Assembly determines the uniform percentage of contributions to the World Heritage Fund applicable to all States Parties and elects members to the World Heritage Committee. Both the General Assembly and General Conference of UNESCO receive a report from the World Heritage Committee on its activities.[Articles 8(1), 16(1) and 29 of the World Heritage Convention and Rule 49 of the Rules of Procedure of the World Heritage Committee.]

Chapter I.E
The World Heritage Committee

19.The World Heritage Committee is composed of 21 members and meets at least once a year (June/July). It establishes its Bureau, which meets during the sessions of the Committee as frequently as deemed necessary. The composition of the Committee and its Bureau is available at:[The World Heritage Committee can be contacted through its Secretariat, the World Heritage Centre.]
20.The Committee manages its meetings according to its Rules of Procedure, available at:
21.The term of office of Committee members is six years but, in order to ensure equitable representation and rotation, States Parties are invited by the General Assembly to consider voluntarily reducing their term of office from six to four years and are discouraged from seeking consecutive terms of office.[Article 8(2) of the World Heritage Convention and the Resolutions of the 7th (1989), 12th (1999) and 13th (2001) General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention.][Article 9(1) of the World Heritage Convention.]
22.At each election, due consideration shall be given to the election of at least one State Party which has never served as a Member of the World Heritage Committee.[Rule 14.1 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly of States Parties.][Decision 43 COM 11A]
23.Committee decisions are based on objective and scientific considerations, and any appraisal made on its behalf must be thoroughly and responsibly carried out. The Committee recognizes that such decisions depend upon:
a)carefully prepared documentation;
b)thorough and consistent procedures;
c)evaluation by qualified experts; and
d)if necessary, the use of expert referees.
24.The main functions of the Committee are, in cooperation with States Parties, to:
a)identify, on the basis of Tentative Lists and nominations submitted by States Parties, cultural and natural properties of Outstanding Universal Value which are to be protected under the Convention and to inscribe those properties on the World Heritage List;[Articles 11(2) and 11(7) of the World Heritage Convention.]
b)examine the state of conservation of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List through processes of Reactive Monitoring (see Chapter IV) and Periodic Reporting (see Chapter V);[Article 29 of the World Heritage Convention.]
c)decide which properties inscribed on the World Heritage List are to be inscribed on, or removed from the List of World Heritage in Danger;[Article 11(4) and 11(5) of the World Heritage Convention.]
d)decide whether a property should be deleted from the World Heritage List (see Chapter IV);
e)define the procedure by which requests for International Assistance are to be considered and carry out studies and consultations as necessary before coming to a decision (see Chapter VII);[Article 21(1) and 21(3) of the World Heritage Convention.]
f)determine how the resources of the World Heritage Fund can be used most advantageously to assist States Parties in the protection of their properties of Outstanding Universal Value;[Article 13(6) of the World Heritage Convention.]
g)seek ways to increase the World Heritage Fund;
h)submit a report on its activities every two years to the General Assembly of States Parties and to the UNESCO General Conference;[Article 29(3) of the World Heritage Convention and Rule 49 of the Rules of procedure of the World Heritage Committee.]
i)review and evaluate periodically the implementation of the Convention;
j)revise and adopt the Operational Guidelines.
25.In order to facilitate the implementation of the Convention, the Committee develops Strategic Objectives; they are periodically reviewed and revised to define the goals and objectives of the Committee to ensure that new threats placed on World Heritage are addressed effectively.[The first ‘Strategic Orientations’ adopted by the Committee in 1992 are contained in Annex II of document WHC-92/CONF.002/12]
26.The current Strategic Objectives (also referred to as “the 5 Cs”) are the following:[In 2002 the World Heritage Committee revised its Strategic Objectives. The Budapest Declaration on World Heritage (2002) is available at the following Web address:]
1.Strengthen the Credibility of the World Heritage List;
2.Ensure the effective Conservation of World Heritage Properties;
3.Promote the development of effective Capacity building in States Parties;
4.Increase public awareness, involvement and support for World Heritage through Communication;
5.Enhance the role of Communities in the implementation of the World Heritage Convention.[Decision 31 COM 13B]

Chapter I.F
The Secretariat to the World Heritage Committee (World Heritage Centre)

[UNESCO World Heritage Centre 7, place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 SP France]
27.The World Heritage Committee is assisted by a Secretariat appointed by the Director-General of UNESCO. The function of the Secretariat is currently assumed by the World Heritage Centre, established in 1992 specifically for this purpose. The Director-General designated the Director of the World Heritage Centre as Secretary to the Committee. The Secretariat assists and collaborates with the States Parties and the Advisory Bodies. The Secretariat works in close cooperation with other sectors and field offices of UNESCO.[Article 14 of the World Heritage Convention.][Rule 43 of Rules of Procedure of the World Heritage Committee.][Circular Letter 16 of 21 October 2003]
28.The Secretariat's main tasks are:[Decision 39 COM 11][Decision 43 COM 11A]
a)the organization of the meetings of the General Assembly and the Committee;[Article 14(2) of the World Heritage Convention.]
b)the implementation of decisions of the World Heritage Committee and resolutions of the General Assembly and reporting on their execution;[Article 14(2) of the World Heritage Convention and the Budapest Declaration on World Heritage (2002)]
c)the receipt, registration, checking the completeness, archiving and transmission to the relevant Advisory Bodies of nominations to the World Heritage List;
d)the co-ordination of studies and activities as part of the Global Strategy for a Representative, Balanced and Credible World Heritage List;
e)the organization of Periodic Reporting;
f)coordination and conduct of Reactive Monitoring, including Reactive Monitoring missions 1, as well coordination of and participation in Advisory missions2, as appropriate;1Reactive Monitoring missions are part of the statutory reporting by the Secretariat and the Advisory Bodies to the World Heritage Committee on the state of conservation of specific properties that are under threat (see Paragraph 169). They are requested by the World Heritage Committee to ascertain, in consultation with the State Party concerned, the condition of the property, the dangers to the property and the feasibility of adequately restoring the property or to assess progress made in implementing such corrective measures, and include a reporting back to the Committee on the findings of the mission (see Paragraph 176.e). The terms of reference of Reactive Monitoring missions are proposed by the World Heritage Centre, in line with the decision adopted by the World Heritage Committee, and consolidated in consultation with the State Party and the relevant Advisory Body(ies). Experts for such missions shall not be nationals of the country where the property is located. It is however encouraged that, where possible, they be from the same region as the property. The costs of the Reactive Monitoring missions are borne by the World Heritage Fund.2Advisory missions are not part stricto sensu of the statutory and mandatory processes, as they are voluntarily initiated by States Parties and depend on the considerations and judgement of the States Parties requesting them. Advisory missions are to be understood as missions providing expert advice to a State Party on specific matters. They can concern provision of “upstream” support and advice on identification of sites, Tentative Lists or nomination of sites for inscription on the World Heritage List or alternatively, they can relate to the state of conservation of properties and provide advice in evaluating possible impact of a major development project on the Outstanding Universal Value of the property, advice in the preparation/revision of a management plan, or in the progress achieved in the implementation of specific mitigation measures, etc. The terms of reference of Advisory missions are proposed by the State Party itself, and consolidated in consultation with the World Heritage Centre and the relevant Advisory Bod(ies), other organization(s) or experts. Experts for such missions shall not be nationals of the country where the property is located. It is however encouraged that, where possible, they be from the same region as the property. The entire costs of Advisory missions are borne by the State Party inviting the mission, except where the State Party is eligible for relevant International Assistance or funding from the new budget line for Advisory missions approved by Decision 38 COM 12.
g)the coordination of International Assistance;
h)the mobilization of extra-budgetary resources for the conservation and management of World Heritage properties;
i)the assistance to States Parties in the implementation of the Committee's programmes and projects; and
j)the promotion of World Heritage and the Convention through the dissemination of information to States Parties, the Advisory Bodies and the general public.
29.These activities follow the decisions and Strategic Objectives of the Committee and the resolutions of the General Assembly of the States Parties and are conducted in close cooperation with the Advisory Bodies.

Chapter I.G
The Advisory Bodies to the World Heritage Committee

30.The Advisory Bodies to the World Heritage Committee are ICCROM (the Article 8(3) of the World International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Heritage Convention Cultural Property), ICOMOS (the International Council on Monuments and Sites), and IUCN (the International Union for Conservation of Nature).[Article 8(3) of the World Heritage Convention.]
31.The roles of the Advisory Bodies are to:
a)advise on the implementation of the World Heritage Convention in the field of their expertise;[Article 13(7) of the World Heritage Convention.]
b)assist the Secretariat, in the preparation of the Committee's documentation, the agenda of its meetings and the implementation of the Committee’s decisions;[Decision 39 COM 11]
c)assist with the development and implementation of the Global Strategy for a Representative, Balanced and Credible World Heritage List, the World Heritage Capacity Building Strategy, Periodic Reporting, and the strengthening of the effective use of the World Heritage Fund;
d)monitor the state of conservation of World Heritage properties (including through Reactive Monitoring missions at the request of the Committee and Advisory missions at the invitation of the States Parties) and review requests for International Assistance;[Article 14(2) of the World Heritage Convention.]
e)in the case of ICOMOS and IUCN, evaluate properties nominated for inscription on the World Heritage List, in consultation and dialogue with nominating States Parties, and present evaluation reports to the Committee; and
f)attend meetings of the World Heritage Committee and the Bureau in an advisory capacity.[Article 8(3) of the World Heritage Convention.]


32.ICCROM (the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) is an international intergovernmental organization with headquarters in Rome, Italy. Established by UNESCO in 1956, ICCROM's statutory functions are to carry out research, documentation, technical assistance, training and public awareness programmes to strengthen conservation of immovable and moveable cultural heritage.[ICCROM
Via di S. Michele, 13
I-00153 Rome, Italy
Tel: +39 06 585531
Fax: +39 06 5855 3349
33.The specific role of ICCROM in relation to the Convention includes: being the priority partner in training for cultural heritage, monitoring the state of conservation of World Heritage cultural properties, reviewing requests for International Assistance submitted by States Parties, and providing input and support for capacity building activities.


34.ICOMOS (the International Council on Monuments and Sites) is a non-governmental organization with headquarters in Charenton-le-Pont, France. Founded in 1965, its role is to promote the application of theory, methodology and scientific techniques to the conservation of the architectural and archaeological heritage. Its work is based on the principles of the 1964 International Charter on the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites (the Venice Charter).[ICOMOS
11 rue du Séminaire de Conflans
94220 Charenton-le-Pont France
Tel: +33 (0)1 41 94 17 59
Fax: +33 (0)1 48 93 19 16
35.The specific role of ICOMOS in relation to the Convention includes: evaluation of properties nominated for inscription on the World Heritage List, monitoring the state of conservation of World Heritage cultural properties, reviewing requests for International Assistance submitted by States Parties, and providing input and support for capacity building activities.


36.IUCN - The International Union for Conservation of Nature was founded in 1948 and brings together national governments, NGOs, and scientists in a worldwide partnership. IUCN has its headquarters in Gland, Switzerland. Its mission is to influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable.[IUCN - The International Union for Conservation of Nature
rue Mauverney 28 CH-1196 Gland, Switzerland
Tel: + 41 22 999 0001
Fax: +41 22 999 0010
37.The specific role of IUCN in relation to the Convention includes: evaluation of properties nominated for inscription on the World Heritage List, monitoring the state of conservation of World Heritage natural properties, reviewing requests for International Assistance submitted by States Parties, and providing input and support for capacity building activities.

I.H Other organizations

38.The Committee may call on other international and non-governmental organizations with appropriate competence and expertise to assist in the implementation of its programmes and projects, including for Reactive Monitoring missions.[Decision 39 COM 11]

Chapter I.I
Partners in the protection of World Heritage

39.A partnership approach, underpinned by inclusive, transparent and accountable decision-making, to nomination, management and monitoring provides a significant contribution to the protection of World Heritage properties and the implementation of the Convention.[Decision 43 COM 11A]
40.Partners in the protection and conservation of World Heritage can be those individuals and other stakeholders, especially local communities, indigenous peoples, governmental, non-governmental and private organizations and owners who have an interest and involvement in the conservation and management of a World Heritage property.[United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007)][Decision 39 COM 11]

Chapter I.J
Other Conventions, Recommendations and Programmes

41.The World Heritage Committee recognizes the benefits of closer coordination of its work with other UNESCO programmes and their relevant conventions. For a list of relevant global conservation instruments, conventions and programmes see paragraph 44.
42.The World Heritage Committee with the support of the Secretariat will ensure appropriate coordination and information-sharing between the World Heritage Convention and other conventions, programmes and international organizations related to the conservation of cultural and natural heritage.
43.The Committee may invite representatives of the intergovernmental bodies under related conventions to attend its meetings as observers. It may appoint a representative to observe meetings of the other intergovernmental bodies upon receipt of an invitation.
44.Selected global conventions and programmes relating to the protection of cultural and natural heritage

UNESCO conventions and programmes

Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (1954)Protocol I (1954)Protocol II (1999) on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property (1970) concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972) on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage (2001) for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003) on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005) and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme Geoscience and Geoparks Programme (IGGP) Hydrological Programme (IHP)

Other conventions

International Whaling Commission (IWC) (1946)https://iwc.intInternational Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) (1951)https://www.ippc.intConvention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar) (1971)http://www.ramsar.orgConvention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) (1973)http://www.cites.orgConvention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) (1979)http://www.cms.intUnited Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) (1982) on Biological Diversity (1992)http://www.cbd.intUNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects (Rome, 1995)https://www.wiidroit.Org/cultural-property#Conventionl995United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (New York, 1992)http://unfccc.intInternational Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (2001)

II – The World Heritage list

II.A - Definition of World Heritage

Cultural and Natural Heritage

45.Cultural and natural heritage are defined in Articles 1 and 2 of the World Heritage Convention."

Article 1

For the purposes of this Convention, the following shall be considered as “cultural heritage”;monuments: architectural works, works of monumental sculpture and painting, elements or structures of an archaeological nature, inscriptions, cave dwellings and combinations of features, which are of Outstanding Universal Value from the point of view of history, art or science;groups of buildings: groups of separate or connected buildings which, because of their architecture, their homogeneity or their place in the landscape, are of Outstanding Universal Value from the point of view of history, art or science;sites: works of man or the combined works of nature and of man, and areas including archaeological sites which are of Outstanding Universal Value from the historical, aesthetic, ethnological or anthropological points of view.

Article 2

For the purposes of this Convention, the following shall be considered as “natural heritage”:natural features consisting of physical and biological formations or groups of such formations, which are of Outstanding Universal Value from the aesthetic or scientific point of view;geological and physiographical formations and precisely delineated areas which constitute the habitat of threatened species of animals and plants of Outstanding Universal Value from the point of view of science or conservation;natural sites or precisely delineated natural areas of Outstanding Universal Value from the point of view of science, conservation or natural beauty.

Mixed Cultural and Natural Heritage

46.Properties shall be considered as “mixed cultural and natural heritage” if they satisfy a part or whole of the definitions of both cultural and natural heritage laid out in Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention.

Cultural landscapes

47.DefinitionCultural landscapes inscribed on the World Heritage List are cultural properties and represent the “combined works of nature and of man” designated in Article 1 of the Convention. They are illustrative of the evolution of human society and settlement over time, under the influence of the physical constraints and/or opportunities presented by their natural environment and of successive social, economic and cultural forces, both external and internal.They should be selected on the basis both of their Outstanding Universal Value and of their representativity in terms of a clearly defined geo-cultural region. They should be selected also for their capacity to illustrate the essential and distinct cultural elements of such regions.The term “cultural landscape” embraces a diversity of manifestations of the interaction between humankind and the natural environment.Cultural landscapes often reflect specific techniques of sustainable land use, considering the characteristics and limits of the natural environment they are established in, and may reflect a specific spiritual relationship to nature. Protection of cultural landscapes can contribute to current techniques of sustainable land use and can maintain or enhance natural values in the landscape. The continued existence of traditional forms of land use supports biological diversity in many regions of the world. The protection of traditional cultural landscapes is therefore helpful in maintaining biological diversity.
47bis.TypesCultural landscapes fall into three main types, namely:
(i)The most easily identifiable is the clearly defined landscape designed and created intentionally by people. This embraces garden and parkland landscapes constructed for aesthetic reasons which are often (but not always) associated with religious or other monumental buildings and ensembles.
(ii)The second type is the organically evolved landscape. This results from an initial social, economic, administrative, and/or religious imperative and has developed its present form by association with and in response to its natural environment. Such landscapes reflect that process of evolution in their form and component features. They fall into two sub-types:
a)a relict (or fossil) landscape is one in which an evolutionary process came to an end at some time in the past, either abruptly or over a period. Its significant distinguishing features are, however, still visible in material form;
b)a continuing landscape is one which retains an active social role in contemporary society closely associated with the traditional way of life, and in which the evolutionary process is still in progress. At the same time it exhibits significant material evidence of its evolution over time;
(iii)The final type is the associative cultural landscape. The inscription of such landscapes on the World Heritage List is justifiable by virtue of the powerful religious, artistic or cultural associations of the natural element rather than material cultural evidence, which may be insignificant or even absent.
47ter.Inscription of Cultural Landscapes on the World Heritage ListThe extent of a cultural landscape for inscription on the World Heritage List is relative to its functionality and intelligibility. In any case, the sample selected must be substantial enough to represent adequately the totality of the cultural landscape that it illustrates. The possibility of designating long linear areas which represent culturally significant transport and communication networks should not be excluded.General criteria for protection and management are equally applicable to cultural landscapes. It is important that due attention be paid to the full range of values represented in the landscape, both cultural and natural. The nominations should be prepared in collaboration with and the full approval of local communities.The existence of a category of “cultural landscape”, included on the World Heritage List on the basis of the criteria set out in Paragraph 77 of the Operational Guidelines, does not exclude the possibility of properties of exceptional importance in relation to both cultural and natural criteria continuing to be inscribed (see definition of mixed properties as set out in Paragraph 46). In such cases, their Outstanding Universal Value must be justified under both cultural and natural criteria (see Paragraph 77).

Movable Heritage

48.Nominations of immovable heritage which are likely to become movable will not be considered.

Outstanding Universal Value

49.Outstanding Universal Value means cultural and/or natural significance which is so exceptional as to transcend national boundaries and to be of common importance for present and future generations of all humanity. As such, the permanent protection of this heritage is of the highest importance to the international community as a whole. The Committee defines the criteria for the inscription of properties on the World Heritage List.
50.States Parties are invited to submit nominations of properties of cultural and/or natural value considered to be of “Outstanding Universal Value” for inscription on the World Heritage List.
51.At the time of inscription of a property on the World Heritage List, the Committee adopts a Statement of Outstanding Universal Value (see paragraph 154) which will be the key reference for the future effective protection and management of the property.
52.The Convention is not intended to ensure the protection of all properties of great interest, importance or value, but only for a select list of the most outstanding of these from an international viewpoint. It is not to be assumed that a property of national and/or regional importance will automatically be inscribed on the World Heritage List.
53.Nominations presented to the Committee shall demonstrate the full commitment of the State Party to preserve the heritage concerned, within its means. Such commitment shall take the form of appropriate policy, legal, scientific, technical, administrative and financial measures adopted and proposed to protect the property and its Outstanding Universal Value.

Chapter II.B
A Representative, Balanced and Credible World Heritage List

54.The Committee seeks to establish a representative, balanced and credible World Heritage List in conformity with the four Strategic Objectives it adopted at its 26th session (Budapest, 2002).[Budapest Declaration on World Heritage (2002) at]

The Global Strategy for a Representative, Balanced and Credible World Heritage List

55.The Global Strategy for a Representative, Balanced and Credible World Heritage List is designed to identify and fill the major gaps in the World Heritage List. It does this by encouraging more countries to become States Parties to the Convention and to develop Tentative Lists as defined in paragraph 62 and nominations of properties for inscription on the World Heritage List (see[The report of the Expert Meeting on the "Global Strategy" and thematic studies for a representative World Heritage List (20-22 June 1994) was adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its 18th session (Phuket, 1994).]
56.States Parties and the Advisory Bodies are encouraged to participate in the implementation of the Global Strategy in cooperation with the Secretariat and other partners. Regional and thematic Global Strategy meetings and comparative and thematic studies are organized for this purpose. The results of these meetings and studies are available to assist States Parties in preparing Tentative Lists and nominations. The reports of the expert meetings and studies presented to the World Heritage Committee are available at:[The Global Strategy was initially developed with reference to cultural heritage. At the request of the World Heritage Committee, the Global Strategy was subsequently expanded to also include reference to natural heritage and combined cultural and natural heritage.]
57.All efforts should be made to maintain a reasonable balance between cultural and natural heritage on the World Heritage List.
58.No formal limit is imposed on the total number of properties to be inscribed on the World Heritage List.

