Alignments and Linkages
The alignments and interlinkages are taken from the InforMEA Goals Section. See further information
Table of Contents
- Division – Acronyms and abbreviations
Division I – Introduction
Division I – Introduction -
Division II – The World Heritage list
Division II – The World Heritage list -
Division III – Process for the inscription of properties on the World Heritage List
Division III – Process for the inscription of properties on the World Heritage List-
Chapter III.B – Format and content of nomination dossiers
Chapter III.B – Format and content of nomination dossiers- Paragraph 129.
- Paragraph 130.
- Paragraph 131.
Paragraph 132.
Paragraph 132.- Subparagraph – Executive Summary
- Subparagraph 1. – Identification of the nominated property
- Subparagraph 2. – Description of the nominated property
- Subparagraph 3. – Justification for inscription
- Subparagraph 4. – State of conservation and factors affecting the nominated property
- Subparagraph 6. – Monitoring
- Subparagraph 7. – Documentation
- Subparagraph 8. – Contact information of responsible authorities
- Subparagraph 9. – Signature on behalf of the State Party
- Subparagraph 10. – Number of printed copies required (including annexed maps)
- Subparagraph 11. – Paper and electronic formats
- Subparagraph 12. – Sending
- Paragraph 133.
Division IV – Process for monitoring the state of conservation of World Heritage Properties
Division IV – Process for monitoring the state of conservation of World Heritage Properties -
Division VIII – The World Heritage Emblem
Division VIII – The World Heritage Emblem -
Select World Heritage Bibliography
Select World Heritage Bibliography- Division – World Heritage Centre documents database
- Division – Basic texts
- Division – Strategic documents
- Division – World Heritage thematic programmes
- Division World Heritage resource manuals
- Division – World Heritage review
- Division – World Heritage Paper Series
- Division – General and thematic references
- Division – Web addresses
- Annex 2A
- Annex 2B
Annex 6
Annex 6 -
Annex 7
Annex 7-
Division – Format
Division – Format- Subdivision – General Requirements
I Application of the World Heritage Convention by the State Party
I Application of the World Heritage Convention by the State Party- Paragraph 1. – Introduction
- Paragraph 2. – Synergies with other convention, programmes and recommendations for the conservation of the natural and cultural heritage
- Paragraph 3. – Tentative list
- Paragraph 4. – Nominations
- Paragraph 5. – General policy development
- Paragraph 6. – Inventories/lists/registers of cultural and natural heritage
- Paragraph 7. – Status of services for protection, conservation and presentation
- Paragraph 8. – Financial status and human resources
- Paragraph 9. – Capacity development
- Paragraph 10. – Policy and resourcing of World Heritage Properties
- Paragraph 11. – International cooperation and fundraising
- Paragraph 12. – Education, information and awareness building
- Paragraph 13. – Conclusions and recommended actions
- Paragraph 14. – Good practices in the implementation of the World Heritage Convention
- Paragraph 15. – Assessment of the Periodic Reporting exercise
II State of conservation of specific World Heritage Properties
II State of conservation of specific World Heritage Properties- Paragraph 1. – World Heritage Property data
- Paragraph 2. – Other conventions/programmes under which the World Heritage Property is protected
- Paragraph 3. – Statement of outstanding universal value and defining of attributes
- Paragraph 4. – Factors affecting the property
- Paragraph 5. – Protection and management of the property
- Paragraph 6. – Financial and human resources
- Paragraph 7. – Scientific studies and research projects
- Paragraph 8. – Education, information and awareness building
- Paragraph 9. – Visitor management
- Paragraph 10. – Monitoring
- Paragraph 11. – Indentification of priority management needs
- Paragraph 12. – Summary and conclusions
- Paragraph 13. – Impact of World Heritage status
- Paragraph 14. – Good practices in the implementation of the World Heritage Convention
- Paragraph 15. – Assessment of the Periodic Reporting exercise
Annex 11
Annex 11-
Division – Minor modifications to the boundaries to World Heritage Properties
Division – Minor modifications to the boundaries to World Heritage Properties- Paragraph 1) – Area of the property (in hectares):
- Paragraph 2) – Description of the modification:
- Paragraph 3) – Justification for the modification:
- Paragraph 4) – Contribution to the maintenance of the Outstanding Universal Value:
- Paragraph 5) – Implications for legal protection:
- Paragraph 6) – Implications for management arrangements:
- Paragraph 7) – Maps:
- Paragraph 8) – Additional information:
- Annex 12
Annex 15
Annex 15- Paragraph 1. – State(s) Party(ies)
- Paragraph 2. – Object of the advice requested from the World Heritage Centre or the Advisory Bodies
- Paragraph 3. – Brief description of the site
- Paragraph 4. – Expected time frame for the realization of the Upstream Process
- Paragraph 5. – Would a site visit be necessary?