Other measures

59.To promote the establishment of a representative, balanced and credible World Heritage List, States Parties are requested to consider whether their heritage is already well represented on the List and if so, to slow down their rate of submission of further nominations by:
a)spacing voluntarily their nominations according to conditions that they will define, and/or;
b)proposing only properties falling into categories still underrepresented, and/or;
c)linking each of their nominations with a nomination presented by a State Party whose heritage is under-represented; or
d)deciding, on a voluntary basis, to suspend the presentation of new nominations.
60.States Parties whose heritage of Outstanding Universal Value is underrepresented on the World Heritage List are requested to:[Resolution adopted by the 12th General Assembly of States Parties (1999).]
a)give priority to the preparation of their Tentative Lists and nominations;
b)initiate and consolidate partnerships at the regional level based on the exchange of technical expertise;
c)encourage bilateral and multilateral cooperation so as to increase their expertise and the technical capacities of institutions in charge of the protection, safeguarding and management of their heritage; and,
d)participate, as much as possible, in the sessions of the World Heritage Committee.
60bis.The Committee has decided to apply the following annual limits and system of prioritization concerning Preliminary Assessments (see Section III):
a)Advisory Bodies will review up to one complete Preliminary Assessment request per State Party;
b)set at 35 the annual limit on the number of Preliminary Assessment requests to be reviewed by Advisory Bodies;
c)should the number of Preliminary Assessment requests exceed 35, the order of priorities applied will be the same as set in paragraph 61.c);
d)the States Parties co-authors of a future transboundary or transnational serial nomination can choose, amongst themselves and with a common understanding, the State Party which will be submitting the Preliminary Assessment request; and this Preliminary Assessment request can be registered exclusively within the ceiling of the bearing State Party.
61.The Committee has decided to apply the following mechanism concerning examination of nominations:[Decision 24 COM VI.2.3.3, Decision 28 COM 13.1 and 7 EXT.COM 4B.1][ Decision 29 COM 18A][Decision 31 COM 10][Decision 35 COM 8B.61][Decision 40 COM 11][Decision 43 COM 11ª][Decision 45 COM 12]
a)examine one complete nomination per State Party, or two complete nominations per State Party if one of them was previously referred or deferred by the Committee;
b)set at 35 the annual limit on the number of nominations it will review, inclusive of nominations deferred and referred by previous sessions of the Committee, extensions (except minor modifications of limits of the property), transboundary and transnational serial nominations,
c)the following order of priorities will be applied in case the overall annual limit of 35 nominations is exceeded:
i)nominations of properties submitted by States Parties with no properties inscribed on the List,
ii)nominations of properties submitted by States Parties having up to 3 properties inscribed on the List,
iii)resubmitted referred and deferred nominations,
iv)nominations of properties that have been previously excluded due to the annual limit of 35 nominations and the application of these priorities,
v)nominations of properties submitted in the 5th year following the report by the Advisory Bodies on the related Preliminary Assessment (see Paragraph 122.g),
vi)nominations of properties for natural heritage,
vii)nominations of properties for mixed heritage,
viii)nominations of transboundary/transnational properties,
ix)nominations from States Parties in Africa, the Pacific and the Caribbean,
x)nominations of properties submitted by States Parties having ratified the World Heritage Convention during the last twenty years,
xi)nominations of properties submitted by States Parties that have not submitted nominations for five years or more,
xii)nominations of States Parties, former Members of the Committee, who accepted on a voluntary basis not to have a nomination reviewed by the Committee during their mandate. This priority will be applied for 4 years after the end of their mandate on the Committee,
xiii)when applying this priority system, date of receipt of full and complete nominations by the World Heritage Centre shall be used as a secondary factor to determine the priority between those nominations that would not be designated by the previous points.
d)the States Parties co-authors of a transboundary or transnational serial nomination can choose, amongst themselves and with a common understanding, the State Party which will be bearing this nomination; and this nomination can be registered exclusively within the ceiling of the bearing State Party.

Chapter II.C
Tentative Lists

Procedure and Format

62.A Tentative List is an inventory of those sites situated on its territory which each State Party considers suitable for nomination to the World Heritage List. States Parties should therefore include, in their Tentative Lists, details of those sites which they consider to be of potential Outstanding Universal Value and which they intend to nominate during the following years.[Articles 1, 2 and 11(1) of the World Heritage Convention.][Decision 39 COM 11]
63.A nomination dossier will not be considered complete unless the nominated property has already been included on the State Party's Tentative List and has undergone a Preliminary Assessment.[Decision 24 COM para.VI.2.3.2]
64.States Parties are encouraged to prepare their Tentative Lists with the full, effective and gender-balanced participation of a wide variety of stakeholders and rights-holders, including site managers, local and regional governments, local communities, indigenous peoples, NGOs and other interested parties and partners. In the case of sites affecting the lands, territories or resources of indigenous peoples, States Parties shall consult and cooperate in good faith with the indigenous peoples concerned through their own representative institutions in order to obtain their free, prior and informed consent before including the sites on their Tentative List.[Decision 43 COM 11A]
65.States Parties shall submit Tentative Lists to the Secretariat, at least one year prior to the submission of a Preliminary Assessment request to the Secretariat for review by the Advisory Bodies. States Parties are encouraged to re­examine and re-submit their Tentative List at least every ten years.
66.States Parties are requested to submit their Tentative Lists in English or French using the standard formats in Annex 2A and Annex 2B (for transnational and transboundary future nominations), containing the name of the sites, their geographical location, a brief description of the sites, and justification of their potential Outstanding Universal Value.
67.The original duly signed version of the completed Tentative List shall be submitted by the State Party, to:UNESCO World Heritage Centre7, place de Fontenoy75352 - Paris 07 SPFranceTel: +33 (0) 1 4568 1104E-mail:
68.Upon reception of the Tentative Lists from the States Parties, the World Heritage Centre checks for compliance of the documentation with Annex 2. If the documentation is not considered in compliance with Annex 2, the World Heritage Centre refers it back to the State Party. When all information has been provided, the Tentative List is registered by the Secretariat and transmitted to the relevant Advisory Bodies for information. A summary of all Tentative Lists is presented annually to the Committee. The Secretariat, in consultation with the States Parties concerned, updates its records, in particular by removing from the Tentative Lists the inscribed properties and nominated properties which were not inscribed.[Decision 7 EXT.COM 4A]The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre on its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to facilitate harmonization of Tentative Lists at regional and thematic levels.The sole responsibility for the content of each Tentative List lies with the State Party concerned. The publication of the Tentative Lists does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever of the World Heritage Committee or of the World Heritage Centre or of the Secretariat of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its boundaries.
69.The Tentative Lists of States Parties are available at:

Tentative Lists as a planning and evaluation tool

70.Tentative Lists are a useful and important planning tool for States Parties, the World Heritage Committee, the Secretariat, and the Advisory Bodies, as they provide an indication of future nominations.
71.Tentative Lists should be established selectively and on the basis of evidence that supports potential Outstanding Universal Value. States Parties are encouraged to consult the analyses of both the World Heritage List and Tentative Lists prepared at the request of the Committee by ICOMOS and IUCN to identify the gaps in the World Heritage List. These analyses could enable States Parties to compare themes, regions, geo-cultural groupings and bio-geographic provinces for prospective World Heritage properties. States Parties are encouraged to seek as early as possible upstream advice from the Advisory Bodies during the development of their Tentative Lists as appropriate.[Decision 24 COM para. VI.2.3.2(ii)][Decision 39 COM 11][Documents WHC-04/28.COM/13.B I and II (ICOMOS) and (IUCN)]
72.In addition, States Parties are encouraged to consult the specific thematic studies carried out by the Advisory Bodies (see paragraph 147). These studies are informed by a review of the Tentative Lists submitted by States Parties and by reports of meetings on the harmonization of Tentative Lists, as well as by other technical studies performed by the Advisory Bodies and qualified organizations and individuals. A list of studies already completed is available at:[Thematic studies are different than the comparative analysis to be prepared by States Parties when nominating properties for inscription in the World Heritage List (see paragraph 132).]
73.States Parties are encouraged to harmonize their Tentative Lists at regional and thematic levels. Harmonization of Tentative Lists is the process whereby States Parties, with the assistance of the Advisory Bodies, collectively assess their respective Tentative List to review gaps and identify common themes. The harmonization has considerable potential to generate fruitful dialogue between States Parties and different cultural communities, promoting respect for common heritage and cultural diversity and can result in improved Tentative Lists, new nominations from States Parties and cooperation amongst groups of States Parties in the preparation of nominations.[Decision 43 COM 11A]

Assistance and Capacity Building for States Parties in the preparation of Tentative Lists

74.To implement the Global Strategy, cooperative efforts in capacity building and training for diverse groups of beneficiaries may be necessary to assist States Parties in acquiring and/or consolidating expertise in the preparation, updating and harmonization of their Tentative List and the preparation of nominations.[Decision 43 COM 11A]
75.International Assistance may be requested by States Parties for the purpose of preparing, updating and harmonizing Tentative Lists (see Chapter VII). This can include use of the Upstream Process (see Paragraph 121).
76.The Advisory Bodies and the Secretariat will use the opportunity of evaluation missions to hold regional training workshops to assist underrepresented States in the methods of preparation of their Tentative List and nominations.[Decision 24 COM VI.2.3.5(ii)]

Chapter II.D
Criteria for the assessment of Outstanding Universal Value

[These criteria were formerly presented as two separate sets of criteria - criteria (i) - (vi) for cultural heritage and (i) - (iv) for natural heritage.]
77.The Committee considers a property as having Outstanding Universal Value (see paragraphs 49-53) if the property meets one or more of the following criteria. Nominated properties shall therefore:[The 6th extraordinary session of the World Heritage Committee decided to merge the ten criteria (Decision 6 EXT.COM 5.1)]
(i)represent a masterpiece of human creative genius;
(ii)exhibit an important interchange of human values, over a span of time or within a cultural area of the world, on developments in architecture or technology, monumental arts, town-planning or landscape design;
(iii)bear a unique or at least exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition or to a civilization which is living or which has disappeared;
(iv)be an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates (a) significant stage(s) in human history;
(v)be an outstanding example of a traditional human settlement, land-use, or sea-use which is representative of a culture (or cultures), or human interaction with the environment especially when it has become vulnerable under the impact of irreversible change;
(vi)be directly or tangibly associated with events or living traditions, with ideas, or with beliefs, with artistic and literary works of outstanding universal significance. (The Committee considers that this criterion should preferably be used in conjunction with other criteria);
(vii)contain superlative natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance;
(viii)be outstanding examples representing major stages of earth's history, including the record of life, significant on-going geological processes in the development of landforms, or significant geomorphic or physiographic features;
(ix)be outstanding examples representing significant on-going ecological and biological processes in the evolution and development of terrestrial, fresh water, coastal and marine ecosystems and communities of plants and animals;
(x)contain the most important and significant natural habitats for in-situ conservation of biological diversity, including those containing threatened species of Outstanding Universal Value from the point of view of science or conservation.
78.To be deemed of Outstanding Universal Value, a property must also meet the conditions of integrity and/or authenticity and must have an adequate protection and management system to ensure its safeguarding.

Chapter II.E
Authenticity and/or integrity


79.Properties nominated under criteria (i) to (vi) must meet the conditions of authenticity. Annex 4, which includes the Nara Document on Authenticity, provides a practical basis for examining the authenticity of such properties and is summarized below.
80.The ability to understand the value attributed to the heritage depends on the degree to which information sources about this value may be understood as credible or truthful. Knowledge and understanding of these sources of information, in relation to original and subsequent characteristics of the cultural heritage, and their meaning as accumulated over time, are the requisite bases for assessing all aspects of authenticity.[Decision 39 COM 11]
81.Judgments about value attributed to cultural heritage, as well as the credibility of related information sources, may differ from culture to culture, and even within the same culture. The respect due to all cultures requires that cultural heritage must be considered and judged primarily within the cultural contexts to which it belongs.
82.Depending on the type of cultural heritage, and its cultural context, properties may be understood to meet the conditions of authenticity if their cultural values (as recognized in the nomination criteria proposed) are truthfully and credibly expressed through a variety of attributes including:form and design;materials and substance;use and function;traditions, techniques and management systems;location and setting;language, and other forms of intangible heritage;spirit and feeling; andother internal and external factors
83.Attributes such as spirit and feeling do not lend themselves easily to practical applications of the conditions of authenticity, but nevertheless are important indicators of character and sense of place, for example, in communities maintaining tradition and cultural continuity.
84.The use of all these sources permits elaboration of the specific artistic, historic, social, and scientific dimensions of the cultural heritage being examined. “Information sources” are defined as all physical, written, oral, and figurative sources, which make it possible to know the nature, specificities, meaning, and history of the cultural heritage.
85.When the conditions of authenticity are considered in preparing a nomination for a property, the State Party should first identify all of the applicable significant attributes of authenticity. The statement of authenticity should assess the degree to which authenticity is present in, or expressed by, each of these significant attributes.
86.In relation to authenticity, the reconstruction of archaeological remains or historic buildings or districts is justifiable only in exceptional circumstances. Reconstruction is acceptable only on the basis of complete and detailed documentation and to no extent on conjecture.


87.All properties nominated for inscription on the World Heritage List shall satisfy the conditions of integrity.
88.Integrity is a measure of the wholeness and intactness of the natural and/or cultural heritage and its attributes. Examining the conditions of integrity, therefore requires assessing the extent to which the property:
a)includes all elements necessary to express its Outstanding Universal Value;
b)is of adequate size to ensure the complete representation of the features and processes which convey the property’s significance;
c)suffers from adverse effects of development and/or neglect.
This should be presented in a statement of integrity.
89.For properties nominated under criteria (i) to (vi), the physical fabric of the property and/or its significant features should be in good condition, and the impact of deterioration processes controlled. A significant proportion of the elements necessary to convey the totality of the value conveyed by the property should be included. Relationships and dynamic functions present in cultural landscapes, historic towns or other living properties essential to their distinctive character should also be maintained.[Examples of the application of the conditions of integrity to properties nominated under criteria (i) - (vi) are under development.]
90.For all properties nominated under criteria (vii) - (x), bio-physical processes and landform features should be relatively intact. However, it is recognized that no area is totally pristine and that all natural areas are in a dynamic state, and to some extent involve contact with people. Biological diversity and cultural diversity can be closely linked and interdependent and human activities, including those of traditional societies, local communities and indigenous peoples, often occur in natural areas. These activities may be consistent with the Outstanding Universal Value of the area where they are ecologically sustainable.[Decision 43 COM 11A]
91.In addition, for properties nominated under criteria (vii) to (x), a corresponding condition of integrity has been defined for each criterion.
92.Properties proposed under criterion (vii) should be of Outstanding Universal Value and include areas that are essential for maintaining the beauty of the property. For example, a property whose scenic value depends on a waterfall, would meet the conditions of integrity if it includes adjacent catchment and downstream areas that are integrally linked to the maintenance of the aesthetic qualities of the property.
93.Properties proposed under criterion (viii) should contain all or most of the key interrelated and interdependent elements in their natural relationships. For example, an “ice age” area would meet the conditions of integrity if it includes the snow field, the glacier itself and samples of cutting patterns, deposition and colonization (e.g. striations, moraines, pioneer stages of plant succession, etc.); in the case of volcanoes, the magmatic series should be complete and all or most of the varieties of effusive rocks and types of eruptions be represented.
94.Properties proposed under criterion (ix) should have sufficient size and contain the necessary elements to demonstrate the key aspects of processes that are essential for the long term conservation of the ecosystems and the biological diversity they contain. For example, an area of tropical rain forest would meet the conditions of integrity if it includes a certain amount of variation in elevation above sea level, changes in topography and soil types, patch systems and naturally regenerating patches; similarly a coral reef should include, for example, seagrass, mangrove or other adjacent ecosystems that regulate nutrient and sediment inputs into the reef.
95.Properties proposed under criterion (x) should be the most important properties for the conservation of biological diversity. Only those properties which are the most biologically diverse and/or representative are likely to meet this criterion. The properties should contain habitats for maintaining the most diverse fauna and flora characteristic of the bio-geographic province and ecosystems under consideration. For example, a tropical savannah would meet the conditions of integrity if it includes a complete assemblage of co­evolved herbivores and plants; an island ecosystem should include habitats for maintaining endemic biota; a property containing wide ranging species should be large enough to include the most critical habitats essential to ensure the survival of viable populations of those species; for an area containing migratory species, seasonal breeding and nesting sites, and migratory routes, wherever they are located, should be adequately protected.

Chapter II.F
Protection and management

96.Protection and management of World Heritage properties should ensure that their Outstanding Universal Value, including the conditions of integrity and/or authenticity at the time of inscription, are sustained or enhanced over time. A regular review of the general state of conservation of properties, and thus also their Outstanding Universal Value, shall be done within a framework of monitoring processes for World Heritage properties, as specified within the Operational Guidelines3.3The processes of monitoring specified in the Operational Guidelines are Reactive Monitoring (see paragraphs 169-176) and Periodic Reporting (see paragraphs 199-210).
97.All properties inscribed on the World Heritage List must have adequate long-term legislative, regulatory, institutional and/or traditional protection and management to ensure their safeguarding. This protection should include adequately delineated boundaries. Similarly States Parties should demonstrate adequate protection at the national, regional, municipal, and/or traditional level for the nominated property. They should append appropriate texts to the nomination with a clear explanation of the way this protection operates to protect the nominated property. Information on protection and management should also be included at the stage of the Preliminary Assessment.

Legislative, regulatory and contractual protection measures

98.Legislative and regulatory measures at national and local levels should assure the protection of the property from social, economic and other pressures or changes that might negatively impact the Outstanding Universal Value, including the integrity and/or authenticity of the property. States Parties should also assure the full and effective implementation of such measures.[Decision 39 COM 11]

Boundaries for effective protection

99.The delineation of boundaries is an essential requirement in the establishment of effective protection of nominated properties. Boundaries should be drawn to incorporate all the attributes that convey the Outstanding Universal Value and to ensure the integrity and/or authenticity of the property.[Decision 39 COM 11]
100.For properties nominated under criteria (i) - (vi), boundaries should be drawn to include all those areas and attributes which are a direct tangible expression of the Outstanding Universal Value of the property, as well as those areas which, in the light of future research possibilities, offer potential to contribute to and enhance such understanding.
101.For properties nominated under criteria (vii) - (x), boundaries should reflect the spatial requirements of habitats, species, processes or phenomena that provide the basis for their inscription on the World Heritage List. The boundaries should include sufficient areas immediately adjacent to the area of Outstanding Universal Value in order to protect the property's heritage values from direct effects of human encroachments and impacts of resource use outside of the nominated area.
102.The boundaries of the nominated property may coincide with one or more Decision existing or proposed protected areas, such as national parks or nature reserves, biosphere reserves or protected cultural or historic districts or other areas and territories. While such established areas for protection may contain several management zones, only some of those zones may satisfy requirements for inscription.[Decision 39 COM 11]

Buffer zones

103.Wherever necessary for the proper protection of the property, an adequate buffer zone should be provided.
104.For the purposes of effective protection of the nominated property, a buffer zone is an area surrounding the nominated property which has complementary legal and/or customary restrictions placed on its use and development in order to give an added layer of protection to the property. This should include the immediate setting of the nominated property, important views and other areas or attributes that are functionally important as a support to the property and its protection. The area constituting the buffer zone should be determined in each case through appropriate mechanisms. Details on the size, characteristics and authorized uses of a buffer zone, as well as a map indicating the precise boundaries of the property and its buffer zone, should be provided in the nomination.
105.A clear explanation of how the buffer zone protects the property should also be provided.
106.Where no buffer zone is proposed, the nomination should include a statement as to why a buffer zone is not required.
107.Although buffer zones are not part of the nominated property, any modifications to or creation of buffer zones subsequent to inscription of a property on the World Heritage List should be approved by the World Heritage Committee using the procedure for a minor boundary modification (see paragraph 164 and Annex 11). The creation of buffer zones subsequent to inscription is normally considered to be a minor boundary modification4.4With regards to transnational/transboundary properties, any modification will need the agreement of all States concerned.

Management systems

108.Each nominated property should have an appropriate management plan or other documented management system which must specify how the Outstanding Universal Value of a property should be preserved, preferably through participatory means.
109.The purpose of a management system is to ensure the effective protection of the nominated property for present and future generations.
110.An effective management system depends on the type, characteristics and needs of the nominated property and its cultural and natural context. Management systems may vary according to different cultural perspectives, the resources available and other factors. They may incorporate traditional practices, existing urban or regional planning instruments, and other planning control mechanisms, both formal and informal. Impact assessments for proposed interventions are essential for all World Heritage properties.
111.In recognizing the diversity mentioned above, common elements of an effective management system could include:[Decision 39 COM 11][Decision 43 COM 11A]
a)a thorough shared understanding of the property, its universal, national and local values and its socio-ecological context by all stakeholders, including local communities and indigenous peoples;
b)a respect for diversity, equity, gender equality and human rights and the use of inclusive and participatory planning and stakeholder consultation processes;
c)a cycle of planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and feedback;
d)an assessment of the vulnerabilities of the property to social, economic, environmental and other pressures and changes, including disasters and climate change, as well as the monitoring of the impacts of trends and proposed interventions;
e)the development of mechanisms for the involvement and coordination of the various activities between different partners and stakeholders;
f)the allocation of necessary resources;
g)capacity building;
h)an accountable, transparent description of how the management system functions.
112.Effective management involves a cycle of short, medium and long-term actions to protect, conserve and present the nominated property. An integrated approach to planning and management is essential to guide the evolution of properties over time and to ensure maintenance of all aspects of their Outstanding Universal Value. This approach goes beyond the property to include any buffer zone(s), as well as the wider setting. The wider setting may relate to the property’s topography, natural and built environment, and other elements such as infrastructure, land use patterns, spatial organization, and visual relationships. It may also include related social and cultural practices, economic processes and other intangible dimensions of heritage such as perceptions and associations. Management of the wider setting is related to its role in supporting the Outstanding Universal Value. Its effective management may also contribute to sustainable development, through harnessing the reciprocal benefits for heritage and society.[Decision 39 COM 11][Decision 43 COM 11A]
113.Moreover, in the context of the implementation of the Convention, the World Heritage Committee has established a process of Reactive Monitoring (see Chapter IV) and a process of Periodic Reporting (see Chapter V).
114.In the case of serial properties, whether national or transnational, a management system or mechanisms for ensuring the coordinated management of the separate components are essential and should be documented in the nomination (see Paragraphs 137 -139).
115.[Deleted][Decision 39 COM 11]
116.Where the intrinsic qualities of a nominated site are threatened by human action and yet meet the criteria and the conditions of authenticity or integrity set out in paragraphs 78-95, an action plan outlining the corrective measures required should be submitted with the nomination file. Should the corrective measures submitted by the nominating State Party not be taken within the time proposed by the State Party, the property will be considered by the Committee for delisting in accordance with the procedure adopted by the Committee (see Chapter 1V.C).
117.States Parties are responsible for implementing effective management activities for a World Heritage property. States Parties should do so in close collaboration with property managers, the agency with management authority and other partners, local communities and indigenous peoples, rights-holders and stakeholders in property management, by developing, when appropriate, equitable governance arrangements, collaborative management systems and redress mechanisms.
118.The Committee recommends that States Parties include disaster, climate change and other risk preparedness as an element in their World Heritage site management plans and training strategies.
118bis.Notwithstanding Paragraphs 179 and 180 of the Operational Guidelines, States Parties shall ensure that Environmental Impact Assessments, Heritage Impact Assessments, and/or Strategic Environmental Assessments be carried out as a pre-requisite for development projects and activities that are planned for implementation within or around a World Heritage property. These assessments should serve to identify development alternatives, as well as both potential positive and negative impacts on the Outstanding Universal Value of the property and to recommend mitigation measures against degradation or other negative impacts on the cultural or natural heritage within the property or its wider setting. This will ensure the long-term safeguarding of the Outstanding Universal Value, and the strengthening of heritage resilience to disasters and climate change.

Sustainable use

119.World Heritage properties may sustain biological and cultural diversity and provide ecosystem services and other benefits, which may contribute to environmental and cultural sustainability. Properties may support a variety of ongoing and proposed uses that are ecologically and culturally sustainable and which may enhance the quality of life and well-being of communities concerned. The State Party and its partners must ensure their use is equitable and fully respects the Outstanding Universal Value of the property. For some properties, human use would not be appropriate. Legislation, policies and strategies affecting World Heritage properties should ensure the protection of the Outstanding Universal Value, support the wider conservation of natural and cultural heritage, and promote and encourage the effective, inclusive and equitable participation of the communities, indigenous peoplesand other stakeholders concerned with the property as necessary conditions to its sustainable protection, conservation, management and presentation.[Decision 43 COM 11A]

III – Process for the inscription of properties on the World Heritage List

The Process for the inscription of properties on the World Heritage List starts with the inclusion of a site on the Tentative List (see Section II.C), then there are two phases in the preparation of a nomination, the Preliminary Assessment and the full nomination dossier.

III.A Preparation of nominations

120.Before States Parties begin to prepare a nomination of a site for inscription on the World Heritage List (i.e. before submission of a Preliminary Assessment request and completion of that Assessment), they should become familiar with the nomination cycle (including the requirement for a completed Preliminary Assessment), described in Paragraph 168. It is desirable to carry out initial preparatory work to establish that a site has the potential to justify Outstanding Universal Value, including integrity and/or authenticity, at the earliest stage, possibly well before the development of a full nomination (including a Preliminary Assessment) which could be expensive and time-consuming. Such preparatory work might include the collection of available information on the site, thematic studies, scoping studies on the potential for demonstrating Outstanding Universal Value, including integrity and/or authenticity, or an initial comparative study of the site in its regional or wider global context, including an analysis in the context of the Gap Studies produced by the Advisory Bodies. This work will help to establish the feasibility of a possible nomination and avoid the use of resources in the preparation of nominations that may be unlikely to succeed. States Parties are encouraged to seek upstream advice from the relevant Advisory Body(ies) as well as to contact the World Heritage Centre at the earliest opportunity to seek information and guidance. Before the submission of nominations, States Parties are also encouraged to avoid, through constructive dialogue, as much as feasible, potential issues which may concern other States Parties.[Decision 34 COM 12 (III) Report of the Expert meeting on Upstream Processes to Nominations: Creative Approaches in the Nomination Process” (Phuket: 2010)][Decision 36 COM 13.1][Decision 39 COM 11][Decision 43 COM 11A]

Upstream Process

121.In relation to the nomination of sites for inscription on the World Heritage List, the voluntary “Upstream Process” comprises advice, consultation and analysis that occurs prior to the Preliminary Assessment and the preparation of a nomination dossier and is aimed at reducing the number of nominations that experience significant problems during the evaluation process. The basic principle of the Upstream Process is to enable the Advisory Bodies and the World Heritage Centre to provide guidance and capacity building directly to States Parties, throughout the whole process leading up to the preparation of a possible World Heritage nomination. For the upstream support to be effective, it should be undertaken from the earliest stage in the nomination process, at the moment of the preparation or revision of the States Parties’ Tentative Lists. The Upstream Process can also take place after a site is included on the State Party’s Tentative List (see Paragraphs 62-76), but before any Preliminary Assessment request is submitted. The Upstream Process advice may be desk based, but could involve a site visit and/or holding a workshop.The purpose of the advice given in the context of a nomination is limited to providing guidance on the technical merit of the nomination and the technical framework needed, in order to offer the State(s) Party(ies) the essential tools that enable it(them) to assess the feasibility and/or actions necessary to prepare a possible nomination.The Upstream Process advice provided regarding a site will not prejudge the results of any future Preliminary Assessment.Requests for the Upstream Process shall be submitted by the annual deadline of 31 March, using the official format (Annex 15 of the Operational Guidelines). Should the number of requests exceed the capacity, then the prioritization system as per Paragraph 61 .c) will be applied.

Preliminary Assessment

122.The Preliminary Assessment is a mandatory desk-based process for all sites that may be nominated to the World Heritage List and is undertaken following a request by the relevant State(s) Party(ies). Information included in the Preliminary Assessment request should build on the information provided in the Tentative List and also on any Upstream Process advice and/or Preparatory Assistance and its outcome must be provided at least one year before a full nomination dossier can be submitted by the State(s) Party(ies).In particular:
a)The Preliminary Assessment provides States Parties with an opportunity for enhanced dialogue with the Advisory Bodies, and it will help to establish the feasibility of a potential nomination and avoid the use of resources in the preparation of nominations that may be unlikely to succeed.
b)The Preliminary Assessment provides guidance on the potential of a site to justify Outstanding Universal Value, including integrity and/or authenticity, and, if information is provided, on the requirements for protection and management. The decision to prepare a full nomination dossier, regardless of the outcome of the Preliminary Assessment, will rest with the concerned State(s) Party(ies).
c)States Parties shall submit their Preliminary Assessment request to the World Heritage Centre according to the timetable set in paragraph 168, and using the standard format provided in Annex 3. The request shall be submitted in English or French, in paper and electronic formats (Word and/or PDF format) and in the required number of printed copies (same as for nomination dossiers): 2 identical copies for cultural and natural sites, and 3 identical copies for mixed sites and cultural landscapes.
d)On receipt of Preliminary Assessment requests from States Parties, the Secretariat will acknowledge receipt, check for completeness (in compliance with Annex 3) and register them. The Secretariat will forward, according to the timetable set in paragraph 168, complete Preliminary Assessment requests to the relevant Advisory Body(ies) for desk review. If necessary, the Advisory Body(ies) will request any additional information from the State(s) Party(ies), which should be submitted to the Secretariat. From the commencement of the Preliminary Assessment, the Advisory Body(ies) will initiate a dialogue with the concerned State(s) Party(ies) to establish a point of contact and agree on the process of exchange. States Parties are encouraged to appoint a technical focal point to ensure that dialogue is effective throughout the process, and to ensure that the conclusions of the Preliminary Assessment are communicated to the relevant stakeholders.
e)The Preliminary Assessment will be undertaken by ICOMOS and IUCN on a joint basis whenever relevant, and will be an independent desk review, which will include consultation with expert reviewers. No mission to the site will be undertaken (see Annex 6). Based on available information, the conclusions of the assessment will include an indication of whether the site may have potential to justify Outstanding Universal Value. If so, specific guidance and advice, in the form of recommendations, will be provided to assist the State(s) Party(ies) in the development of the nomination dossier. The Preliminary Assessment Report by the Advisoiy Bodies shall be provided to the State(s) Party(ies) via the Secretariat in one of the two working languages of the Convention.
f)The Preliminary Assessment Report by the Advisory Bodies is relevant for up to 5 years. A new Preliminary Assessment is required if a nomination is not submitted by 1 February on the fifth year following the transmission of the Report to the concerned State(s) Party(ies).
g)A State Party may withdraw a Preliminary Assessment request it has submitted, at any time. In such circumstances, any further consideration of a possible nomination will need to be subject to a new request for a Preliminary Assessment.
h)At each session of the World Heritage Committee, the Secretariat will provide a list of Preliminary Assessments requests received and those undertaken, but will not indicate the guidance given by the Advisoiy Bodies to the concerned State(s) Party(ies) in a completed Preliminary Assessment. However, once a nomination is submitted, the related Preliminary Assessment Report shall be annexed to it.
i)Both Upstream Process and Preliminary Assessment imply guidance at an early stage, prior to the preparation of a nomination, however they are different mechanisms. The Upstream Process is not mandatory. The Preliminary Assessment is a mandatory phase possibly allowing access to the preparation of a nomination dossier. Within an Upstream Process a visit to the site may be possible, while the Preliminary Assessment is carried out exclusively on the basis of a desk review. The Upstream Process may provide general advice, in relation to revision of a Tentative List, while the Preliminary Assessment is undertaken on a single site (whether serial or not) already included on a State Party’s Tentative List. While in general5 the costs of Upstream Process requests are borne by the requesting State(s) Party(ies), the costs of Preliminary Assessments, being part of the nomination process, are included in the related evaluation process (see also Paragraph 168bis). In terms of sequence, Upstream Process advice should precede the Preliminary Assessment.5States Parties exempted: see Decision 41 COM 9A paragraph 14

Participation in the nomination process

123.Effective and inclusive participation in the nomination process of local Decision 39 COM 11 communities, indigenous peoples, governmental, non-governmental and private organizations and other stakeholders is essential to enable them to have a shared responsibility with the State Party in the maintenance of the property. States Parties are encouraged to ensure that Preliminary Assessment requests involve appropriate stakeholders and rights-holders engagement. They are also encouraged to prepare nominations with the widest possible participation of stakeholders and shall demonstrate, as appropriate, that the free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples has been obtained, through, inter alia, making the nominations publicly available in appropriate languages and public consultations and hearings.Where appropriate, States Parties are also encouraged to consult potentially concerned States Parties, including neighbouring States Parties, to promote consensus, collaboration and to celebrate cultural diversity.[Decision 39 COM 11][Decision 43 COM 11A]

Preparatory Assistance for the preparation of nominations

124.Preparatory Assistance, as described in Chapter VILE, may be requested by States Parties for the preparation of nominations, and in evaluating such requests consideration will be given to the outcome of Preliminary Assessments.

Secretariat assistance throughout the nomination process

125.States Parties are encouraged to contact the Secretariat, which can provide assistance throughout the nomination process.
126.The Secretariat can also provide:
a)guidance on mapping and cartographic requirements;
b)examples of successful nominations, of management and legislative provisions;
c)guidance for nominating different types/categories of sites;
d)guidance for nominating serial and transboundary sites (see Paragraphs 134-139).

Deadlines for the submission of draft nominations and nomination dossiers

127.States Parties may submit draft nomination dossiers to the Secretariat for comment and review at any time during the year. However, States Parties are strongly encouraged to transmit to the Secretariat by 30 September of the preceding year (see Paragraph 168), the draft nomination dossiers that they wish to submit by the 1 February deadline. This submission of a draft nomination dossiers should include maps showing the boundaries for the proposed site. Draft nomination dossiers could be submitted either in electronic format or in printed version (only in 1 copy without annexes except for maps). In both cases they should be accompanied by a cover letter.[Decision 37 COM 12.II]
128.Nomination dossiers may be submitted at any time during the year, but only those nomination dossiers that are “complete” (see paragraph 132 and Annex 5) and received by the Secretariat on or before 1 February6 will be considered for inscription on the World Heritage List by the World Heritage Committee during the following year. Only nomination dossiers of sites included in the State Party's Tentative List and which have undergone a complete Preliminary Assessment will be examined by the Committee (see Paragraphs 63, 65 and 122).6If 1 February falls on a weekend, the nomination dossier must be received by 17h00 GMT the preceding Friday.[Decision 37 COM 12.II][Decision 39 COM 11]

Chapter III.B
Format and content of nomination dossiers

129.The nomination dossier is the primary basis on which the Committee considers the inscription of properties on the World Heritage List. All relevant information should be included in the nomination dossier and it should be cross-referenced to the source of information. Nomination dossiers of properties for inscription on the World Heritage List should be prepared in accordance with the format set out in Annex 5.
130.The format includes the following sections:1.Identification of the nominated property2.Description of the nominated property3.Justification for Inscription4.State of conservation and factors affecting the nominated property5.Protection and Management6.Monitoring7.Documentation8.Contact Information of responsible authorities9.Signature on behalf of the State Party(ies)
131.Nomination dossiers to the World Heritage List are evaluated on content rather than on appearance of the dossier or the quantity of annexes.
132.For a nomination dossier to be considered as “complete”, the following requirements (see format in Annex 5, including Explanatory Notes for each section, and Paragraph 128) are to be met:[Decision 37 COM 12.11][Decision 39 COM 11][Decision 43 COM 11A]
Executive SummaryAn Executive Summary shall include essential information (see Annex 5) extracted from the main text of the nomination dossier including a reduced size version of the map(s) indicating the boundaries of the nominated property and of the buffer zone (where appropriate) and the draft Statement of Outstanding Universal Value (the same text presented in Section 3.3 of the main text of the nomination dossier).
1.Identification of the nominated propertyThe boundaries of the nominated property shall be clearly defined, unambiguously distinguishing between the nominated property and any buffer zone (when present) (see Paragraphs 103-107). Maps shall be sufficiently detailed to determine precisely which area of land and/or water is nominated. Officially up-to-date published topographic maps of the State Party annotated to show the nominated property boundaries and any bufferzone (when present) shall be provided if available in printed version. A nomination dossier shall be considered “incomplete” if it does not include clearly defined boundaries.
2.Description of the nominated propertyThe Description of the nominated property shall include the identification of the nominated property and an overview of its history and development. All component parts that are mapped shall be identified and described. In particular, where serial properties are nominated, each of the component parts shall be clearly described.The History and Development of the nominated property shall describe how the nominated property has reached its present form and the significant changes that it has undergone. This information shall provide the important facts needed to support and give substance to the argument that the nominated property meets the criteria of Outstanding Universal Value and conditions of integrity and/or authenticity.
3.Justification for inscriptionThis section must make clear why the nominated property is considered to be of Outstanding Universal Value.The text in sections from 3.1.a to 3.1.e should contain more detailed information to support the text of the proposed Statement of Outstanding Universal Value (section 3.3).Section 3.1.b. shall indicate the World Heritage criteria (see Paragraph 77) under which the nominated property is proposed, together with a clearly stated argument for the use of each criterion. Statements of integrity and (when cultural criteria are proposed) of authenticity shall be included and shall demonstrate how the nominated property satisfies the conditions outlined in Paragraphs 78-95.In section 3.2, a comparative analysis of the nominated property in relation to similar properties, whether or not on the World Heritage List, both at the national and international levels, shall be provided. The comparative analysis shall explain the importance of the nominated property in its national and international context.In section 3.3, a proposed Statement of Outstanding Universal Value (see Paragraphs 49-53 and 155) of the nominated property prepared by the State Party shall make clear why the property is considered to merit inscription on the World Heritage List.[The comparative analyses prepared by States Parties when nominating properties for inscription in the World Heritage List should not be confused with the thematic studies prepared by the Advisory Bodies at the request of the Committee (paragraph 148 below)][Decision 7 EXT.COM 4A]
4.State of conservation and factors affecting the nominated propertyThis section shall include accurate information on the present state of conservation of the nominated property (including information on its physical condition of the property and conservation measures in place). It shall also include a description of the factors affecting the nominated property (including threats). Information provided in this section constitutes the baseline data which are necessary to monitor the state of conservation of the nominated property in the future.
5.Protection and management
Protection:Section 5 shall include the list of the legislative, regulatory, contractual, planning, institutional and/or traditional measures most relevant to the protection of the nominated property and provide a detailed analysis of the way in which this protection actually operates. Legislative, regulatory, contractual planning and/or institutional texts, or an abstract of the texts, shall also be attached in English or French.
Management:An appropriate management plan or other management system is essential and shall be provided in the nomination dossier. Assurances of the effective implementation of the management plan or other management system are also expected. Sustainable development principles should be integrated into the management system, for all types of natural, cultural and mixed nominated properties, including their buffer zones and wider setting.A copy of the management plan or documentation of the management system shall be annexed to the nomination dossier. If the management plan exists only in a language other than English or French, an English or French detailed description of its provisions shall be annexed.A detailed analysis or explanation of the management plan or a documented management system shall be provided in Section 5.e of the nomination dossier.A nomination dossier which does not include the above-mentioned documents is considered incomplete unless other documents guiding the management of the nominated property until the finalization of the management plan are provided.
6.MonitoringStates Parties shall include the key indicators in place and/or proposed to measure and assess the state of conservation of the nominated property, the factors affecting it, conservation measures at the nominated property, the periodicity of their examination, and the identity of the responsible authorities.
7.DocumentationAll documentation necessary to substantiate the nomination dossier shall be provided. In addition to what is indicated above, this shall include a) images of a quality suitable for printing (digital photographs at 300 dpi minimum, and if essential, supplementary film, video or other audio visual material); and b) image/audiovisual inventory and authorization form (see Annex 5, point 7.a). The main text of the nomination dossier shall be transmitted in printed form as well as in electronic format (Word and/or PDF format preferred).
8.Contact information of responsible authoritiesDetailed contact information of responsible authorities shall be provided.
9.Signature on behalf of the State PartyThe main text of the nomination dossier shall conclude with the original signature of the official empowered to sign it on behalf of the State Party.
10.Number of printed copies required (including annexed maps)Nomination dossiers of cultural and natural properties (excluding cultural landscapes): 2 identical copiesNomination dossiers of mixed properties and cultural landscapes: 3 identical copies
11.Paper and electronic formatsNomination dossiers shall be presented on A4-size paper and in electronic format (Word and/or PDF format). A nomination dossier shall not be considered submitted until its paper format is received by the Secretariat.
12.SendingStates Parties shall submit the nomination dossiers in English or French duly signed, to:UNESCO World Heritage Centre7, place de Fontenoy75352 - Paris 07 SPFranceTel:+33 (0) 1 4568 1104E-mail:
133.The Secretariat will retain all supporting documentation (maps, plans, photographic material, etc.) submitted with the nomination dossier.

Chapter III.C
Requirements for nomination of different types of nominated properties

Nominated transboundary properties

134.A nominated property may be located:[Decision 7 EXT.COM 4A]
a)on the territory of a single State Party, or
b)on the territory of all concerned States Parties having adjacent borders (nominated transboundary property).
135.Wherever possible, nomination dossiers of transboundary sites should be prepared (see Annex 2B) and submitted by States Parties jointly in conformity with Article 11.3 of the Convention. The States Parties concerned shall establish a joint management committee or similar body to oversee the management of the whole nominated transboundary property.
136.Extensions to an existing World Heritage property located in one State Party may be proposed to become a transboundary property, with the consent of the State Party on the territory of which the existing World Heritage property is located.

Nominated serial properties

137.Nominated serial property includes two or more component parts related by clearly defined links:
a)Component parts should reflect cultural, social or functional links over time that provide, where relevant, landscape, ecological, evolutionary or habitat connectivity.
b)Each component part should contribute to the Outstanding Universal Value of the nominated property as a whole in a substantial, scientific, readily defined and discernible way, and may include, inter alia, intangible attributes. The resulting Outstanding Universal Value should be easily understood and communicated.
c)Consistently, and in order to avoid an excessive fragmentation of component parts, the process of nomination of the property, including the selection of the component parts, should take fully into account the overall manageability and coherence of the nominated property (see Paragraph 114).
and provided the series as a whole - and not necessarily its individual component parts-is of Outstanding Universal Value.
138.A serial nominated property may occur:[Decision 7 EXT.COM 4A]
a)on the territory of a single State Party (nominated serial national property): or
b)within the territory of different States Parties, which need not be contiguous and is nominated with the consent of all States Parties concerned (nominated serial transnational property).
138bis.The States Parties concerned shall establish a joint management committee or similar body to oversee the management of the whole of a nominated serial transnational property (see Paragraph 114). Extension to an existing World Heritage property located in one State Party may be proposed to become a transnational property, with the consent of the State Party on the territory of which the existing World Heritage property is located.
139.States Parties planning a group of transnational serial nomination dossiers Decision 41 COM 8B 50 linked by the same unifying cultural and/or natural concept and phased over different cycles are encouraged to prepare an agreed nomination strategy before their official submission, in order to inform the Committee of their intentions and to ensure better planning. In such cases, the nomination strategy should be discussed at the Preliminary Assessment stage and annexed to the subsequent nomination dossiers.[Decision 41 COM 8B.50]

Chapter III.D
Registration of nomination dossiers

140.On receipt of nomination dossiers from States Parties, the Secretariat will acknowledge receipt, check for completeness and register them. The Secretariat will forward complete nomination dossiers to the relevant Advisory Bodies for evaluation. The Secretariat will also make available the electronic format of the main text of the nomination dossiers on the World Heritage Centre’s website. If necessary, the Advisory Bodies will request additional information from the State(s) Party(ies), which will be submitted to and registered by the World Heritage Centre. The timetable for registration and processing of nomination dossiers is detailed in Paragraph 168.[Decision 39 COM 11][Decision 18 EXT.COM 4]
141.The Secretariat establishes and submits at each Committee session a list of all nomination dossiers received, including the date of reception, an indication of their status “complete” or “incomplete”, as well as the date at which they are considered as "complete" in conformity with paragraphs 128, 132 and Annex 5.[Decisions 26 COM 14][Decision 28 COM 14B.57][Decision 39 COM 11]
142.A nomination dossier passes through a cycle between the time of its submission and the decision by the World Heritage Committee. This cycle normally lasts one and a half years between submission in February of Year 1 and the decision of the Committee in June/July of Year 2.