- Paragraph 6. – Availability of funds to implement the request
- Paragraph 7. – Any additional information you may wish to provide
- Paragraph 8. – Contact information of the responsible authorities
- Paragraph 9. – Signature on behalf of the State(s) Party(ies)
Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention
Acronyms and abbreviations
D0C0M0M0 | International Committee for the Documentation and Conservation of Monuments and Sites of the Modern Movement |
ICCROM | International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property |
ICOMOS | International Council on Monuments and Sites |
IFLA | International Federation of Landscape Architects |
IUCN | International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources |
IUGS | International Union of Geological Sciences |
MAB | Man and the Biosphere Programme of UNESCO |
NGO | Non-governmental organization |
TICCIH | International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage |
UNEP | United Nations Environment Programme |
UNEP-WCMC | World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP) |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
I – Introduction
Chapter I.A
The Operational Guidelines
Chapter I.B
The World Heritage Convention
Chapter I.C
The States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Chapter I.D
The General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Chapter I.E
The World Heritage Committee
Chapter I.F
The Secretariat to the World Heritage Committee (World Heritage Centre)
[UNESCO World Heritage Centre 7, place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 SP France]Chapter I.G
The Advisory Bodies to the World Heritage Committee
Via di S. Michele, 13
I-00153 Rome, Italy
Tel: +39 06 585531
Fax: +39 06 5855 3349
11 rue du Séminaire de Conflans
94220 Charenton-le-Pont France
Tel: +33 (0)1 41 94 17 59
Fax: +33 (0)1 48 93 19 16
rue Mauverney 28 CH-1196 Gland, Switzerland
Tel: + 41 22 999 0001
Fax: +41 22 999 0010
I.H Other organizations
Chapter I.I
Partners in the protection of World Heritage
Chapter I.J
Other Conventions, Recommendations and Programmes
UNESCO conventions and programmes
Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (1954)Protocol I (1954)Protocol II (1999) on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property (1970) concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972) on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage (2001) for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003) on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005) and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme Geoscience and Geoparks Programme (IGGP) Hydrological Programme (IHP) conventions
International Whaling Commission (IWC) (1946)https://iwc.intInternational Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) (1951)https://www.ippc.intConvention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar) (1971)http://www.ramsar.orgConvention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) (1973)http://www.cites.orgConvention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) (1979)http://www.cms.intUnited Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) (1982) on Biological Diversity (1992)http://www.cbd.intUNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects (Rome, 1995)https://www.wiidroit.Org/cultural-property#Conventionl995United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (New York, 1992)http://unfccc.intInternational Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (2001) – The World Heritage list
II.A - Definition of World Heritage
Cultural and Natural Heritage
Mixed Cultural and Natural Heritage
Cultural landscapes
Movable Heritage
Outstanding Universal Value
Chapter II.B
A Representative, Balanced and Credible World Heritage List
The Global Strategy for a Representative, Balanced and Credible World Heritage List
Other measures
Chapter II.C
Tentative Lists
Procedure and Format
Tentative Lists as a planning and evaluation tool
Assistance and Capacity Building for States Parties in the preparation of Tentative Lists
Chapter II.D
Criteria for the assessment of Outstanding Universal Value
[These criteria were formerly presented as two separate sets of criteria - criteria (i) - (vi) for cultural heritage and (i) - (iv) for natural heritage.]Chapter II.E
Authenticity and/or integrity
Chapter II.F
Protection and management
Legislative, regulatory and contractual protection measures
Boundaries for effective protection
Buffer zones
Management systems
Sustainable use
III – Process for the inscription of properties on the World Heritage List
The Process for the inscription of properties on the World Heritage List starts with the inclusion of a site on the Tentative List (see Section II.C), then there are two phases in the preparation of a nomination, the Preliminary Assessment and the full nomination dossier.Chapter
III.A Preparation of nominations
Upstream Process
Preliminary Assessment
Participation in the nomination process
Preparatory Assistance for the preparation of nominations
Secretariat assistance throughout the nomination process
Deadlines for the submission of draft nominations and nomination dossiers
Chapter III.B
Format and content of nomination dossiers
Chapter III.C
Requirements for nomination of different types of nominated properties
Nominated transboundary properties
Nominated serial properties
Chapter III.D
Registration of nomination dossiers
Chapter III.E
Evaluation of nomination dossiers by the Advisory Bodies
Chapter III.F
Withdrawal of nominations