Chapter III.E
Evaluation of nomination dossiers by the Advisory Bodies

143.The Advisory Bodies will evaluate whether or not properties nominated by States Parties have Outstanding Universal Value, meet the conditions of integrity and (when relevant) of authenticity and meet the requirements of protection and management. The procedures and format of ICOMOS and IUCN evaluations are described in Annex 6.
144.Evaluations of cultural heritage nomination dossiers will be carried out by ICOMOS.
145.Evaluations of natural heritage nomination dossiers will be carried out by IUCN.
146.In the case of nomination dossiers of cultural properties in the category of “cultural landscapes”, the evaluation will be carried out by ICOMOS in consultation with IUCN, as appropriate. For mixed properties, the evaluation will be carried out jointly by ICOMOS and IUCN.
147.As requested by the World Heritage Committee or as necessary, ICOMOS and IUCN will carry out thematic studies to evaluate potential nominated properties in their regional, global or thematic context. These studies should be informed by a review of the Tentative Lists submitted by States Parties and by reports of meetings on the harmonization of Tentative Lists, as well as by other technical studies performed by the Advisory Bodies and qualified organizations and individuals. A list of those studies already completed may be found on the Web addresses of the Advisory Bodies. These studies should not be confused with the comparative analysis to be prepared by States Parties in nominating properties for inscription on the World Heritage List (see Paragraph 132).
148.The following principles must guide the evaluations and presentations of ICOMOS and IUCN. The evaluations and presentations should:[Decision 28 COM 14B.57][Decision 30 COM 13][Decision 39 COM 11]
a)adhere to the World Heritage Convention and the relevant Operational Guidelines and any additional policies set out by the Committee in its decisions;
b)be objective, rigorous and scientific including in considering all information provided to the Advisory Bodies regarding a nomination;
c)be conducted to a consistent standard of professionalism, equity and transparency throughout the evaluation process in consultation and dialogue with nominating States Parties;
d)comply to standard format, both for evaluations and presentations, to be agreed with the Secretariat and include the names of all experts who participated in the evaluation process, except desk reviewers who provide confidential reviews, and, in an annex, a detailed breakdown of all costs and expenses related to the evaluation;
e)involve regional experts familiar with the subject;
f)indicate clearly and separately whether the property has Outstanding Universal Value, meets the conditions of integrity and/or authenticity, a management plan/system and legislative protection;
g)evaluate each property systematically according to all relevant criteria, including its state of conservation, relatively, that is, by comparison with that of other properties of the same type, both inside and outside the State Party's territory;
h)consider previous Upstream Process advice, if provided, and the outcome of the Preliminary Assessment and include references to Committee decisions and requests concerning the nomination under consideration;
i)not take into account or include any information submitted by the State Party after 28 February, in the year in which the nomination is considered. The State Party should be informed when information has arrived after the deadline and is not being taken into account in the evaluation. This deadline should be rigorously enforced; and
j)provide a justification for their views through a list of references (literature) consulted, as appropriate.
149.The Advisory Bodies are requested to forward to States Parties, with copy to the World Heritage Centre for distribution to the Chair of the World Heritage Committee, by 31 January of each year, a short interim report outlining the status and any issues relevant to evaluations, and detailing any requests for supplementary information, in one of the two working languages of the Convention.[Decision 7 EXT.COM 4B.1][Decision 39 COM 11]
150.Letters from the concerned States Parties, submitted in the appropriate form in Annex 12, detailing the factual errors that might have been identified in the evaluation of their nomination made by the Advisory Bodies, must be received by the World Heritage Centre no later than 14 days before the opening of the session of the Committee with copies to the relevant Advisory Bodies. The letters shall be made available as an annex to the documents for the relevant agenda item, and no later than the first day of the Committee session. The World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies may add their comments to the letters, in the relevant section of the form, before they are made available.[Decision 7 EXT.COM 4B.1][Decision 37 COM 12.II]
151.ICOMOS and IUCN make their recommendations under three categories:
a)properties which are recommended for inscription without reservation;
b)properties which are not recommended for inscription;
c)nominations which are recommended for referral or deferral.

Chapter III.F
Withdrawal of nominations

152.A State Party may withdraw a nomination it has submitted at any time prior to the Committee session at which it is scheduled to be examined. The State Party should inform the Secretariat in writing of its intention to withdraw the nomination. If the State Party so wishes it can resubmit a nomination for the site, which will be considered as a new nomination according to the procedures and timetable outlined in paragraph 168.
152bis.In the case of transnational/transboundary nominations, if one or more nominating State(s) Party(ies) inform the Secretariat in writing of its/their intention to withdraw all the component parts or the whole area of the site situated on its/their territory(ies), the Secretariat shall immediately notify all the other nominating State(s) Party(ies) and the nomination process for the site in its entirety shall be considered concluded. If the State(s) Party(ies) so wish it/they can resubmit a nomination for the site, which will be considered as a new nomination according to the procedures and timetable outlined in Paragraph 168.

Chapter III.G
Decision of the World Heritage Committee

153.The World Heritage Committee decides whether a property should or should not be inscribed on the World Heritage List, referred or deferred.


154.When deciding to inscribe a property on the World Heritage List, the Committee, guided by the Advisory Bodies, adopts a Statement of Outstanding Universal Value for the property.
155.The Statement of Outstanding Universal Value should include a summary of the Committee's determination that the property has Outstanding Universal Value, identifying the criteria under which the property was inscribed, including the assessments of the conditions of integrity, and, for cultural and mixed properties, authenticity. It should also include a statement on the protection and management in force and the requirements for protection and management for the future. The Statement of Outstanding Universal Value shall be the basis for the future protection and management of the property.[Decision 39 COM 11]Where necessary, the protection and management part of the Statement of Outstanding Universal Value may be updated by the World Heritage Committee, in consultation with the State Party and further to a review by the Advisory Bodies. Such updates could be made periodically further to the outcomes of Periodic Reporting cycles, or at any Committee session, if required.The World Heritage Centre will automatically keep the Statements of Outstanding Universal Value updated further to subsequent decisions taken by the Committee concerning a change of name of the property and change of surface further to minor boundary modifications and correct any factual errors as agreed with the relevant Advisory Bodies.In the framework of the Gender Equality Priority of UNESCO, the use of gender-neutral language in the preparation of Statements of Outstanding Universal Value is encouraged.
156.At the time of inscription, the Committee may also make other recommendations concerning the protection and management of the World Heritage property.
157.The Statement of Outstanding Universal Value (including the criteria for which a specific property is inscribed on the World Heritage List) will be set out by the Committee in its reports and publications.

Decision not to inscribe

158.If the Committee decides that a property should not be inscribed on the World Heritage List, the nomination may not be presented to the Committee again except in exceptional circumstances. These exceptional circumstances may include new discoveries, new scientific information about the property, or different criteria not presented in the original nomination. In these cases, a new nomination shall be submitted.

Referral of nominations

159.Nominations which the Committee decides to refer back to the State Party for additional information may be resubmitted to the following Committee session for examination. Referral means that the requested additional information is necessary to determine the Outstanding Universal Value of the nominated property, which only occurs at the time a property is inscribed on the World Heritage List (see Paragraph 154). The referral procedure does not involve a mission to the site by the Advisory Body(ies) and it shall not involve change to criteria nor substantial change of area(s)/component(s) from those proposed in the original nomination dossier. In the referral procedure there is no submission of a new nomination dossier and the additional information that reactivates the referred nomination must be received by the Secretariat by 1 February7 of the year in which examination by the Committee is desired. The Secretariat will immediately transmit it to the relevant Advisory Bodies for evaluation. A referred nomination which is not presented to the Committee within three years of the original Committee decision will be considered as a new nomination when it is resubmitted for examination, following the procedures and timetable outlined in paragraph 168. States Parties might seek advice from the relevant Advisory Body(ies) and/or the World Heritage Centre to discuss how the recommendations of the Committee might be addressed.7If 1 February falls on a weekend, the nomination dossier must be received by 17h00 GMT the preceding Friday.[Decision 39 COM 11]

Deferral of nominations

160.The Committee may decide to defer a nomination for more in-depth assessment or study, or a substantial revision by the State Party. Should the State Party decide to resubmit the deferred nomination in any subsequent year, it must be received by the Secretariat by 1 February8. This resubmission shall not be subject to Preliminary Assessment, unless the Committee decides otherwise. These nominations will then be reevaluated (evaluated again) by the relevant Advisory Bodies during the course of the full year and a half evaluation cycle including an evaluation mission according to the procedures and timetable outlined in paragraph 168. States Parties are encouraged to seek advice from the relevant Advisory Body and/or the World Heritage Centre to discuss how the recommendations of the Committee might be addressed. Where required, the States Parties may wish to consider inviting an Advisory mission.8If 1 February falls on a weekend, the nomination dossier must be received by 17h00 GMT the preceding Friday.[Decision 39 COM 11]

Chapter III.H
Nomination dossiers to be processed on an emergency basis

161.The normal timetable and definition of completeness for the submission and processing of nomination dossiers will not apply in the case of properties which would be in Danger, as a result of having suffered damage or facing serious and specific dangers from natural events or human activities, which would constitute an emergency situation for which an immediate decision by the Committee is necessary to ensure their safeguarding, and which, according to the report of the relevant Advisory Bodies, may unquestionably justify Outstanding Universal Value. Such nominations will be processed on an emergency basis and their examination is included in the agenda of the next Committee session. These properties may be inscribed on the World Heritage List. They shall, in that case, be simultaneously inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger (see Paragraphs 177-191).[Decision 37 COM 12.11]
162.The procedure for nomination dossiers to be processed on an emergency Decision 37 COM 12.11 basis is as follows:
a)A State Party presents a nomination dossier with the request for processing on an emergency basis. The State Party shall have already included, or immediately include, the site on its Tentative List.
b)The nomination dossier shall:
i)describe the nominated property and identify precisely its boundaries;
ii)justify its Outstanding Universal Value according to the criteria;
iii)justify its integrity and/or authenticity;
iv)describe its protection and management system;
v)describe the nature of the emergency, and the nature and extent of the damage or specific danger and show that immediate action by the Committee is necessary to ensure the safeguarding of the nominated property.
c)The Secretariat immediately transmits the nomination dossier to the relevant Advisory Bodies, requesting an assessment of the qualities of the nominated property which may justify its Outstanding Universal Value, of the nature of the danger and the urgency of a decision by the Committee. A field visit may be necessary if the relevant Advisory Bodies consider it appropriate and if the time allows.
d)When reviewing the nomination dossier, the Committee will also consider:
vi)allocation of International Assistance to complete the nomination dossier; and
vii)follow-up missions as necessary by the Secretariat and the relevant Advisory Bodies as soon as possible after inscription to fulfil the Committee's recommendations.

Chapter III.I
Modifications to the boundaries, to the criteria used to justify inscription or to the name of a World Heritage property

Minor modifications to the boundaries

163.A minor modification is one which does not have a significant impact on the extent of the property nor affects its Outstanding Universal Value.
164.If a State Party wishes to request a minor modification to the boundaries of a property already on the World Heritage List, it must be prepared in compliance with the format of Annex 11 and must be received by 1 February9 by the Committee through the Secretariat, which will seek the evaluation of the relevant Advisory Bodies on whether this can be considered a minor modification or not. The Secretariat shall then submit the Advisory Bodies’ evaluation to the World Heritage Committee. The Committee may approve such a modification, or it may consider that the modification to the boundary is sufficiently significant as to constitute a significant boundary modification of the property, in which case the procedure for new nominations will apply.9If 1 February falls on a weekend, the nomination dossier must be received by 171100 GMT the preceding Friday.[Decision 39 COM 11]

Significant modifications to the boundaries

165.If a State Party wishes to significantly modify the boundaries of a property already on the World Heritage List, the State Party shall submit this proposal as if it was a new nomination, including the requirement to be previously included on the Tentative List (see Paragraphs 63 and 65), and having undergone a Preliminary Assessment (see Paragraph 122). The requirement to undergo a Preliminary Assessment shall be disregarded when the Committee explicitly encourages in a decision a significant boundary modification not involving modifications to the criteria. This nomination dossier shall be presented by 1 February10 and will be evaluated in the full year and a half cycle of evaluation according to the procedures and timetable outlined in Paragraph 168. This provision applies to extensions, as well as reductions.10If 1 February falls on a weekend, the nomination dossier must be received by 17h00 GMT the preceding Friday.[Decision 39 COM 11]

Modifications to the criteria used to justify inscription on the World Heritage List

166.Where a State Party wishes to have the property inscribed under additional, fewer or different criteria other than those used for the original inscription, it shall submit this request as if it was a new nomination, including the requirement to be previously included on the Tentative List (see Paragraphs 63 and 65), and having undergone a Preliminary Assessment (see Paragraph 122). This nomination must be received by 1 February11 and will be evaluated in the full year and a half cycle of evaluation according to the procedures and timetable outlined in Paragraph 168. Properties recommended will only be evaluated under the new criteria and will remain on the World Heritage List even if unsuccessful in having additional criteria recognized.11If 1 February falls on a weekend, the nomination dossier must be received by 17h00 GMT the preceding Friday.[Decision 39 COM 11]

Modification to the name of a World Heritage property

167.A State Party 12may request that the Committee authorize a modification to the name of a property already inscribed on the World Heritage List. A request for a modification to the name along with a short justification shall be received by the Secretariat at least 3 months prior to the meeting of the Committee.12In case of transnational/transboundary properties, any modification will need the agreement of all States Parties concerned.

Chapter III.J
Timetable - overview


Preliminary Assessment Phase

[Decision 39 COM 11]
15 September (Year 1)Deadline by which complete Preliminary Assessment requests must be received in printed format by the Secretariat to be transmitted to the relevant Advisory Bodies for review (see Paragraph 122.c). Preliminary Assessment requests shall be received by 17h00 GMT, or, if the date falls on a weekend by 17h00 GMT the preceding Friday. Preliminary Assessment requests received after this date will be examined in a future cycle.
15 October (Year 1)Deadline by which the Secretariat acknowledges receipt of a Preliminary Assessment request and informs the State Party whether it is considered complete. Preliminary Assessment requests that are not complete (see Annex 3) will not be transmitted to the relevant Advisory Body(ies) for review. If a Preliminary Assessment request is incomplete, the State Party concerned will be advised of information required to complete it by the deadline of 15 September of the following year. Preliminary Assessment requests that are complete are transmitted to the relevant Advisory Body(ies) for assessment.
October (Year 1) - September (Year 2)Desk review by the Advisory Body(ies). If necessary, the Advisory Body(ies) will request any additional information from the State(s) Party(ies), which should be submitted to the Secretariat.
1 October (Year 2)The relevant Advisory Bodies deliver their assessments to the Secretariat for transmission to the concerned States Parties.
[The years concerning the Preliminary Assessment Phase and the Nomination Dossier Phase are not consecutive. A minimum of 12 months shall occur between reception of the Preliminary Assessment outcome and the submission of the related Nomination Dossier.]

Nomination Dossier Phase

30 September (before Year 1)Voluntary deadline for receipt of draft nomination dossiers from States Parties by the Secretariat.
15 November (before Year 1)Secretariat to respond to the nominating State Party with comments and review of the draft nomination dossier indicating missing information required and corrections to make.
1 February Year 1Deadline by which complete nomination dossiers must be received in printed format by the Secretariat to be transmitted to the relevant Advisory Bodies for evaluation (see Paragraph 132). Nomination dossiers shall be received by 17h00 GMT, or, if the date falls on a weekend by 17h00 GMT the preceding Friday. Nomination dossiers received after this date will be examined in a future cycle.
1 February -1 March Year 1Registration, assessment of completeness and transmission to the relevant Advisory Bodies The Secretariat registers each nomination dossier, acknowledges receipt to the nominating State Party and inventories its contents. The Secretariat will inform the nominating State Party whether or not the nomination dossier is complete. Nomination dossiers that are not complete (see paragraph 132) will not be transmitted to the relevant Advisory Bodies for evaluation. If a nomination dossier is incomplete, the State Party concerned will be advised of information required to complete the nomination dossier by the deadline of 1 February of the following year in order for the nomination dossier to be examined in a future cycle. Nomination dossiers that are complete are transmitted to the relevant Advisory Bodies for evaluation. The Secretariat will also make available the electronic format of the text of the nomination dossiers on the World Heritage Centre’s website.
1 March Year 1Deadline by which the Secretariat informs the State Party of the receipt of a nomination dossier, whether it is considered complete and whether it has been received by 1 February.
March Year 1 - May Year 2Evaluation by the Advisory Bodies
31 January Year 2The Advisory Bodies are requested to forward to States Parties, with copy to the World Heritage Centre for distribution to the Chair of the World Heritage Committee, by 31 January of Year 2 a short interim report outlining the status of and any issues relevant to evaluations, and detailing any requests for supplementary information, in one of the two working languages of the Convention.
28 February Year 2Deadline by which additional information requested by the relevant Advisory Bodies shall be submitted by the State Party to them via the Secretariat. Additional information shall be submitted in the same number of copies and electronic formats as specified in Paragraph 132 to the Secretariat. To avoid confusing new and old texts, if the additional information submitted concerns changes to the main text of the nomination dossier, the State Party shall submit these changes in an amended version of the original text. The changes shall be clearly identified. An electronic version of this new text shall accompany the paper version.
Six weeks prior to the annual World Heritage Committee session Year 2The relevant Advisory Bodies deliver their evaluations and recommendations to the Secretariat for transmission to the World Heritage Committee as well as to States Parties.
At least 14 days before the opening of the annual World Heritage Committee session Year 2Correction of factual errors by States Parties. The concerned States Parties can send, at least 14 days before the opening of the session of the Committee, a letter to the Chairperson, with copies to the Advisory Bodies, detailing the factual errors they might have identified in the evaluation of their nomination dossier made by the Advisory Bodies.
Annual session of the World Heritage Committee (June/July) Year 2The Committee examines the nomination dossiers and makes its decisions.
Immediately following the annual session of the World Heritage CommitteeNotification to the States PartiesThe Secretariat notifies all States Parties whose nomination dossiers have been examined by the Committee of the relevant decisions of the Committee. Following the decision of the World Heritage Committee to inscribe a property on the World Heritage List, the Secretariat writes to the State Party and site managers providing a map of the area inscribed and the Statement of Outstanding Universal Value.
Immediately following the annual session of the World Heritage CommitteeThe Secretariat publishes the updated World Heritage List every year following the annual session of the Committee The name of the States Parties having nominated the properties inscribed on the World Heritage List are presented in the published form of the List under the following heading: “Contracting State having submitted the nomination of the property in accordance with the Convention".
In the month following the closure of the annual session of the World Heritage CommitteeThe Secretariat forwards the published report of all the decisions of the World Heritage Committee to all States Parties.

Chapter III.K
Financing of evaluation of nominations

168bis.States Parties submitting new nomination dossiers are expected to make voluntary contributions towards funding evaluation of nominations by the Advisory Bodies, taking into account the average costs of evaluations as indicated by the Secretariat in the document related to the World Heritage Fund presented at each Committee session. The same principle applies to the submission of Preliminary Assessment requests. The modalities are as follows:[Decision 43 COM 11A][Decision 43 COM 14]
a)The contributions shall be made to a dedicated sub-account of the World Heritage Fund;
b)No contributions would be expected from Least Developed Countries or Low-Income Economies (as defined by the United Nations Economic and Social Council's Committee for Development Policy), Lower Middle-Income Countries as defined by the World Bank, Small Island Developing States and States Parties in conflict or post-conflict situations;
c)The contributions arc expected to be made after the Preliminary Assessment or the nomination dossier enters the evaluation cycle upon a positive outcome of the completeness check;
d)This mechanism shall not impact the objective evaluation of sites by the Advisory Bodies, nor the order of priority as defined in the Operational Guidelines to be used when handling nominations.

IV – Process for monitoring the state of conservation of World Heritage Properties

Chapter IV.A
Reactive Monitoring

Definition of Reactive Monitoring

169.Reactive Monitoring is the reporting by the Secretariat, other sectors of UNESCO and the Advisory Bodies to the Committee on the state of Decision 39 COM 11 conservation of specific World Heritage properties that are under threat. To this end, the States Parties shall submit specific reports and impact studies each time exceptional circumstances occur or work is undertaken which may have an impact on the Outstanding Universal Value of the property or its state of conservation.[Decision 39 COM 11]Reactive Monitoring is also foreseen in reference to properties inscribed, or to be inscribed, on the List of World Heritage in Danger as set out in paragraphs 177-191. Reactive Monitoring is also foreseen in the procedures for the eventual deletion of properties from the World Heritage List as set out in paragraphs 192-198.These reports shall be submitted to the World Heritage Committee through the Secretariat, using the standard format in Annex 13, in English or French:
a)by 1 December of the year preceding the examination of the property by the Committee, for the properties inscribed on the World Heritage List,
b)by 1 February of the year of examination of the property by the Committee, for the properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger, and for specific cases of utmost urgency.

Objective of Reactive Monitoring

170.When adopting the process of Reactive Monitoring, the Committee was particularly concerned that all possible measures should be taken to prevent the deletion of any property from the List and was ready to offer technical cooperation as far as possible to States Parties in this connection.[Article 4 of the Convention:
"Each State Party to this Convention recognizes that the duty of ensuring the identification, protection, conservation, presentation and transmission to future generations of the cultural and natural heritage referred to in Articles 1 and 2 and situated on its territory, belongs primarily to that State...".]
171.The Committee recommends that States Parties cooperate with the Advisory Bodies which have been asked by the Committee to carry out monitoring and reporting on its behalf on the progress of work undertaken for the preservation of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List.

Information received from States Parties and/or other sources

172.The World Heritage Committee invites the States Parties to the Convention to inform the Committee, through the Secretariat, of their intention to undertake or to authorize in an area protected under the Convention major restorations or new constructions which may affect the Outstanding Universal Value of the property. Notice should be given as soon as possible (for instance, before drafting basic documents for specific projects) and before making any decisions that would be difficult to reverse, so that the Committee may assist in seeking appropriate solutions to ensure that the Outstanding Universal Value of the property is fully preserved.
173.The World Heritage Committee requests that reports of missions to review the state of conservation of the World Heritage properties include:[Decision 27 COM 7B.106]
a)an indication of threats or significant improvement in the conservation of the property since the last report to the World Heritage Committee;
b)any follow-up to previous decisions of the World Heritage Committee on the state of conservation of the property;
c)information on any threat or damage to or loss of Outstanding Universal Value, integrity and/or authenticity for which the property was inscribed on the World Heritage List.
174.When the Secretariat receives information that a property inscribed has seriously deteriorated, or that the necessary corrective measures have not been taken within the time proposed, from a source other than the State Party concerned, it will, as far as possible, verify the source and the contents of the information in consultation with the State Party concerned and request its comments.

Decision by the World Heritage Committee

175.The Secretariat will request the relevant Advisory Bodies to forward comments on the information received.
176.The information received, together with the comments of the State Party and the Advisory Bodies, will be brought to the attention of the Committee in the form of a state of conservation report for each property, which may take one or more of the following steps:[Decision 39 COM 11][Decision 43 COM 11A]
a)it may decide that the property has not seriously deteriorated and that no further action should be taken;
b)when the Committee considers that the property has seriously deteriorated, but not to the extent that its restoration is impossible, it may decide that the property be maintained on the List, provided that the State Party takes the necessary measures to restore the property within a reasonable period of time. The Committee may also decide that technical cooperation be provided under the World Heritage Fund for work connected with the restoration of the property, proposing to the State Party to request such assistance, if it has not already been done; in some circumstances States Parties may wish to invite an Advisory mission by the relevant Advisory Body(ies) or other organization(s) or expert(s) to seek advice on necessary measures to reverse deterioration and address threats;
c)when the requirements and criteria set out in Paragraphs 177-182 are met, the Committee may decide to inscribe the property on the List of World Heritage in Danger according to the procedures set out in Paragraphs 183-189;
d)when there is evidence that the property has deteriorated to the point where it has irretrievably lost those characteristics which determined its inscription on the List, the Committee may decide to delete the property from the List. Before any such action is taken, the Secretariat will inform the State Party concerned. Any comments which the State Party may make will be brought to the attention of the Committee;
e)when the information available is not sufficient to enable the Committee to take one of the measures described in a), b), c) or d) above, the Committee may decide that the Secretariat be authorized to take the necessary action to ascertain, in consultation with the State Party concerned, the present condition of the property, the dangers to the property and the feasibility of adequately restoring the property. Such measures may include the sending of a Reactive Monitoring mission or the consultation of specialists, or through an Advisory mission. The Secretariat shall report to the Committee on the results of its action. In case an emergency action is required, the Committee may authorize its financing from the World Heritage Fund through an emergency assistance request.

Chapter IV.B
The List of World Heritage in Danger

Guidelines for the inscription of properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger

177.In accordance with Article 11, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Committee may inscribe a property on the List of World Heritage in Danger when the following requirements are met:
a)the property under consideration is on the World Heritage List;
b)the property is threatened by serious and specific danger;
c)major operations are necessary for the conservation of the property;
d)assistance under the Convention has been requested for the property; the Committee is of the view that its assistance in certain cases may most effectively be limited to messages of its concern, including the message sent by inscription of a property on the List of World Heritage in Danger and that such assistance may be requested by any Committee member or the Secretariat.

Criteria for the inscription of properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger

178.A World Heritage property - as defined in Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention - can be inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger by the Committee when it finds that the condition of the property corresponds to at least one of the criteria in either of the two cases described below.
179.In the case of cultural properties:
a)ASCERTAINED DANGER - The property is faced with specific and proven imminent danger, such as:
i)serious deterioration of materials;
ii)serious deterioration of structure and/or ornamental features;
iii)serious deterioration of architectural or town-planning coherence;
iv)serious deterioration of urban or rural space, or the natural environment;
v)significant loss of historical authenticity;
vi)important loss of cultural significance.
b)POTENTIAL DANGER - The property is faced with threats which could have deleterious effects on its inherent characteristics. Such threats are, for example:
i)modification of juridical status of the property diminishing the degree of its protection;
ii)lack of conservation policy;
iii)threatening effects of regional planning projects;
iv)threatening effects of town planning;
v)outbreak or threat of armed conflict;
vi)threatening impacts of climatic, geological or other environmental factors
180.In the case of natural properties:[Decision 39 COM 11]
a)ASCERTAINED DANGER The property is faced with specific and proven imminent danger, such as:
i)A serious decline in the population of the endangered species or the other species of Outstanding Universal Value for which the property was legally established to protect, either by natural factors such as disease or by human-made factors such as poaching.
ii)Severe deterioration of the natural beauty or scientific value of the property, as by human settlement, construction of reservoirs which flood important parts of the property, industrial and agricultural development including use of pesticides and fertilizers, major public works, mining, pollution, logging, firewood collection, etc.
iii)Human encroachment on boundaries or in upstream areas which threaten the integrity of the property.
b)POTENTIAL DANGER The property is faced with major threats which could have deleterious effects on its inherent characteristics. Such threats are, for example:
i)a modification of the legal protective status of the area;
ii)planned resettlement or development projects within the property or so situated that the impacts threaten the property;
iii)outbreak or threat of armed conflict;
iv)the management plan or management system is lacking or inadequate, or not fully implemented.
v)threatening impacts of climatic, geological or other environmental factors.
181.In addition, the threats and/or their detrimental impacts on the integrity of the property must be those which are amenable to correction by human action. In the case of cultural properties, both natural factors and human-made factors may be threatening, while in the case of natural properties, most threats will be human-made and only very rarely a natural factor (such as an epidemic disease) will threaten the integrity of the property. In some cases, the threats and/or their detrimental impacts on the integrity of the property may be corrected by administrative or legislative action, such as the cancelling of a major public works project or the improvement of legal status.[Decision 39 COM 11]
182.The Committee may wish to bear in mind the following supplementary factors when considering the inclusion of a cultural or natural property in the List of World Heritage in Danger:
a)Decisions which affect World Heritage properties are taken by Governments after balancing all factors. The advice of the World Heritage Committee can often be decisive if it can be given before the property becomes threatened.
b)Particularly in the case of ascertained danger, the physical or cultural deteriorations to which a property has been subjected should be judged according to the intensity of its effects and analyzed case by case.
c)Above all, in the case of potential danger to a property, one should consider that:
i)the threat should be appraised according to the normal evolution of the social and economic framework in which the property is situated;
ii)it is often impossible to assess certain threats such as the threat of armed conflict as to their effect on cultural or natural properties;
iii)some threats are not imminent in nature, but can only be anticipated, such as demographic growth.
d)Finally, in its appraisal, the Committee should take into account any cause of unknown or unexpected origin which endangers a cultural or natural property.

Procedure for the inscription of properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger

183.When considering the inscription of a property on the List of World Heritage in Danger, the Committee shall develop, and adopt, as far as possible, in consultation with the State Party concerned, a “Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger”, and a programme for corrective measures.
184.In order to develop the programme of corrective measures referred to in the previous paragraph, the Committee shall request the Secretariat to ascertain, as far as possible in cooperation with the State Party concerned, the present condition of the property, the dangers to the property and the feasibility of undertaking corrective measures. The Committee may further decide to send a Reactive Monitoring mission from the relevant Advisory Bodies or other organizations to visit the property, evaluate the nature and extent of the threats and propose the measures to be taken. In some circumstances, the State Party may wish to invite an Advisory mission to provide advice and guidance.[Decision 39 COM 11]
185.The information received, together with the comments as appropriate of the State Party and the relevant Advisory Bodies or other organizations, will be brought to the attention of the Committee by the Secretariat.
186.The Committee shall examine the information available and take a decision concerning the inscription of the property on the List of World Heritage in Danger. Any such decision shall be taken by a majority of two-thirds of the Committee members present and voting. The Committee will then define the programme of corrective action to be taken. This programme will be proposed to the State Party concerned for immediate implementation.
187.The State Party concerned shall be informed of the Committee's decision and public notice of the decision shall immediately be issued by the Committee, in accordance with Article 11.4 of the Convention.
188.The Secretariat publishes the updated List of World Heritage in Danger in printed form and is also available at:
189.The Committee shall allocate a specific, significant portion of the World Heritage Fund to financing of possible assistance to World Heritage properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

Regular review of the state of conservation of properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger

190.The Committee shall review annually the state of conservation of properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger. This review shall include such monitoring procedures and expert missions as might be determined necessary by the Committee.
191.On the basis of these regular reviews, the Committee shall decide, in consultation with the State Party concerned, whether:
a)additional measures are required to conserve the property;
b)to delete the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger if the property is no longer under threat;
c)to consider the deletion of the property from both the List of World Heritage in Danger and the World Heritage List if the property has deteriorated to the extent that it has lost those characteristics which determined its inscription on the World Heritage List, in accordance with the procedure set out in paragraphs 192-198.

Chapter IV.C
Procedure for the eventual deletion of properties from the World Heritage List

192.The Committee adopted the following procedure for the deletion of properties from the World Heritage List in cases:[Decision 39 COM 11]
a)where the property has deteriorated to the extent that it has lost those characteristics which determined its inclusion in the World Heritage List; and
b)where the intrinsic qualities of a World Heritage property were already threatened at the time of its nomination by human action and where the necessary corrective measures as outlined by the State Party at the time, have not been taken within the time proposed (see paragraph 116).
193.When a property inscribed on the World Heritage List has seriously deteriorated, or when the necessary corrective measures have not been taken within the time proposed, the State Party on whose territory the property is situated should so inform the Secretariat.
194.When the Secretariat receives such information from a source other than the State Paily concerned, it will, as far as possible, verily the source and the contents of the information in consultation with the State Paily concerned and request its comments.
195.The Secretariat will request the relevant Advisory Bodies to forward comments on the information received.
196.The Committee will examine all the information available and will take a decision. Any such decision shall, in accordance with Article 13 (8) of the Convention, be taken by a majority of two-thirds of its members present and voting. The Committee shall not decide to delete any property unless the State Party has been consulted on the question.
197.The State Party shall be informed of the Committee's decision and public notice of this decision shall be immediately given by the Committee.
198.If the Committee's decision entails any modification to the World Heritage List, this modification will be reflected in the next updated List that is published.

V – Periodic reporting on the implementation of the World Heritage Convention

Chapter V.A

199.States Parties are requested to submit reports to the UNESCO General Conference through the World Heritage Committee, on the legislative and administrative provisions they have adopted and other actions which they have taken for the application of the Convention, including the state of conservation of the World Heritage properties located on their territories.[Article 29 of the World Heritage Convention and Resolutions of the 11th session of the General Assembly of States Parties (1997) and the 29th session of the UNESCO General Conference.]
200.Periodic Reporting is a self-reporting process and should be led as far as possible by the States Parties in each region. The Secretariat coordinates and facilitates the Periodic Reporting Process at the global level. States Parties may request expert advice from the Advisory Bodies and the Secretariat, which may also (with agreement of the States Parties concerned) commission further expert advice.[Decision 41 COM 11]
201.Periodic Reporting serves four main purposes:
a)to provide an assessment of the application of the World Heritage Convention by the State Party;
b)to provide an assessment as to whether the Outstanding Universal Value of the properties inscribed on the World Heritage List is being maintained over time;
c)to provide up-dated information about the World Heritage properties to record the changing circumstances and state of conservation of the properties;
d)to provide a mechanism for regional cooperation and exchange of information and experiences between States Parties concerning the implementation of the Convention and World Heritage conservation.
202.Periodic Reporting is important for more effective long term conservation of the properties inscribed, as well as to strengthen the credibility of the Decision 41 COM 11 implementation of the Convention. It is also an important tool for assessing the implementation by States Parties and World Heritage properties of policies adopted by the World Heritage Committee and the General Assembly.[Decision 41 COM 11]

Chapter V.B
Procedure and format

203.Every six years, States Parties submit periodic reports for examination by the World Heritage Committee. During the six-year Periodic Reporting cycle, States Parties report region by region in the following order:[Decision 22 COM VI.7][Decision 41 COM 11]Arab StatesAfricaAsia and the PacificLatin America and the CaribbeanEurope and North America
204.The sixth year of each cycle is a period for reflection and evaluation. This pause allows the Periodic Reporting mechanism to be assessed and revised as appropriate before a new cycle is initiated. The World Heritage Committee may also decide to use the reflection to initiate the development and publication of a Global World Heritage Report.[Decision 41 COM 11]
205.At appropriate intervals, and whenever deemed necessary, the World Heritage Committee adopts and revises Monitoring Indicators and an Analytical Framework for Periodic Reporting.
205bis.The Periodic Reporting process is used as an opportunity for regional exchange and cooperation and to enhance active coordination and synchronization between States Parties, particularly in the case of transboundary and transnational properties.[Decision 41 COM 11]
206.The Periodic Reporting questionnaire is an online tool to be completed by the respective National Focal Points and Site Managers of the World Heritage properties, as appropriate.[The format of this questionnaire was reviewed further to the second cycle of Periodic Reporting and was adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its 41st session (Krakow, 2017).][Decision 41 COM 10A]
a)Section I refers to the legislative and administrative provisions which the State Party has adopted and other actions which it has taken for the application of the Convention, together with details of the experience acquired in this field. This particularly concerns the general obligations defined in specific articles of the Convention.
b)Section II refers to the state of conservation of specific World Heritage properties located on the territory of the State Party concerned. This Section should be completed for each World Heritage property.
206bis.The Periodic Reporting format may be reviewed following each cycle of Periodic Reporting. An outline of the format is contained in Annex 7 to the Operational Guidelines.[Decision 41 COM 11]
207.In order to facilitate management and analysis of information, States Parties are requested to submit reports, in English or French, using the online tool provided on the website of the World Heritage Centre. The online tool of the full questionnaire can be accessed here:[Decision 41 COM 11]

Chapter V.C
Evaluation and follow up

208.The Secretariat and the Advisory Bodies facilitate the States Parties to consolidate national reports into Regional State of the World Heritage reports, which are available in electronic format at and in paper version (World Heritage Paper series).[Decision 41 COM 11]
209.The World Heritage Committee carefully reviews issues raised in Periodic Reports and advises the States Parties of the regions concerned on matters arising from them.
210.States Parties, working in partnership with the Secretariat and the Advisory Bodies, develop long-term regional follow-up programmes structured according to the Committee's Strategic Objectives and submit them for examination. These programmes are adopted as follow-up to Periodic Reports and regularly reviewed by the Committee based on the needs of States Parties identified in Periodic Reports. They should accurately reflect the needs of World Heritage in the region and facilitate the granting of International Assistance.[Decision 36 COM 13.I][Decision 41 COM 11]

VI – Encouraging support for the World Heritage Convention

Chapter VI.A

[Article 27 of the World Heritage Convention]
211.The objectives are:[Decision 43 COM 11A]
a)to enhance capacity building and research;
b)to raise the general public’s awareness, understanding and appreciation of the need to preserve cultural and natural heritage;
c)to enhance the function of World Heritage in the life of the community; and[Article 5(a) of the World Heritage Convention]
d)to increase equitable, inclusive and effective participation of local and national populations, including indigenous peoples, in the protection and presentation of heritage.

Chapter VI.B
Capacity building and research

212.The Committee seeks to develop capacity building within the States Parties in conformity with its Strategic Objectives and the World Heritage Capacity Building Strategy adopted by the Committee.[Budapest Declaration on World Heritage (2002)][Decision 43 COM 11A]

The World Heritage Capacity Building Strategy

213.Recognizing the high level of skills and multidisciplinary approach necessary for the protection, conservation, and presentation of the World Heritage, the Committee has adopted the World Heritage Capacity Building Strategy. The definition of capacity building identifies three broad areas where capacities reside and for which audiences for capacity building need targeting: practitioners, institutions, and communities and networks. The World Heritage Capacity Building Strategy provides a framework of action, and orients actors at the international, regional, or national levels to create regional and national capacity building strategies in addition to individual capacity building activities. The actions can be taken up by the many actors who currently provide or could provide capacity building activities for the benefit of World Heritage. The primary goal of the Capacity Building Strategy is to ensure that necessary skills are developed by a wide range of actors for better implementation of the Convention. In order to avoid overlap and effectively implement the Strategy, the Committee will ensure links to other initiatives such as the Global Strategy for a Representative, Balanced and Credible World Heritage List and Periodic Reporting. The Committee will annually review relevant capacity building issues, assess capacity building needs, review annual reports on capacity building initiatives, and make recommendations for future capacity building initiatives.[World Heritage Capacity Building Strategy adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its 35th session (UNESCO, 2011) (see Document WHC11/35.COM/9B).][Decision 43 COM 11A]

National capacity building strategies and regional co-operation

214.States Parties are encouraged to ensure that there is a gender-balanced representation of their professionals and specialists at all levels and that they are adequately trained. To this end, States Parties are encouraged to develop national capacity building strategies and include regional cooperation for training as part of their strategies. Development of such regional and national strategies can be assisted by the Advisory Bodies and the various UNESCO Category 2 Centres related to World Heritage, taking into consideration the World Heritage Capacity Building Strategy.[Decision 43 COM 11A]
214bis.States Parties are encouraged to develop educational and capacity building programmes that harness the reciprocal benefits of the Convention for heritage and society. The programmes may be based on innovation and local entrepreneurship, and aimed in particular at medium/small/micro scale levels, to promote sustainable and inclusive economic benefits for local communities and indigenous peoples and to identify and promote opportunities for public and private investment in sustainable development projects, including those that promote use of local materials and resources and foster local cultural and creative industries and safeguarding intangible heritage associated with World Heritage properties.[Decision 43 COM 11A]


215.The Committee develops and coordinates international cooperation in the area of research needed for the effective implementation of the Convention. States Parties are also encouraged to make resources available to undertake research, since knowledge and understanding are fundamental to the identification, management, and monitoring of World Heritage properties. States Parties are encouraged to support scientific studies and research methodologies, including traditional and indigenous knowledge held by local communities and indigenous peoples, with all necessary consent. Such studies and research are aimed at demonstrating the contribution that the conservation and management of World Heritage properties, their buffer zones and wider setting make to sustainable development, such as in conflict prevention and resolution, including, where relevant, by drawing on traditional ways of dispute resolution that may exist within communities.[Decision 43 COM 11A]

International Assistance

216.Training and Research Assistance may be requested by States Parties from the World Heritage Fund (see Chapter VII).

Chapter VI.C
Awareness-raising and education


217.States Parties are encouraged to raise awareness of the need to preserve World Heritage in their own countries. In particular, they should ensure that World Heritage status is adequately marked and promoted on-site.
218.The Secretariat provides assistance to States Parties in developing activities aimed at raising public awareness of the Convention and informing the public of the dangers threatening World Heritage. The Secretariat advises States Parties regarding the preparation and implementation of on-site promotional and educational projects to be funded through International Assistance. The Advisory Bodies and appropriate State agencies may also be solicited to provide advice on such projects.


219.The World Heritage Committee encourages and supports the development of educational materials, activities and programmes.

International Assistance

220.States Parties are encouraged to develop quality educational activities related to World Heritage through a variety of learning environments tailored to each audience with, wherever possible, the participation of schools, universities, museums and other local and national educational authorities.[Article 27(1) of the World Heritage Convention][Decision 43 COM 11A]
221.The Secretariat, in cooperation with the UNESCO Education Sector and other partners, produces and publishes a World Heritage Educational Resource Kit, “World Heritage in Young Hands”, for use in secondary schools around the world. The Kit is adaptable for use at other educational levels.[“World Heritage in Young Hands” is available at ucation/ ucation/]
222.International Assistance may be requested by States Parties from the World Heritage Fund for the purpose of developing and implementing awarenessraising and educational activities or programmes (see Chapter VII).

VII – The World Heritage Fund and International Assistance

Chapter VII.A
The World Heritage Fund

223.The World Heritage Fund is a trust fund, established by the Convention in conformity with the provisions of the Financial Regulations of UNESCO. The resources of the Fund consist of compulsory and voluntary contributions made by States Parties to the Convention, and any other resources authorized by the Fund's regulations.
224.The financial regulations for the Fund are set out in document WHC/7 available at

Chapter VII.B
Mobilization of other technical and financial resources and partnerships in support of the World Heritage Convention

225.To the extent possible, the World Heritage Fund should be used to mobilize additional funds for International Assistance from other sources.
226.The Committee decided that contributions offered to the World Heritage Fund for international assistance campaigns and other UNESCO projects for any property inscribed on the World Heritage List shall be accepted and used as International Assistance pursuant to Section V of the Convention, and in conformity with the modalities established for carrying out the campaign or project.
227.States Parties are invited to provide support to the Convention in addition to obligatory contributions paid to the World Heritage Fund. This voluntary support can be provided through additional contributions to the World Heritage Fund or direct financial and technical contributions to properties.[Article 15(3) of the World Heritage Convention]
228.States Parties are encouraged to participate in international fundraising campaigns launched by UNESCO and aimed at protecting World Heritage.
229.States Parties and others who anticipate making contributions towards these campaigns or other UNESCO projects for World Heritage properties are encouraged to make their contributions through the World Heritage Fund.
230.States Parties are encouraged to promote the establishment of national, public and private foundations or associations aimed at raising funds to support World Heritage conservation efforts.[Article 17 of the World Heritage Convention]
231.The Secretariat provides support in mobilizing financial and technical resources for World Heritage conservation and actively engages in resource mobilization, including through developing partnerships with public and private institutions in conformity with the decisions and the strategies adopted by the World Heritage Committee and UNESCO regulations.[“Comprehensive Partnership Strategy” including “Separate strategies for engagement with individual categories of partners” 192 EX/5.INF][Decision 43 COM 11A]
232.The Secretariat should refer to UNESCO’s “Comprehensive Partnership Strategy” to govern external fundraising in favour of the World Heritage Fund. This document is available at[Decision 39 COM 11]

Chapter VII.C
International Assistance

233.The Convention provides International Assistance to States Parties for the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage located on their territories and inscribed, or potentially suitable for inscription on the World Heritage List. International Assistance should be seen as supplementary to national efforts for the conservation and management of World Heritage and Tentative List properties when adequate resources cannot be secured at the national level.[See Articles 13 (1)(2) and Articles 19-26 of the World Heritage Convention]
234.International Assistance is primarily financed from the World Heritage Fund, established under the World Heritage Convention. The Committee determines the budget for International Assistance on a biennial basis.[Section IV of the World Heritage Convention]
235.The World Heritage Committee coordinates and allocates types of International Assistance in response to State Party requests. These types of International Assistance, described in the summary table set out below, in order of priority are:[Decision 30 COM 14A][Decision 36 COM 13.I]
a)Emergency assistance;
b)Conservation and Management assistance (incorporating assistance for training and research, technical cooperation and promotion and education);
c)Preparatory assistance.

Chapter VII.D
Principles and priorities for International Assistance

236.Priority is given to International Assistance for properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger. The Committee created a specific budget line to ensure that a significant portion of assistance from the World Heritage Fund is allocated to properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger.[Article 13(1) of the World Heritage Convention]
237.States Parties in arrears of payment of their compulsory or voluntary contributions to the World Heritage Fund are not eligible for International Assistance, it being understood that this provision does not apply to requests for emergency assistance.[Decision 13COMXII.34]
238.To support its Strategic Objectives, the Committee also allocates International Assistance in conformity with the priorities set out in its decisions and in the Regional Programmes it adopts as a follow-up to Periodic Reports (see para. 210).[Decision 26 COM 17.2][Decision 26 COM 20][Decision 26 COM 25.3][Decision 36 COM 13.1]
239.In addition to the priorities outlined in paragraphs 236-238 above, the following considerations govern the decisions of the Committee in granting International Assistance:[Decision 43 COM 11A]
a)the likelihood that the assistance will have a catalytic and multiplier effect (“seed money”) and promote financial and technical contributions from other sources;
b)when funds available are limited and a selection has to be made, Decision 31 COM 18B preference is given to:[Decision 31 COM 18B]a Least Developed Country or Low Income Economy as defined by the United Nations Economic and Social Council's Committee for Development Policy, ora Lower Middle Income Country as defined by the World Bank, ora Small Island Developing State (SIDS), ora State Party in a post-conflict situation;
c)the urgency of the protective measures to be taken at World Heritage properties;
d)whether the legislative, administrative and, wherever possible, financial commitment of the recipient State Party is available to the activity;
e)the impact of the activity on furthering the Strategic Objectives or on the implementation of policies adopted by the Committee, such as the Policy Document for the Integration of a Sustainable Development Perspective into the Processes of the World Heritage Convention or the Policy Document on the Impact of Climate Change on World Heritage properties;[Paragraph 26 of Operational Guidelines]
f)the degree to which the activity responds to needs identified through the reactive monitoring process and/or the analysis of regional Periodic Reports;[Decision 20 COM XII]
g)the exemplary value of the activity in respect to scientific research and the development of cost-effective conservation techniques;
h)the cost of the activity and expected results;[65% of the total International Assistance budget is set aside for cultural properties and 35% for natural properties]
i)the educational value both for the training of experts and for the general public; and[Decision 31 COM 18B][Decision 36 COM 13.1]
j)the inclusive nature of the activity, in particular as concerns gender equality and the involvement of local communities and indigenous peoples.[Decision 37 COM 12.11]
240.A balance will be maintained in the allocation of resources between cultural and natural heritage and between Conservation and Management and Preparatory Assistance. This balance is reviewed and decided upon on a regular basis by the Committee and during the second year of each biennium by the Chairperson or the World Heritage Committee.