Chapter III.G
Decision of the World Heritage Committee
Decision not to inscribe
Referral of nominations
Deferral of nominations
Chapter III.H
Nomination dossiers to be processed on an emergency basis
Chapter III.I
Modifications to the boundaries, to the criteria used to justify inscription or to the name of a World Heritage property
Minor modifications to the boundaries
Significant modifications to the boundaries
Modifications to the criteria used to justify inscription on the World Heritage List
Modification to the name of a World Heritage property
Chapter III.J
Timetable - overview
Preliminary Assessment Phase
[Decision 39 COM 11]Timetable | Procedures |
15 September (Year 1) | Deadline by which complete Preliminary Assessment requests must be received in printed format by the Secretariat to be transmitted to the relevant Advisory Bodies for review (see Paragraph 122.c). Preliminary Assessment requests shall be received by 17h00 GMT, or, if the date falls on a weekend by 17h00 GMT the preceding Friday. Preliminary Assessment requests received after this date will be examined in a future cycle. |
15 October (Year 1) | Deadline by which the Secretariat acknowledges receipt of a Preliminary Assessment request and informs the State Party whether it is considered complete. Preliminary Assessment requests that are not complete (see Annex 3) will not be transmitted to the relevant Advisory Body(ies) for review. If a Preliminary Assessment request is incomplete, the State Party concerned will be advised of information required to complete it by the deadline of 15 September of the following year. Preliminary Assessment requests that are complete are transmitted to the relevant Advisory Body(ies) for assessment. |
October (Year 1) - September (Year 2) | Desk review by the Advisory Body(ies). If necessary, the Advisory Body(ies) will request any additional information from the State(s) Party(ies), which should be submitted to the Secretariat. |
1 October (Year 2) | The relevant Advisory Bodies deliver their assessments to the Secretariat for transmission to the concerned States Parties. |
Nomination Dossier Phase
Timetable | Procedures |
30 September (before Year 1) | Voluntary deadline for receipt of draft nomination dossiers from States Parties by the Secretariat. |
15 November (before Year 1) | Secretariat to respond to the nominating State Party with comments and review of the draft nomination dossier indicating missing information required and corrections to make. |
1 February Year 1 | Deadline by which complete nomination dossiers must be received in printed format by the Secretariat to be transmitted to the relevant Advisory Bodies for evaluation (see Paragraph 132). Nomination dossiers shall be received by 17h00 GMT, or, if the date falls on a weekend by 17h00 GMT the preceding Friday. Nomination dossiers received after this date will be examined in a future cycle. |
1 February -1 March Year 1 | Registration, assessment of completeness and transmission to the relevant Advisory Bodies The Secretariat registers each nomination dossier, acknowledges receipt to the nominating State Party and inventories its contents. The Secretariat will inform the nominating State Party whether or not the nomination dossier is complete. Nomination dossiers that are not complete (see paragraph 132) will not be transmitted to the relevant Advisory Bodies for evaluation. If a nomination dossier is incomplete, the State Party concerned will be advised of information required to complete the nomination dossier by the deadline of 1 February of the following year in order for the nomination dossier to be examined in a future cycle. Nomination dossiers that are complete are transmitted to the relevant Advisory Bodies for evaluation. The Secretariat will also make available the electronic format of the text of the nomination dossiers on the World Heritage Centre’s website. |
1 March Year 1 | Deadline by which the Secretariat informs the State Party of the receipt of a nomination dossier, whether it is considered complete and whether it has been received by 1 February. |
March Year 1 - May Year 2 | Evaluation by the Advisory Bodies |
31 January Year 2 | The Advisory Bodies are requested to forward to States Parties, with copy to the World Heritage Centre for distribution to the Chair of the World Heritage Committee, by 31 January of Year 2 a short interim report outlining the status of and any issues relevant to evaluations, and detailing any requests for supplementary information, in one of the two working languages of the Convention. |
28 February Year 2 | Deadline by which additional information requested by the relevant Advisory Bodies shall be submitted by the State Party to them via the Secretariat. Additional information shall be submitted in the same number of copies and electronic formats as specified in Paragraph 132 to the Secretariat. To avoid confusing new and old texts, if the additional information submitted concerns changes to the main text of the nomination dossier, the State Party shall submit these changes in an amended version of the original text. The changes shall be clearly identified. An electronic version of this new text shall accompany the paper version. |
Six weeks prior to the annual World Heritage Committee session Year 2 | The relevant Advisory Bodies deliver their evaluations and recommendations to the Secretariat for transmission to the World Heritage Committee as well as to States Parties. |