Chapter VII.E
Summary table

241.[Decision 36 COM 13.1][Decision 30 COM 13.13][Decision 43 COM 11A]
Type of international assistancePurposeBudget ceilings per requestDeadline for submission of requestAuthority for approval
Emergency AssistanceThis assistance may be requested to address ascertained or potential threats facing properties included on the List of World Heritage in Danger and the World Heiitage List which have suffered severe damage or are in imminent danger of severe damage due to sudden, unexpected phenomena. Such phenomena may include land subsidence, extensive fires, explosions, flooding or human-made disasters including war. This assistance does not concern cases of damage or deterioration caused by gradual processes of decay, pollution or erosion. It addresses emergency situations strictly relating to the conservation of a World Heritage property (see Decision 28 COM 10B 2.c). It may be made available, if necessary, to more than one World Heritage property in a single State Party (see Decision 6 EXT. COM 15.2). The budget ceilings relate to a single World Heritage property.The assistance may be requested to :(i)undertake emergency measures for the safeguarding of the property;(ii)draw up an emergency plan for the property.Up to US$ 5.000Between US$ 5.001 and 75.000At any timeAt any timeDirector of the World Heritage CentreChairperson of the Committee
Preparatory assistanceThis assistance may be requested to (in order of priority):(i)prepare or update national Tentative Lists of properties suitable for inscription on the World Heritage List; a commitment will be required from the State Party to nominate in priority on these lists sites recognized in approved thematic advice, such as the thematic studies prepared by the Advisory Bodies, as corresponding to gaps on the List;(ii)organize meetings for the harmonization of national Tentative Lists within the same geo-cultural area;(iii)prepare nominations of properties for inscription on the World Heritage List, including preparatory work such as collection of basic information, scoping studies of the potential for demonstration of Outstanding Universal Value, including integrity or authenticity, comparative studies of the property in relation to other similar properties (see 3.2 of Annex 5), including analysis in the context of the Gap Studies produced by tire Advisory Bodies. Priority will be given to requests for sites recognized in approved thematic advice as corresponding to gaps on the List and/or for sites where preliminary investigations have shown that further inquiries would be justified, especially in the case of States Parties whose heritage is unrepresented or underrepresented on the World Heritage List;(iv)prepare requests for Conservation & Management assistance for consideration by the World Heritage Committee.Up to US$ 5.000Between US$ 5.001 and 30.000At any time31 OctoberDirector of the World Heritage CentreChairperson of the Committee
Conservation and Management Assistance(incorporating Training and Research assistance, Technical co­operation assistance and Promotion and education assistance)This assistance may be requested for:(i)the training of staff and specialists at all levels in thefields of identification, monitoring, conservation, management and presentation of World Heritage, with an emphasis on group training;(ii)scientific research benefiting World Heritage properties or studies on the scientific and technical problems of conservation, management, and presentation of World Heritage properties;(iii)establishment/revision of national policies or legal frameworks on heritage preservation benefitting World Heritage properties;Note: Requests for support for individual training courses from UNESCO should be submitted on the standard '‘Application for fellowship” form available from the Secretariat.(iv)provision of experts, technicians and skilled labour for the conservation, management, and presentation of properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger and the World Heritage List;(v)supply of equipment which the State Party requires for the conservation, management, and presentation of properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger and the World Heritage List;(vi)Low-interest or interest-free loans for undertaking activities for the conservation, management, and presentation of properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger and the World HeritageList, which may be repayable on a long-term basis;(vii)At the regional and international levels for programmes, activities and the holding of meetings that could:help to create interest in the Convention within the countries of a given region; create a greater awareness of the different issues related to the implementation of the Convention to promote more active involvement in its application;be a means of exchanging experiences;stimulate joint education, information andpromotional programmes and activities, especially when they involve the participation of young people in World Heritage conservation activities;(viii) At the national level for:meetings specifically organized to make the Convention better known, especially amongst young people, or for the creation of national World Heritage associations, in accordance with Article 17 of the Convention;the preparation and discussion of education and information material (such as brochures, publications, exhibitions, films, multimedia tools) for the general promotion of the Convention and the World Heritage List and not for the promotion of a particular property, and especially for young people.(vii)At the national level for:meetings specifically organized to make the Convention better known, especially amongst young people, or for the creation of national World Heritage associations, in accordance with Article 17 of the Convention;the preparation and discussion of education and information material (such as brochures, publications, exhibitions, films, multimedia tools) for the general promotion of the Convention and the World Heritage List and not for the promotion of a particular property, and especially for young peopleOnly for requests falling under items (i) to (vi):Up to US$ 5.000BetweenUS$ 5.001 and 30.000Over US$ 30.000Only for requests falling under items (vii) and (viii):Up to US$ 5,000Between US$ 5,001 and 10,000Only for requests falling under items (i) to (vi):At any time31 October31 OctoberOnly for requests falling under items (vii) and (viii):At any time31 OctoberOnly for requests falling under items (i) to (vi):Director of the World Heritage CentreChairperson of the CommitteeCommitteeOnly for requests falling under items (vii) and (viii):Director of the World Heritage CentreChairperson of the Committee

Chapter VII.F
Procedure and format

242.All States Parties submitting requests for international assistance are encouraged to consult the Secretariat and the Advisory Bodies during the conceptualization, planning and elaboration of each request. To facilitate States Parties’ work, examples of successful international assistance requests may be provided upon request.
243.The application form for International Assistance is presented in Annex 8 and the types, amounts, deadlines for submission and the authorities responsible for approval are outlined in the summary table in Chapter VII.E.
244.The request should be submitted in English or French, duly signed and transmitted by the National Commission for UNESCO, the State Party Permanent Delegation to UNESCO and/or appropriate governmental Department or Ministry to the following address:UNESCO World Heritage Centre7, place de Fontenoy75352 - Paris 07 SPFranceTel: +33 (0) 1 4568 1104E-mail:
245.Requests for international assistance may be submitted by electronic mail by the State Party or by filling the online format on the World Heritage Centre’s website at:; they must be accompanied by an officially signed copy.[Decision 43 COM 11A]
246.It is important that all information requested in this application form is provided. If appropriate or necessary, requests may be supplemented by additional information, reports, etc.

Chapter VII.G
Assessment of International Assistance requests

247.Provided they are complete, all requests are assessed by the Secretariat irrespective of the amount requested. In addition, requests with a budget above US$ 30,000 are assessed as follows:[Decision 43 COM 11A]
a)By ICOMOS for requests for cultural heritage (all types of assistance) and ICCROM (all types of assistance except Preparatory assistance);
b)By IUCN for requests for natural heritage;
c)By ICOMOS and IUCN for requests for mixed heritage (all types of assistance) and ICCROM (all types of assistance except Preparatory assistance).
The Secretariat processes requests for Emergency assistance within up to 10 working days.Whenever necessary, the Secretariat may consult the Advisory Bodies, for the assessment of requests with a budget under US$ 30,000.ICOMOS, IUCN and ICCROM will be consulted on all requests which specifically demand the involvement of one or more Advisory Bodies in the respective project.
248.[Deleted][Decision 43 COM 11A]
249.[Deleted][Decision 43 COM 11A]
250.[Deleted][Decision 43 COM 11A]
251.The criteria used for the assessment of international assistance requests are outlined in Annex 9.[Decision 31 COM 18B][Decision 43 COM 11A]
252.A panel composed of representatives of the World Heritage Centre Regional Desks and the Advisory Bodies, and if possible, the Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee or, in observer capacity, a person designated by the Chairperson, meets once or twice a year to examine the International Assistance requests of more than US$ 5,000, except those for Emergency Assistance, and to make recommendations to the Chairperson and/or the Committee.[Decision 31 COM 18B][Decision 36 COM 13.I][Decision 43 COM 11A]


The Chairperson is not authorized to approve requests submitted by his/her own country. These will be examined by the Committee.
254.All requests for Preparatory Assistance or Conservation and Management Assistance of more than US$ 5,000 should be received by the Secretariat on or before 31 October. Incomplete forms which do not come back duly completed by 30 November will be sent back to the States Parties for submission to a next cycle. Complete requests are examined by a first panel held in January. Requests for which the panel issues a positive or a negative recommendation will be submitted to the Chairperson/Committee for decision. A second panel may be held at least eight weeks before the Committee session for requests which were revised since the first panel. Requests sent back for a substantial revision will be examined by the panel depending on their date of receipt. Requests requiring only minor revision and no further examination by the panel must come back within the year when they were examined first; otherwise they will be sent again to a next panel. The chart detailing the submission process is attached in Annex 8.[Decision 36 COM 13.I][Decision 43 COM 11A]

Chapter VII.H
Contractual arrangements

255.Agreements are established between UNESCO and the concerned State Paily or its representative(s) for the implementation of the approved International Assistance requests in conformity with UNESCO regulations, following the work plan and budget breakdown described in the originally approved request.

Chapter VII.I
Evaluation and follow-up of International Assistance

256.The monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the International Assistance requests will take place within 3 months of the activities' completion. The results of these evaluations will be collated and maintained by the Secretariat in collaboration with the Advisory Bodies and examined by the Committee on a regular basis.
257.The Committee reviews the implementation, evaluation and follow-up of International Assistance in order to evaluate the International Assistance effectiveness and to redefine its priorities.

VIII – The World Heritage Emblem

Chapter VIII.A

258.At its second session (Washington, 1978), the Committee adopted the World Heritage Emblem which had been designed by Mr. Michel Olyff. This Emblem symbolizes the interdependence of cultural and natural properties: the central square is a form created by humans and the circle represents nature, the two being intimately linked. The Emblem is round, like the world, but at the same time it is a symbol of protection. It symbolizes the Convention, signifies the adherence of States Parties to the Convention, and serves to identify properties inscribed in the World Heritage List. It is associated with public knowledge about the Convention and is the imprimatur of the Convention's credibility and prestige. Above all, it is a representation of the universal values for which the Convention stands.[Decision 43 COM 11A]
259The committee decided that the Emblem proposed by the artist could be used, in any colour or size, depending on the use, the technical possibilities and consideration of an artistic. However, when the emblem is used in a linked logo block with UNESCO logo, the graphical standards of the Secretariat must be strictly followed. The Emblem should always carry the text “WORLD HERITAGE. PATRIMOINE MONDIAL”. The space occupied by “PATRIMONIO MUNDIAL” can be used for its translation into the national language of the country where the Emblem is to be used.[Decision 45 COM 12]
260.In order to ensure the Emblem benefits from as much visibility as possible while preventing improper uses, the Committee at its twenty-second session (Kyoto, 1998) adopted “Guidelines and Principles for the Use of the World Heritage Emblem” as set out in the following paragraphs. In addition, a “Table of Uses” (Annex 14) provides complementary guidance.[Decision 39 COM 11]
261.Although there is no mention of the Emblem in the Convention, its use has been promoted by the Committee to identify properties protected by the Convention and inscribed on the World Heritage List since its adoption in 1978.
262.The World Heritage Committee is responsible for determining the use of the World Heritage Emblem and for making policy prescriptions regarding how it may be used. Since the adoption by the UNESCO General Conference in October 2007 of the Directives concerning the Use of the Name, Acronym, Logo and Internet Domain Names of UNESCO13, it is strongly encouraged to use the World Heritage Emblem as part of a linked logo block accompanied by UNESCO’s logo, whenever feasible. When the emblem is used in a linked logo block with the UNESCO logo, the graphical standards of the UNESCO Secretariat must be strictly followed. The use of the World Heritage Emblem alone remains however possible, in line with the present Guidelines and with the Table of Uses (Annex 14).13The most recent version of the Directives concerning the Use of the Name, Acronym, Logo and Internet Domain Names of UNESCO is found in the annex to Resolution 86 of the 34th session of the General Conference (34 C/Resolution 86) or at[Decision 39 COM 11][Decision 45 COM 12]
263.As requested by the Committee at its 26th session (Budapest, 2002), the World Heritage Emblem, with and without its surrounding text, has been notified and accepted on 21 May 2003 by the Paris Union Member states under Article 6ter of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, adopted in 1883 and revised at Stockholm in 1967. Therefore, UNESCO has recourse to Paris Convention Member States’ domestic systems to prevent the use of the World Heritage Emblem where such use falsely suggests a connection with UNESCO, the World Heritage Convention, or any other abusive use.[Decision 26 COM 15][Decision 39 COM 11]
264.The Emblem also has fund-raising potential that can be used to enhance the marketing value of products with which it is associated. A balance is needed between the Emblem's use to further the aims of the Convention and optimize knowledge of the Convention worldwide and the need to prevent its abuse for inaccurate, inappropriate, and unauthorized commercial or other purposes.
265.The Guidelines and Principles for the Use of the Emblem and modalities for quality control should not become an obstacle to cooperation for promotional activities. Authorities responsible for reviewing and deciding on uses of the Emblem may base their decisions on the parameters developed below and those contained in the Table of Uses (Annex 14).[Decision 39 COM 11]

Chapter VIII.B

266.The Guidelines and Principles proposed herein cover all proposed uses of the Emblem by:[Decision 39 COM 11][Decision 45 COM 12]
a)The UNESCO Secretariat;
b)Agencies or National Commissions, responsible for implementing the Convention in each State Party;
c)World Heritage properties;
d)Other contracting parties, especially those operating for predominantly commercial purposes.

Chapter VIII.C
Responsibilities of States Parties

267.States Parties to the Convention should take all possible measures to prevent the use of the Emblem in their respective countries by any group or for any purpose not explicitly recognized by the Committee. States Parties are encouraged to make full use of national legislation including Trade Mark Laws.

Chapter VIII.D
Increasing proper uses of the World Heritage Emblem

268.Properties inscribed on the World Heritage List should be marked with the emblem jointly with the UNESCO logo, which should, however, be placed in such a way that they do not visually impair the property in question.

Production of plaques to commemorate the inscription of properties on the World Heritage List

269.Once a property is inscribed on the World Heritage List, the State Paily should place a plaque, whenever possible, to commemorate this inscription. These plaques are designed to inform the public of the country concerned and foreign visitors that the property visited has a particular value which has been recognized by the international community. In other words, the property is exceptional, of interest not only to one nation, but also to the whole world. However, these plaques have an additional function which is to inform the general public about the World Heritage Convention, or at least about the World Heritage concept and the World Heritage List.
270.The Committee has adopted the following Guidelines for the production of these plaques:
a)the plaque should be so placed that it can easily be seen by visitors, without disfiguring the property;
b)the UNESCO - World Heritage linked logo should appear on the plaque;[Decision 45 COM 12]
c)the text should mention the property's Outstanding Universal Value; in this regard it might be useful to give a short description of the property's outstanding characteristics. States Parties may, if they wish, use the descriptions appearing in the various World Heritage publications or in the World Heritage exhibit, and which may be obtained from the Secretariat;
d)the text should make reference to the World Heritage Convention and particularly to the World Heritage List and to the international recognition conferred by inscription on this List (however, it is not necessary to mention at which session of the Committee the property was inscribed); it may be appropriate to produce the text in several languages for properties which receive many foreign visitors.
271.The Committee proposes the following text as an example:"(Name of property) has been inscribed upon the World Heritage List of the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. Inscription on this List confirms the Outstanding Universal Value of a cultural or natural property which deserves protection for the benefit of all humanity.”
272.This text could be then followed by a brief description of the property concerned.
273.Furthermore, the national authorities should encourage World Heritage properties to make a broad use of the Emblem such as on their letterheads, brochures and staff uniforms.
274.Third parties which have received the right to produce communication products related to the World Heritage Convention and World Heritage properties must give the Emblem proper visibility. They should avoid creating a different Emblem or logo for that particular product.

Chapter VIII.E
Principles on the use of the World Heritage Emblem

275.The responsible authorities are henceforth requested to use the following principles m making decisions on the use of the Emblem:[Decision 39 COM 11]
a)The Emblem should be utilized for all projects substantially associated with the work of the Convention, including, to the maximum extent technically and legally possible, those already approved and adopted, in order to promote the Convention.
b)A decision to approve use of the Emblem should be linked strongly to the quality and content of the product with which it is to be associated, not on the volume of products to be marketed or the financial return expected. The main criterion for approval should be the educational, scientific, cultural, or artistic value of the proposed product related to World Heritage principles and values. Approval should not routinely be granted to place the Emblem on products that have no, or extremely little, educational value, such as cups, T- shirts, pins, and other tourist souvenirs. Exceptions to this policy will be considered for special events, such as meetings of the Committee and ceremonies at which plaques are unveiled.
c)Any decision with respect to authorizing the use of the Emblem must be completely unambiguous and in keeping with the explicit and implicit goals and values of the World Heritage Convention.
d)Except when authorized in accordance with these principles, it is not legitimate for commercial entities to use the Emblem directly on their own material to show their support for World Heritage. The Committee recognizes, however, that any individual, organization, or company is free to publish or produce whatever they consider to be appropriate regarding World Heritage properties, but official authorization to do so under the World Heritage Emblem remains the exclusive prerogative of the Committee, to be exercised as prescribed in these Guidelines and Principles and in the Table of Uses.
e)Use of the Emblem by other contracting parties should normally only be authorized when the proposed use deals directly with World Heritage properties. Such uses may be granted after approval by the national authorities of the countries concerned.
f)In cases where no specific World Heritage properties are involved or are not the principal focus of the proposed use, such as general seminars and/or workshops on scientific issues or conservation techniques, use may be granted only upon express approval in accordance with these Guidelines and Principles and with the Table of Uses. Requests for such uses should specifically document the manner in which the proposed use is expected to enhance the work of the Convention.
g)Permission to use the Emblem should not be granted to travel agencies, airlines, or to any other type of business operating for predominantly commercial purposes, except under exceptional circumstances and when manifest benefit to the World Heritage generally or particular World Heritage properties can be demonstrated. Requests for such use should require approval in accordance with these Guidelines and Principles and with the Table of Uses. Such requests should be approved by the national authorities concerned, and be defined within the framework of specific partnership agreements with UNESCO/World Heritage Centre.The Secretariat is not to accept any advertising, travel, or other promotional considerations from travel agencies or other, similar companies in exchange or in lieu of financial remuneration for use of the Emblem.[“Comprehensive Partnership Strategy” including “Separate strategies for engagement with individual categories of partners” 192 EX/5.INF and PACT Strategy (Document WHC-13/37.COM/5D)][Decision 37 COM 5D]
h)When commercial benefits are anticipated, the Secretariat should ensure that the World Heritage Fund receives a fair share of the revenues and conclude a contract or other agreement that documents the nature of the understandings that govern the project and the arrangements for provision of income to the Fund. In all cases of commercial use, any staff time and related costs for personnel assigned by the Secretariat or other reviewers, as appropriate, to any initiative, beyond the nominal, must be fully covered by the party requesting authorization to use the Emblem.National authorities are also called upon to ensure that their properties or the World Heritage Fund receive a fair share of the revenues and to document the nature of the understandings that govern the project and the distribution of any proceeds.
i)If sponsors are sought for manufacturing products whose distribution the Secretariat considers necessary, the choice of partner or partners should be consistent, at a minimum, with the criteria set forth in the “Comprehensive Partnership Strategy” including “Separate strategies for engagement with individual categories or partners” 192 EX/5.INF and PACT Strategy (Document WHC- 13/37.C0M/5D) and with such further fund-raising guidance as the Committee may prescribe. The necessity for such products should be clarified and justified in written presentations that will require approval in such manner as the Committee may prescribe.
j)The sale of goods or services bearing the name, acronym, logo and/or Internet domain name of UNESCO combined with the World Heritage Emblem chiefly for profit shall be regarded as “commercial use” for the purpose of the Operational Guidelines. Such use must be expressly authorized by the Director-General, under a specific contractual arrangement (definition adapted from 2007 UNESCO Logo Directives. Art III.2.1.3).

Chapter VIII.F
Authorization procedure for the use of the World Heritage Emblem

Simple agreement of the national authorities

276.National authorities may grant the use of the Emblem to a national entity, provided that the project, whether national or international, involves only World Heritage properties located on the same national territory. National authorities’ decision should be guided by the Guidelines and Principles and by the Table of Uses.[Decision 39 COM 11]
277.States Parties are invited to provide the Secretariat with the names and addresses of the authorities in charge of managing the use of the Emblem.[Circular letter dated 14 April 1999.
99-4e.pdf 99-4e.pdf]

Agreement requiring quality control of content

278.Any other request for authorization to use the Emblem should adopt the following procedure:[Decision 39 COM 11]
a)A request indicating the objective of the use of the Emblem, its duration and territorial validity, should be addressed to the Director of the World Heritage Centre.
b)The Director of the World Heritage Centre has the authority to grant the use of the Emblem in accordance with the Guidelines and Principles. For cases not covered, or not sufficiently covered, by the Guidelines and Principles and by the Table of Uses, the Director refers the matter to the Chairperson who, in the most difficult cases, might wish to refer the matter to the Committee for final decision. A yearly report on the authorized uses of the Emblem will be submitted to the World Heritage Committee.
c)Authorization to use the Emblem in major products to be widely distributed over an undetermined period of time is conditional upon obtaining the manufacturer’s commitment to consult with countries concerned and secure their endorsement of texts and images illustrating properties situated in their territory, at no cost to the Secretariat, together with the proof that this has been done. The text to be approved should be provided in either one of the official languages of the Committee or in the language of the country concerned. A draft model to be used by States Parties to authorize the use of the Emblem to third parties appears below.Content Approval Form:[Name of responsible national body], officially identified as the body responsible for approving the content of the texts and photos relating to the World Heritage properties located in the territory of [name of country], hereby confirms to [name of producer] that the text and the images that it has submitted for the [name of property(ies)] World Heritage property(ies) are [approved] [approved subject to the following changes requested] [are not approved](delete whatever entry does not apply, and provide, as needed, a corrected copy of the text or a signed list of corrections).Notes:

It is recommended that the initials of the responsible national official be affixed to each page of text.

The National Authorities are given one month from their acknowledged receipt in which to authorize the content, following which the producers may consider that the content has been tacitly approved, unless the responsible National Authorities request in writing a longer period.

Texts should be supplied to the National Authorities in one of the two official languages of the Committee, or in the official language (or in one of the official languages) of the country in which the properties are located, at the convenience of both parties.
d)After having examined the request and considered it as acceptable, the Secretariat may establish an agreement with the partner.
e)If the Director of the World Heritage Centre judges that a proposed use of the Emblem is not acceptable, the Secretariat informs the requesting party of the decision in writing.

Chapter VIII.G
Right of States Parties to exert quality control

279.Authorization to use the Emblem is inextricably linked to the requirement that the national authorities may exert quality control over the products with which it is associated.
a)The States Parties to the Convention are the only parties authorized to approve the content (images and text) of any distributed product appearing under the World Heritage Emblem with regard to the properties located in their territories.
b)States Parties that protect the Emblem legally must review these uses.
c)Other States Parties may elect to review proposed uses or refer such proposals to the Secretariat. States Parties are responsible for identifying an appropriate national authority and for informing the Secretariat whether they wish to review proposed uses or to identify uses that are inappropriate. The Secretariat maintains a list of responsible national authorities.

IX – Information sources

Chapter IX.A
Information archived by the Secretariat

280.The Secretariat maintains a database of all documents of the World Heritage Committee and the General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention. This database is available at:
281.The Secretariat ensures that copies of Tentative Lists submissions, Preliminary Assessment requests, World Heritage nominations, including copies of maps and relevant information received from States Parties are archived in hard copy and in electronic format where possible. The Secretariat also arranges for the archiving of relevant information relating to inscribed properties, including evaluations and other documents developed by the Advisory Bodies, any correspondence and reports received from States Parties (including Reactive Monitoring and Periodic Reports) and correspondence and material from the Secretariat and World Heritage Committee.
282.Archived material will be kept in a form appropriate to long-term storage. Provisions will be made for the storage of paper copies and electronic copies, as relevant. Provision will be made for copies to be provided to States Parties as requested.
283.Nomination dossiers of those properties inscribed on the World Heritage List by the Committee will be made available for consultation. States Parties are urged to upload a copy of the nomination on their own websites and inform the Secretariat of this action. States Parties preparing nominations may wish to use such information as guides for identifying and elaborating nomination of properties within their own territories.
284.Advisory Body evaluations and Committee decisions concerning each inscribed property are available on the World Heritage Centre’s website on the page dedicated to each property of the World Heritage List. For the sites not inscribed on the List, the Advisory Body evaluation is available on the World Heritage Centre’s website on the page dedicated to the Committee session when the nomination was examined.[Decision 43 COM 11A]

Chapter IX.B
Specific Information for World Heritage Committee members and other States Parties

285.The Secretariat maintains two electronic mailing lists: one for Committee members ( and one for all States Parties ( States Parties are requested to supply all appropriate email addresses for the establishment of these lists. These electronic mailing lists, which supplement but do not replace the traditional means of notifying States Parties, allow the Secretariat to communicate, in a timely manner, announcements about the availability of documents, changes to meeting schedules, and other issues relevant to Committee members and other States Parties.
286.Specific information targeted at Committee members, other States Parties and Advisory Bodies is available on the World Heritage Centre’s website ( with restricted access.[Decision 43 COM 11A]
287.The Secretariat also maintains a database of decisions of the Committee and resolutions of the General Assembly of States Parties. These are available at:[Decision 28 COM 9]

Chapter IX.C
Information and publications available to the public

288.The Secretariat provides access to information labelled as publicly available and copyright free on World Heritage properties and other relevant matters, wherever possible.
289.Information on issues related to World Heritage is available on the Secretariat’s website (, on the websites of the Advisory Bodies and in libraries. A list of online databases and links to relevant webpages can be found in the Bibliography.
290.The Secretariat produces a wide variety of World Heritage publications, including the World Heritage List, the List of World Heritage in Danger, Brief Descriptions of World Heritage properties, World Heritage Paper series, newsletters, brochures and information kits. In addition, other information materials aimed specifically at experts and the general public are also developed. The list of World Heritage publications can be found in the Bibliography or at: information materials are distributed to the public directly or through the national and international networks established by States Parties or by World Heritage partners.

Annex 1

Model instrument of ratification/ acceptance

WHEREAS the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage was adopted on 16 November 1972 by the General Conference of UNESCO at its seventeenth session;NOW THEREFORE the Government of having considered the ________ aforesaid Convention, hereby [ratifies the same and undertake faithfully to carry out[accepts____the stipulations therein contained.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have signed and sealed this instrument.Done __ at __ this __ day ____ of 20_.(Seal)Signature of Head of State,Prime Minister orMinister of Foreign AffairsThe model instrument of ratification / acceptance is available from the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and at: original signed version of the completed form should be sent, preferably with an official translation in English or French, to: Director-General, UNESCO, 7 place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France

Model instruments of accession

WHEREAS the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage was adopted on 16 November 1972 by the General Conference of UNESCO at its seventeenth session;NOW THEREFORE the Government of ____ having considered the aforesaid Convention, hereby accedes the same and undertake faithfully to carry out the stipulations therein contained.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have signed and sealed this instrument.Done at ____ this ____ day of ____ 20____.(Seat)Signature of Head of State,Prime Minister orMinister of Foreign AffairsThe model instrument of accession is available from the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and at: original signed version of the completed form should be sent, preferably with an official translation in English or French, to: Director-General, UNESCO, 7 place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France

Annex 2A

Tentative List Submission Format

STATE PARTY: ________DATE OF SUBMISSION: ________Submission prepared by: ________Name: ________E-mail: ________Address: ________Fax: ________Institution: ________Telephone: ________Name of Property: ________State, Province or Region: ________Latitude and Longitude, or UTM coordinates: ________DESCRIPTION:Justification of Outstanding Universal Value:(Preliminary identification of the values of the property which merit inscription on the World Heritage List)Criteria met [see Paragraph 77 of the Operational Guidelines]:(Please tick the box corresponding to the proposed criteria and justify the use of each below)(i) ☐ (ii) ☐ (iii) ☐ (iv) ☐ (v) ☐ (vi) ☐ (vii) ☐ (viii) ☐ (ix) ☐ (x) ☐ Statements of authenticity and/or integrity [see Paragraphs 78-95 of the Operational Guidelines]:Comparison with other similar properties:(The comparison should outline similarities with other properties on the World Heritage List or not, and the reasons that make the property stand out)The Tentative List submission format is available from the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and at: guidance on the preparation of Tentative Lists can be found in Paragraphs 62-67 of the Operational Guidelines.An example of a completed Tentative List submission format can be found at: Tentative Lists submitted by States Parties arc available at: original signed version of the completed Tentative List submission format should be sent in English or French to: UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 7 place de Fontcnoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, FranceStates Parties are encouraged to also submit this information in electronic format (USB Flash Drive or CD-Rom) or by e-mail to

Annex 2B

Tentative List Submission Format for Future Transnational and Transboundary Nominations

STATE PARTY: ________DATE OF SUBMISSION: ________Submission14 prepared by: ________14This submission will be valid only when all the States Parties indicated in Section 1.b have sent their submissions.Name: ________Title: ________Address: ________Institution: ________E-mail: ________Fax: ________Telephone: ________1.aName of the transnational/transboundary future nomination15:15The text provided in this section should be identical in all submissions of the States Parties involved in the presentation of the same transnational / transboundary future nomination.1.bOther States Parties participating:1.cName(s) of the national component part(s):1.dState, Province or Region:1.eLatitude and Longitude, or Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates:2.aBrief Description of the transnational/transboundary future nomination16:16In case of transnational/transboundary properties any modification will need the agreement of all States Parties concerned.2.bDescription of the component part(s):3.JUSTIFICATION FOR OUTSTANDING UNIVERSAL VALUE 17 OF THE FUTURE NOMINATION AS A WHOLE:17In case of transnational/transboundary properties any modification will need the agreement of all States Parties concerned.(Preliminary identification of the values of the future nomination as a whole which merit inscription on the World Heritage List)3.aCriteria met18 [see Paragraph 77 of the Operational Guidelines]:18In case of transnational/transboundary properties any modification will need the agreement of all States Parties concerned.(Please tick the box corresponding to the proposed criteria and justify the use of each below)(i) ☐ (ii) ☐ (iii) ☐ (iv) ☐ (v) ☐ (vi) ☐ (vii) ☐ (viii) ☐ (ix) ☐ (x) ☐3.bStatements of authenticity and/or integrity [see Paragraphs 79-95 of the Operational Guidelines]:3.c.1Justification of the selection of the component part(s) in relation to the future nomination as a whole:3.c.2Comparison with other similar properties19:19In case of transnational/transboundary properties any modification will need the agreement of all States Parties concerned.(This comparison should outline the similarities with other properties inscribed or not on the World Heritage List, and the reasons for the exceptional character of the future nomination).

Annex 3

Request Format for a Preliminary Assessment of a Potential Nomination to the World Heritage List

(in compliance with Paragraph 122 of the Operational Guidelines)The Request Format for a Preliminary Assessment of a Potential Nomination to the World Heritage List is available at the following Web address: guidance on the preparation of the Preliminary Assessment Request Format can be found in Section III of the Operational GuidelinesThe original signed version of the completed Preliminary Assessment Request Format should be sent in English or French to:UNESCO World Heritage Centre7, place de Fontenoy75352 - Paris 07 SPFranceTelephone: +33 (0) 1 4568 11 04States Parties must also submit this information in electronic format (USB Key or by e-mail to In preparing the request for Preliminary Assessment, States Parties should use this format but delete the explanatory notes.
1.aCountry (and State Party if different) 
1.bState, Province or Region 
1.cName of potential nominated propertyDo not to exceed 200 characters, including spaces and punctuation.
1.dLatitude and Longitude coordinatesIn this space provide the latitude and longitude coordinates of a point at the approximate centre of the potential nominated property. In the case of potential serial nominated property, provide a table showing the name of each component part, its region and the coordinates of its centre point.
1.eMap showing the features/attributes of the potential nominated propertyProvide as a minimum a simple map with a scale and legend to show where the potential nominated property is situated and another map showing where its potential main heritage features and attributes are located. Where more detailed maps (including GIS shapefiles) are available these are welcome and should be included. If proposals for boundaries and buffer zones exist, also provide maps of these.
1.fName and date of submission of the potential nominated property on the Tentative List of the relevant State(s) Party(ies) as registered by the SecretariatIndicate precisely the title of the Tentative List entry to which the potential nominated property relates.
1.gHas the potential nominated property received funds from the International Assistance mechanism?If so, briefly explain the scope of the International Assistance provided, specify the date and include any documentation on the advice provided by the Advisory Bodies.
1.hHas the potential nominated property received advice through Upstream Process mechanism?If so, briefly explain the scope of the advice provided, specify the date and include any documentation on the advice provided by the Advisory Bodies.
1.iInternational designationsIndicate if the potential nominated property, as a whole or part of it, is internationally recognized as significant under other global conventions and programmes relating to the protection of cultural and natural heritage (see Paragraph 44). Maximum word length: 500 words
2.aSummary description and history of the potential nominated propertyProvide a brief description of the potential nominated property, including its main heritage features/attributes and relevant geographic characteristics (see Explanatory Notes of Section 2.a of Annex 5).Provide a brief description of the history of the potential nominated property, including significant events and development of its main heritage features/attributes.Maximum word length: 3000 words
2.bStatus of the research and historical documentation related to the nominated propertyProvide a brief description of the extent of documentation and relevant research available on the potential nominated property, including the following elements: when it has begun, what are the major sources, if published/unpublished, whether major research is ongoing, potential identified gaps in the knowledge including the language in which this information is available. Provide at least one reference that provides a good description of the heritage values of the potential nominated property.Maximum word length: 500 words
2.cSettings of the potential nominated propertyBearing in mind that attributes and features that convey the potential Outstanding Universal Value should be located within the nominated property, describe the immediate and wider settings (see Paragraphs 104, 112 and 118bis) of the potential nominated property and how they support the potential Outstanding Universal Value (including any particular relationship in terms of the values and attributes in the potential nominated property).Maximum word length: 500 words
3.1.aGlobal significance of the potential nominated propertyExplain the reasons for which this potential nominated property could be considered globally significant within the context of the World Heritage Convention.Maximum word length: 500 words
3.1.bWhich World Heritage criteria could be relevant to justify the potential Outstanding Universal Value of the potential nominated property? [see Paragraph 77 of the Operational Guidelines](i) ☐ (ii) ☐ (iii) ☐ (iv) ☐ (v) ☐ (vi) ☐ (vii) ☐ (viii) ☐ (ix) ☐ (x) ☐(Tick the box corresponding to the proposed criteria and provide a brief explanation to justify the use of each, not exceeding 100 words per selected criteria.)
3.2.Nomination Strategy
3.2.aAre you considering a potential serial nomination?Yes/NoIf yes, provide an explanation and a rationale for the serial approach.Maximum word length: 500 words
3.2.bAre you considering a potential transboundary or transnational nomination?Yes/NoIf yes, provide information on whether a nomination strategy has been planned and what will be the proposed approach.Maximum word length: 500 words
3.2.cAre you considering nominating the area as a Cultural Landscape?Yes/NoIf yes, provide an explanation and a rationale for the approach (see Paragraphs 47, 47bis and 47ter of the Operational Guidelines).Maximum word length: 500 words
4.aInclusion of attributes in the potential nominated propertyDescribe the main attributes/elements which would be included within the boundaries of the potential nominated property, in order to fully understand and express its potential Outstanding Universal Value.Are there any important features or attributes that have been compromised or lost from the area, such as heavily modified ecosystems, extinct species etc.? If so, provide details.For potential serial nominated properties, explain how the proposed component parts contribute to the potential Outstanding Universal Value of the site as a whole.Maximum word length: 750 words
4.bConservation status of the attributes, and factors affecting the potential nominated propertyProvide information on the condition of the attributes of the potential nominated property, including where relevant physical fabric, processes and associations. Does the potential nominated property suffer from any actual or potential adverse effects of development and/or neglect? How have such factors been addressed in order to remove/reduce their negative impact?Maximum word length: 750 words
5. AUTHENTICITY [for potential properties proposed under criteria (i) to (vi) only]
5.aAttributes and Information sourcesDescribe how each of the relevant attributes convey truthfully and credibly the values expressed in the proposed criteria (see paragraphs 79 to 86).Maximum word length: 750 words
5.bChanges to the relevant attributesDescribe what type or degree of change to the relevant attributes has occurred that may reduce their ability to convey potential Outstanding Universal Value.Maximum word length: 750 words
6.aApproach proposed to comparative analysisOutline the main factors that you consider need to be taken into account in order to develop a relevant comparative analysis in relation to the potential Outstanding Universal Value of the potential nominated property.In this section outline briefly the main elements of the comparative framework that you think need to be adopted (such as the biogeographic or the geo-cultural context, or the particular type of natural or cultural phenomenon that the potential nominated property represents).Maximum word length: 1500 words
6.bComparison with other similar properties or sitesList the most relevant comparable areas, which have been considered concerning the potential nominated property (including which properties on the World Heritage List, on Tentative Lists, or more widely are the most relevant comparable sites).Describe briefly how the potential nominated property would differ from properties already inscribed on the World Heritage List, or sites included on the Tentative Lists or other sites.Maximum word length: 1000 words
6.cSelection of component parts for potential serial nominated propertiesIn the case of potential serial nominated properties, provide details of the approach used to select their component parts and the rationale for the selection.Maximum word length: 500 words
6.dGaps and underrepresented heritage on the World Heritage ListIdentify whether the potential nominated property addresses a particular gap or underrepresented area or theme on the World Heritage List and how it would contribute to achieving a more balanced and representative World Heritage List.Indicate if the potential nominated property is mentioned in the thematic studies of the Advisory Bodies.Maximum 500 words.
7.aProtection statusDescribe the current legislative and regulatory measures at national and local level.Describe any protection measures that apply to the immediate and wider settings of the potential nominated property.Maximum word length: 500 words
7.bManagement statusIn case a management system is in place, or is envisaged, for the conservation of the potential nominated property, provide a brief description of its organization, priorities, conservation measures and the adequacy of resources (capacity and financial) available.In case the potential nominated property already has a management plan, or other documented management system, attach a copy of the most recent version.In the case of potential serial nominated properties, provide information on whether an overall management framework for all components parts is already in place or envisaged.Maximum word length: 500 words
7.cEngagement of indigenous peoples and local communitiesIf the potential nominated property might affect the lands, territories or resources of indigenous peoples and/or local communities, explain how they are represented, and in how far they have participated in the preparation of the Tentative List and the Preliminary Assessment request (see paragraphs 64 and 123). Demonstrate, as appropriate, that the free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples has been obtained, through, inter alia, making the planned nomination publicly available in appropriate languages and public consultations and hearings.Maximum word length: 500 words
7.dAdditional key questions and issuesDescribe any issues or difficulties, which have been identified to date in considering a possible World Heritage nomination, or any specific area(s) where advice is required in considering the potential nominated property.Maximum word length: 500 words
8.Name and contact information of official local institution/agency/organizationInstitution/Agency/Organization:Address:Tel:E-mail:Web address:
9.Signature on behalf of the State PartyThe Preliminary Assessment request should conclude with the signature of the official empowered to sign it on behalf of the State Party.

Annex 4

Authenticity in relation to the World Heritage Convention


This Annex reproduces the Nara Document on Authenticity, drafted by the 45 participants to the Nara Conference on Authenticity in Relation to the World Heritage Convention, held at Nara, Japan, from 1 - 6 November 1994. The Nara Conference was organized in cooperation with UNESCO, ICCROM and ICOMOS.The World Heritage Committee examined the report of the Nara meeting on Authenticity at its 18th session (Phuket, Thailand, 1994) (see document WHC-94/CONF.003/16).Subsequent expert meetings have enriched the concept of authenticity in relation to the World Heritage Convention (see Bibliography of the Operational Guidelines).

I. The Nara Document on Authenticity


1.We, the experts assembled in Nara (Japan), wish to acknowledge the generous spirit and intellectual courage of the Japanese authorities in providing a timely forum in which we could challenge conventional thinking in the conservation field, and debate ways and means of broadening our horizons to bring greater respect for cultural and heritage diversity to conservation practice.
2.We also wish to acknowledge the value of the framework for discussion provided by the World Heritage Committee's desire to apply the test c f authenticity in ways which accord full respect to the social and cultural values of all societies, in examining the outstanding universal value of cultural properties proposed for the World Heritage List.
3.The Nara Document on Authenticity is conceived in the spirit of the Charter of Venice, 1964, and builds on it and extends it in response to the expanding scope of cultural heritage concerns and interests in our contemporary world.
4.In a world that is increasingly subject to the forces of globalization and homogenization, and in a world in which the search for cultural identity is sometimes pursued through aggressive nationalism and the suppression of the cultures of minorities, the essential contribution made by the consideration of authenticity in conservation practice is to clarify and illuminate the collective memory of humanity.

Cultural Diversity and Heritage Diversity

5.The diversity of cultures and heritage in our world is an irreplaceable source of spiritual and intellectual richness for all humankind. The protection and enhancement of cultural and heritage diversity in our world should be actively promoted as an essential aspect of human development.
6.Cultural heritage diversity exists in time and space, and demands respect for other cultures and all aspects c f their belie f systems. In cases where cultural values appear to be in conflict, respect for cultural diversity demands acknowledgment of the legitimacy of the cultural values of all parties.
7.All cultures and societies are rooted in the particular forms and means of tangible and intangible expression which constitute their heritage, and these should be respected.
8.It is important to underline a fundamental principle of UNESCO, to the effect that the cultural heritage of each is the cultural heritage of all. Responsibility for cultural heritage and the management of it belongs, in the first place, to the cultural community that has generated it, and subsequently to that which cares for it. However, in addition to these responsibilities, adherence to the international charters and conventions developed for conservation of cultural heritage also obliges consideration of the principles and responsibilities flowing from them. Balancing their own requirements with those of other cultural communities is, for each community, highly desirable, provided achieving this balance does not undermine their fundamental cultural values.

Values and authenticity

9.Conservation of cultural heritage in all its forms and historical periods is rooted in the values attributed to the heritage. Our ability to understand these values depends, in part, on the degree to which information sources about these values may be understood as credible or trullful. Knowledge and understanding of these sources of it formation, in relation to original and subsequent characteristics of the cultural heritage, and their meaning, is a requisite basis for assessing all aspects of authenticity.
10.Authenticity, considered in this way and affirmed in the Charter of Venice, appears as the essential qualifying factor concerning values. The understanding of authenticity plays a fundamental role in all scientific studies of the cultural heritage, in conservation and restoration planning, as well as within the inscription procedures used for the World Heritage Convention and other cultural heritage inventories.
11.All judgements about values attributed to cultural properties as well as the credibility of related information sources may differ from culture to culture, and even within the same culture. It is thus not possible to base judgements of values and authenticity within fixed criteria. On the contrary, the respect due to all cultures requires that heritage properties must be considered and judged within the cultural contexts to which they belong.
12.Then fore, it is of the highest importance and urgency that, within each culture, recognition be accorded to the specific nature of its heritage values and the credibility and trull fulness of related information sources.
13.Depending on the nature of the cultural heritage, its cultural context, and its evolution through time, authenticity judgements may be linked to the worth of a great variety of sources of information. Aspects of the sources may include form and design, materials and substance, use and function, traditions and techniques, location and setting, and spirit and feeling, and other internal and external factors. The use c f these sources permits elaboration of the specific artistic, historic, social, and scientific dimensions of the cultural heritage being examined.

Appendix 1: Suggestions for follow-up

1.Respect for cultural and heritage diversity requires conscious efforts to avoid imposing mechanistic formulae or standardized procedures in attempting to di fine or determine authenticity of particular monuments and sites.
2.Efforts to determine authenticity in a manner respectful of cultures and heritage diversity requires approaches which encourage cultures to develop analytical processes and tools specific to their nature and needs. Such approaches may have several aspects in common:efforts to ensure assessment of authenticity involve multidisciplinary collaboration and the appropriate utilisation of all available expertise and knowledge;efforts to ensure attributed values are truly representative of a culture and the diversity of its interests, in particular monuments and sites;efforts to document clearly the particular nature of authenticity for monuments and sites as a practical guide to future treatment and monitoring;efforts to update authenticity assessments in light of changing values and circumstances.
3.Particularly important are efforts to ensure that attributed values are respected, and that their determination included efforts to build, as far as possible, a multidisciplinary and community consensus concerning these values.
4.Approaches should also build on and facilitate international co-operation among all those with an interest in conservation of cultural heritage, in order to improve global respect and understanding for the diverse expressions and values c f each culture.
5.Continuation and extension of this dialogue to the various regions and cultures of the world is a prerequisite to increasing the practical value of consideration of authenticity in the conservation of the common heritage of humankind.
6.Increasing awareness within the public of this fundamental dimension of heritage is an absolute necessity in order to arrive at concrete measures for safe guarding the vestiges of the past. This means developing greater understanding of the values represented by the cultural properties themselves, as well as respecting the role such monuments and sites play in contemporary society.

Appendix 2: Definitions

Conservation: all efforts designed to understand cultural heritage, know its history and meaning, ensure its material safeguard and, as required, its presentation, restoration and enhancement. (Cultural heritage is understood to include monuments, groups of buildings and sites of cultural value as defined in Article 1 of the World Heritage Convention).Information sources: all material, written, oral and figurative sources which make it possible to know the nature, specifications, meaning and history of the cultural heritage.

II. Chronological Bibliography on Authenticity

Publications which preceded the Nara meeting and which helped prepare the ground for the authenticity discussion which took place in Nara:Larsen, Knut Einar, A note on the authenticity of historic timber buildings with particular reference to Japan, Occasional Papers for the World Heritage Convention, ICOMOS, December 1992.Larsen, Knut Einar, Authenticity and Reconstruction: Architectural Preservation in Japan, Norwegian Institute of Technology, Vols. 1-2, 1993.Preparatory meeting for the Nara Meeting, held in Bergen, Norway, 31 January - 1 February 1994:Larsen, Knut Einar and Marstein, Nils (ed.), Conference on authenticity in relation to the World Heritage Convention Preparatory workshop, Bergen, Norway, 31 January - 2 February 1994, Tapir Forlag, Trondheim 1994.The Nara meeting, 1-6 November 1994, Nara, Japan:Larsen, Knut Einar with an editorial group (Jokilehto, Lemaire, Masuda, Marstein, Stovel), Nara conference on authenticity in relation to the World Heritage Convention. Conference de Nara sur Inauthenticity dans le cadre de la Convention du Patrimonies Mondial. Nara, Japan, 1 -6 November 1994, Proceedings published by UNESCO - World Heritage Centre, Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan, ICCROM and ICOMOS, 1994.The Nara meeting brought together 45 experts from 26 countries and international organizations from around the world. Their papers are contained in the volume cited above, as is the Nara document prepared in a working group of 12 meeting participants and edited by Raymond Lemaire and Herb Stovel. This volume of Proceedings invites members of ICOMOS and others to extend the discussions of the Nara Document issues to other regions of the world.Significant post-Nara regional meetings (as of January 2005):Authenticity and Monitoring, October 17-22, 1995, Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic, ICOMOS European Conference, 1995.The European ICOMOS Conference of 17-22 October, 1995 which took place in Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic brought together 18 European members of ICOMOS to present national views of the application of authenticity concepts from 14 countries. A synthesis of presentations affirmed the importance of authenticity within the analytical processes we apply to conservation problems as a means of assuring truthful, sincere and honest approaches to conservation problems, and gave emphasis to strengthening the notion of dynamic conservation in order to apply authenticity analysis appropriately to cultural landscapes and urban settings.Interamerican symposium on authenticity in the conservation and management of the cultural heritage, US/ICOMOS, The Getty Conservation Institute, San Antonio, Texas 1996.This Authenticity meeting which took place in San Antonio, Texas, USA in March 1996, brought together participants from ICOMOS national committees of North, Central and South America to debate the application of the concepts of Nara. The meeting adopted the Declaration of San Antonio, which discussed the relationship between authenticity and identity, history, materials, social value, dynamic and static sites, stewardship and economics, and contained recommendations extending “proofs” of authenticity to include reflection of its true value, integrity, context, identity, use and function, as well as recommendations pertinent to different typologies of sites.Saouma-Forero, Galia, (edited by), Authenticity and integrity in an African context: expert meeting, Great Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, 26-29 May 2000, UNESCO - World Heritage Centre, Paris 2001.The Great Zimbabwe meeting organised by the World Heritage Centre (26-29 May 2000) focused attention on both authenticity and integrity in an African context. Eighteen speakers looked at issues arising in management of both cultural and natural heritage properties. The meeting resulted in the publication cited above, which includes a set of recommendations coming from meeting participants. Among recommendations were suggestions to include management systems, language, and other forms of intangible heritage among attributes expressing authenticity, and an emphasis given to the place of local communities in the sustainable heritage management process.Reconstruction discussions in the context of the World Heritage Convention (as of January 2005):The Riga Charter on authenticity and historical reconstruction in relationship to cultural heritage adapted by regional conference, Riga, 24 October 2000, Latvian National Commission for UNESCO - World Heritage Centre, ICCROM.Incerti Medici, Elena and Stovel, Herb, Authenticity and historical reconstruction in relationship with cultural heritage, regional conference, Riga, Latvia, October 23-24 2000: summary report, UNESCO - World Heritage Centre, Paris, ICCROM, Rome 2001.Stovel, Herb, The Riga Charter on authenticity and historical reconstruction in relationship to cultural heritage, Riga, Latvia, October 2000, in Conservation and management of archaeological sites, Vol. 4, n. 4, 2001.Alternatives to historical reconstruction in the World Heritage Cities, Tallinn, 16-18 May 2002, Tallinn Cultural Heritage Department, Estonia National Commission for UNESCO, Estonia National Heritage Board.

Annex 5


This Format must be used for all nomination dossiersThe Nomination Format is available at guidance on the preparation of nomination dossiers can be found in Section III of Operational GuidelinesThe original signed version of the completed Nomination Format should be sent in English or French toUNESCO World Heritage Centre7, place de Fontenoy75352 Paris 07 SPFranceTelephone: +33 (0) 1 4568 1104E-mail:

Executive Summary

This information, to be provided by the State Party, will be updated by the Secretariat following the decision by the World Heritage Committee. It will then be returned to the State Party confirming the basis on which the property is inscribed on the World Heritage List.
State Party 
State, Province or Region 
Name of nominated property 
Geographical coordinates to the nearest second 
Textual description of the boundary(ies) of the nominated property 
A4 or A3 size map(s) of the nominated property, showing boundaries and buffer zone (if present)Attach A4 or A3 size map(s) which should be the reduced size version of the original copies of topographic or cadastral maps showing the nominated property and buffer zone (if present) at the largest scale available included or annexed to the nomination.
Criteria under which property is nominated (itemize criteria)(see Paragraph 77 of the Operational Guidelines) 
Cultural LandscapeIndicate whether the property is nominated as a cultural landscape (YES) or (NO)(see Paragraphs 47, 47bis and 47ter)
Draft Statement of Outstanding Universal Value (text should clarify what is considered to be the Outstanding Universal Value embodied by the nominated property, approximately 1 -2 page format)According to the paragraph 155, the Statement of Outstanding Universal Value should be composed of:a)Brief synthesisb)Justification for Criteriac)Statement of Integrity (for all properties)d)Statement of authenticity for properties nominated under criteria (i) to (vi)e)Requirements for protection and managementSee format in Annex 10
Name and contact information of official local institution/agency/organizationInstitution/Agency/Organization:Address:Tel:Fax:E-mail:Web address:

Properties for inscription on the World Heritage List

Note: In preparing the nomination dossier, States Parties should use this format but delete the explanatory notes.
1.Identification of the nominated propertyTogether with Sections 2 and 3, this is the most important section in the nomination. It must make clear to the Committee precisely where the nominated property is located and how it is geographically defined. In the case of serial nominated properties, insert a table that shows the name of the component part, region (if different for different components), coordinates, area and buffer zone. Other fields could also be added (page reference or map number, etc.) that differentiate the several components.
1.aCountry (and State Party if different) 
1.bState, Province or Region 
1.cName of nominated propertyThis is the official name of the nominated property that will appear in published material about World Heritage. It should be concise. Do not exceed 200 characters, including spaces and punctuation.In the case of serial nominated properties (see Paragraphs 137 - 139 of the Operational Guidelines), give a name for the ensemble (e.g., Baroque Churches of the Philippines). Do not include the name of the component parts of a serial nominated property, which should be included in a table as part of 1.d and 1.f.
1.dGeographical coordinates to the nearest secondIn this space provide the latitude and longitude coordinates (to the nearest second) or UTM coordinates (to the nearest 10 metres) of a point at the approximate centre of the nominated property. Do not use other coordinate systems. If in doubt, please consult the Secretariat.In the case of serial nominated properties, provide a table showing the name of each component part, its region (or nearest town as appropriate), and the coordinates of its centre point. Coordinate format examples:N 45° 06' 05"W 15° 37'56" orUTM Zone 18Easting: 545670Northing: 4586750
Idn°Name of the component partRegion(s) / District(s)Coordinates of the central pointArea of nominated component part (ha)Area of the Buffer Zone (ha)Map N°
Total area (in hectares)haha 
1.eMaps and plans, showing the boundaries of the nominated property and buffer zoneAnnex to the nomination, and list below with scales and dates:(i)Original copies of topographic maps showing the property nominated, at the largest scale available which shows the entire nominated property. The boundaries of the nominated property and buffer zone should be clearly marked. The boundaries of zones of special legal protection from which the nominated property benefits should be recorded on maps to be included under the protection and management section of the nomination text. Multiple maps may be necessary for serial nominated properties (see table in 1.d). The maps provided should be at the largest available and practical scale to allow the identification of topographic elements such as neighbouring settlements, buildings and routes in order to allow the clear assessment of the impact of any proposed development within, adjacent to, or on the boundary line. The choice of the adequate scale is essential to clearly show the boundaries of the nominated property and shall be in relation to the category of site that is proposed for inscription: cultural sites would require cadastral maps, while natural sites or cultural landscapes would require topographic maps (normally 1:25 000 to 1:50 000 scale).Utmost care is needed with the width of boundary lines on maps, as thick boundary lines may make the actual boundary of the nominated property ambiguous.All maps should be capable of being geo-referenced, with a minimum of three points on opposite sides of the maps with complete sets of coordinates. The maps, untrimmed, should show scale, orientation, projection, datum, nominated property name and date. If possible, maps should be sent rolled and not folded.Geographic Information in digital form is encouraged if possible, suitable for incorporation into a GIS (Geographic Information System), however, this may not substitute the submission of printed maps. In this case the delineation of the boundaries (nominated property and buffer zone) should be presented in vector form, prepared at the largest scale possible. The State Party is invited to contact the Secretariat for further information concerning this option.(ii)A Location Map showing the location of the nominated property within the State Party,(iii)Plans and specially prepared maps of the nominated property showing individual features are helpful and may also be annexed.To facilitate copying and presentation to the Advisory Bodies and the World Heritage Committee A4 (or "letter”) size reduction and a digital image file of the principal maps should also be included in the main text of the nomination dossier if possible.Where no buffer zone is proposed, the main text of the nomination dossier must include a statement as to why a buffer zone is not required for the proper protection of the nominated property.
1.fArea of nominated property (ha.) and proposed buffer zone (ha.)Area of nominated property: _____ haBuffer zone _____ haTotal _____ haIn the case of serial nominated properties (see Paragraphs 137-139 of the Operational Guidelines), insert a table that shows the name of the component part, region (if different for different components), coordinates, area of each component part and buffer zone.The serial nominated properties table should also be used to show the size of each component part separately and of the buffer zone(s).
2.aDescription of nominated property[This section should not exceed 16,000 words (about 50 A4 pages) for a single site nomination or 24,000 words (about 75 A4 pages) for a serial site nomination]This section should begin with a description of the nominated property at the date of nomination. It should refer to all the significant features of the nominated property.In the case of a cultural nominated property this section will include a description of whatever elements make the nominated property culturally significant. It could include a description of any building or buildings and their architectural style, date of construction, materials, etc. This section should also describe important aspects of the setting such as gardens, parks etc. For a rock art site, for example, the description should refer to the rock art as well as the surrounding landscapes. In the case of an historic town or district, it is not necessary to describe each individual building, but important public buildings should be described individually and an account should be given of the planning or layout of the area, its street pattern and so on.In the case of a natural nominated property this section should deal with important physical attributes, geology, habitats, species and population size, and other significant ecological features and processes. Species lists should be provided where practicable, and the presence of threatened or endemic taxa should be highlighted. The extent and methods of the use of natural resources should be described.In the case of cultural landscapes, it will be necessary to produce a description under all the matters mentioned above. Special attention should be paid to the interaction of people and nature.The entire nominated property identified in section 1 (Identification of the Nominated Property) should be described. In the case of serial nominated properties (see Paragraphs 137-139 of the Cperational Guidelines), each of the component parts should be separately described.This section should contain a list and short description of the main attributes.Nominated properties are required to demonstrate their potential Outstanding Universal Value through their attributes. Attributes convey the potential Outstanding Universal Value and enable an understanding of that value. These attributes will be the focus of protection and management actions, and institutional arrangements, and their spatial distribution and respective protection requirements will inform the boundary of the property.Attributes can be physical qualities or fabric, but can also include processes, associated with a property, that impact on physical qualities, such as natural or agricultural processes, social arrangements or cultural practices that have shaped distinctive landscapes. For natural properties they can be specific landscape features, areas of habitat, flagship species, aspects relating to environmental quality (such as intactness, high/pristine environmental quality), scale and naturalness of habitats, and size and viability of wildlife populations.
2.bHistory and Development[This section should not exceed 6,400 words (about 20 A4 pages)]The History and Development of the nominated property shall describe how the nominated property has reached its present form and the significant changes that it has undergone. This information shall provide the important facts needed to support and give substance to the argument that the nominated property meets the criteria of Outstanding Universal Value and conditions of integrity and/or authenticity.
3.Justification for Inscription20The justification should be set out under the following sections.This section must make clear why the nominated property is considered to be of “Outstanding Universal Value”.The whole of this section of the nomination should be written with careful reference to the requirements of the Operational Guidelines. It should not include detailed descriptive material about the nominated property or its management, which are addressed in other sections, but should convey the key aspects that are relevant to the definition of the Outstanding Universal Value of the nominated property.
3.1.aBrief synthesisThe brief synthesis should comprise (i) a summary of factual information and (ii) a summary of qualities.The summary of factual information sets out the geographical and historical context and the main features. The summary of qualities should present to decision-makers and the general public the potential Outstanding Universal Value that needs to be sustained, and should also include a summary of the attributes that convey its potential Outstanding Universal Value, and need to be protected, managed and monitored. The summary should relate to all stated criteria in order to justify the nomination. The brief synthesis thus encapsulates the whole rationale for the nomination and proposed inscription.
3.1.bCriteria under which inscription is proposed (and justification for inscription under these criteria)See Paragraph 77 of the Operational Guidelines.Provide a separate justification for each criterion cited.State briefly how the property meets those criteria under which it has been nominated (where necessary, make reference to the “description” and “comparative analysis” sections of the nomination, but do not duplicate the text of these sections) and describe for each criterion the relevant attributes.
3.1.cStatement of IntegrityThe statement of integrity should demonstrate that the nominated property fulfils the conditions of integrity set out in Section II.D of the Operational Guidelines, which describe these conditions in greater detail.The Operational Guidelines set out the need to assess the extent to which the nominated property:includes all elements necessary to express its Outstanding Universal Value;is of adequate size to ensure the complete representation of the features and processes which convey the property’s significance;suffers from adverse effects of development and/or neglect (Paragraph 88).The Operational Guidelines provide specific guidance in relation to the various World Heritage criteria, which is important to understand (Paragraphs 89-95).
3.1.dStatement of Authenticity (for nominations made under criteria (i) to (vi)The statement of authenticity should demonstrate that the nominated property fulfils the conditions of authenticity set out in Section II.D of the Operational Guidelines, which describe these conditions in gr eater detail.This section should summarise information that may be included in more detail in section 4 of the nomination (and possibly in other sections), and should not reproduce the level of detail included in those sections.Authenticity only applies to cultural properties and to the cultural aspects of 'mixed' properties.The Operational Guidelines state that ‘properties may be understood to meet the conditions of authenticity if their cultural values (as recognized in the nomination criteria proposed) are truthfully and credibly expressed through a variety of attributes' (Paragraph 82).The Operational Guidelines suggest that the following types of attributes might be considered as conveying or expressing Outstanding Universal Value:form and design;materials and substance;use and function;traditions, techniques and management systems;location and setting;language and other forms of intangible heritage;spirit and feeling; andother internal/external factors.
3.1.eProtection and management requirementsThis section should summarise information that may be included in more detail in section 5 of the nomination dossier (and also potentially in sections 4 and 6), and should not reproduce the level of detail included in those sections.This section should set out how the requirements for protection and management will be met, in order to ensure that the Outstanding Universal Value of the nominated property is maintained over time. It should include both details of an overall framework for protection and management, and the identification of specific long-term expectations for the protection of the nominated property.The text in this section should first provide an overview of the protection and management system. This should include the necessary protection mechanisms, management systems and/or management plans (whether currently in place or in need of establishment) that will protect and conserve the attributes that carry Outstanding Universal Value, and address the threats to and vulnerabilities of the nominated property. These could include the presence of strong and effective legal protection, a clearly documented management system, including relationships with key stakeholders or user groups, adequate staff and financial resources, key requirements for presentation (where relevant), and effective and responsive monitoring.Secondly this section needs to acknowledge any long-term challenges for the protection and management of the nominated property and state how addressing these will be a long-term strategy. It will be relevant to refer to the most significant threats to the nominated property, and to vulnerabilities and negative changes in authenticity and/or integrity that have been highlighted, and to set out how protection and management will address these vulnerabilities and threats and mitigate any adverse changes.As an official statement, recognised by the World Heritage Committee, this section of the Statement of Outstanding Universal Value should convey the most important commitments that the State Party is making for the long-term protection and management of the nominated property.
3.2Comparative AnalysisThe nominated property should be compared to similar properties, whether on the World Heritage List or not. The comparison should outline the similarities the nominated property has with other properties and the reasons that make the nominated property stand out. The comparative analysis should aim to explain the importance of the nominated property both in its national and international context (see Paragraph 132). Comparisons should be made with properties expressing the same values as the nominated property, and within a defined geo-cultural area (cultural properties) or globally (natural properties). The combination of values and attributes on which the comparative analysis is based must match the key aspects that are relevant to the definition of the Outstanding Universal Value of the nominated property conveyed in the rest of section 3.The purpose of the comparative analysis is to show that there is room on the List using existing thematic studies and the gap analysis.In the case of serial nominated properties, text needs to set out the rationale for choosing the component parts, in terms of comparing them with other similar component parts and justifying the choice made.The comparative analysis must conclude by drawing conclusions.
3.3Draft Statement of Outstanding Universal Value (see annex 10)A Statement of Outstanding Universal Value is the official statement adopted by the World Heritage Committee at the time of inscription of a property on the World Heritage List. When the World Heritage Committee agrees to inscribe a property on the World Heritage List, it also agrees on a Statement of Outstanding Universal Value that encapsulates why the property is considered to be of Outstanding Universal Value, how it satisfies the relevant criteria, the conditions of integrity and (for cultural properties) authenticity, and how it meets the requirements for protection and management in order to sustain Outstanding Universal Value in the long-term.Statements of Outstanding Universal Value should be concise and are set out in a standard format. They should help to raise awareness regarding the value of the property, guide the assessment of its state of conservation and inform protection and management. Once adopted by the Committee, the Statement of Outstanding Universal Value is displayed at the property and on the UNESCO World Heritage Centre’s website.The main sections of a Statement of Outstanding Universal Value are the following:a)Brief synthesisb)Justification for Criteriac)Statement of Integrity (for all properties)d)Statement of authenticity for properties nominated under criteria (i) to (vi)e)Requirements for protection and management
4.State of Conservation and factors affecting the nominated property 
4.aPresent state of conservationThe information presented in this section constitutes the base-line data necessary to monitor the state of conservation of the nominated property in the future. Information should be provided in this section on the physical condition of the nominated property, any threats to the potential Outstanding Universal Value of the nominated property and conservation measures in place (see Paragraph 132). The state of conservation of the attributes as identified in section 2.a and 3.1.a. should be described, including attributes which have been lost or whose condition is compromised.For example, in a historic town or area, buildings, monuments or other structures needing major or minor repair works, should be indicated as well as the scale and duration of any recent or forthcoming major repair projects.In the case of a natural nominated property, data on species trends or the integrity of eco-systems should be provided. This is important because the nomination will be used in future years for purposes of comparison to trace changes in the condition of the property.For the indicators and statistical benchmarks used to monitor the state of conservation of the property see section 6 below.
4.bFactors affecting the nominated propertyThis section should firstly provide information on all the factors which are likely to affect or threaten the Outstanding Universal Value of a nominated property. Secondly, it should describe the proposed management response to those factors that may negatively affect the nominated property. A list of factors that may be relevant is available at
4.b (i)Development pressures and management responseDescribe development pressures affecting the nominated property and the management response to avert impacts on the nominated property's authenticity and/or integrity from factors such as:Buildings and Development (e.g. housing, commercial development, including tourism);Transportation infrastructure (e.g. ground transport, air transport);Utilities or service infrastructure (e.g. renewable and/or non­renewable energy facilities);Biological resource use/modification (e.g. fishing, agriculture, forestry);Physical resource extraction (e.g. mining, quarrying, oil and gas, water extraction).For more details on these factors, see
4.b (ii)Environmental pressures, natural disasters and risk preparednessList and summarize major factors of environmental deterioration and foreseeable natural disasters, such as:Local conditions affecting physical fabric (e.g. wind, humidity, temperature, dust);Invasive/alien species or hyper-abundant species (e