At least 14 days before the opening of the annual World Heritage Committee session Year 2 | Correction of factual errors by States Parties. The concerned States Parties can send, at least 14 days before the opening of the session of the Committee, a letter to the Chairperson, with copies to the Advisory Bodies, detailing the factual errors they might have identified in the evaluation of their nomination dossier made by the Advisory Bodies. |
Annual session of the World Heritage Committee (June/July) Year 2 | The Committee examines the nomination dossiers and makes its decisions. |
Immediately following the annual session of the World Heritage Committee | Notification to the States PartiesThe Secretariat notifies all States Parties whose nomination dossiers have been examined by the Committee of the relevant decisions of the Committee. Following the decision of the World Heritage Committee to inscribe a property on the World Heritage List, the Secretariat writes to the State Party and site managers providing a map of the area inscribed and the Statement of Outstanding Universal Value. |
Immediately following the annual session of the World Heritage Committee | The Secretariat publishes the updated World Heritage List every year following the annual session of the Committee The name of the States Parties having nominated the properties inscribed on the World Heritage List are presented in the published form of the List under the following heading: “Contracting State having submitted the nomination of the property in accordance with the Convention". |
In the month following the closure of the annual session of the World Heritage Committee | The Secretariat forwards the published report of all the decisions of the World Heritage Committee to all States Parties. |
Chapter III.K
Financing of evaluation of nominations
IV – Process for monitoring the state of conservation of World Heritage Properties
Chapter IV.A
Reactive Monitoring
Definition of Reactive Monitoring
Objective of Reactive Monitoring
"Each State Party to this Convention recognizes that the duty of ensuring the identification, protection, conservation, presentation and transmission to future generations of the cultural and natural heritage referred to in Articles 1 and 2 and situated on its territory, belongs primarily to that State...".]
Information received from States Parties and/or other sources
Decision by the World Heritage Committee
Chapter IV.B
The List of World Heritage in Danger
Guidelines for the inscription of properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger
Criteria for the inscription of properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger
Procedure for the inscription of properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger
Regular review of the state of conservation of properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger
Chapter IV.C
Procedure for the eventual deletion of properties from the World Heritage List
V – Periodic reporting on the implementation of the World Heritage Convention
Chapter V.A
Chapter V.B
Procedure and format
Chapter V.C
Evaluation and follow up
VI – Encouraging support for the World Heritage Convention
Chapter VI.A
[Article 27 of the World Heritage Convention]Chapter VI.B
Capacity building and research
The World Heritage Capacity Building Strategy
National capacity building strategies and regional co-operation
International Assistance
Chapter VI.C
Awareness-raising and education
International Assistance
VII – The World Heritage Fund and International Assistance
Chapter VII.A
The World Heritage Fund
Chapter VII.B
Mobilization of other technical and financial resources and partnerships in support of the World Heritage Convention
Chapter VII.C
International Assistance
Chapter VII.D
Principles and priorities for International Assistance
Chapter VII.E
Summary table
Type of international assistance | Purpose | Budget ceilings per request | Deadline for submission of request | Authority for approval |
Emergency Assistance | This assistance may be requested to address ascertained or potential threats facing properties included on the List of World Heritage in Danger and the World Heiitage List which have suffered severe damage or are in imminent danger of severe damage due to sudden, unexpected phenomena. Such phenomena may include land subsidence, extensive fires, explosions, flooding or human-made disasters including war. This assistance does not concern cases of damage or deterioration caused by gradual processes of decay, pollution or erosion. It addresses emergency situations strictly relating to the conservation of a World Heritage property (see Decision 28 COM 10B 2.c). It may be made available, if necessary, to more than one World Heritage property in a single State Party (see Decision 6 EXT. COM 15.2). The budget ceilings relate to a single World Heritage property.The assistance may be requested to :(i)undertake emergency measures for the safeguarding of the property;(ii)draw up an emergency plan for the property. | Up to US$ 5.000Between US$ 5.001 and 75.000 | At any timeAt any time | Director of the World Heritage CentreChairperson of the Committee |
Preparatory assistance | This assistance may be requested to (in order of priority):(i)prepare or update national Tentative Lists of properties suitable for inscription on the World Heritage List; a commitment will be required from the State Party to nominate in priority on these lists sites recognized in approved thematic advice, such as the thematic studies prepared by the Advisory Bodies, as corresponding to gaps on the List;(ii)organize meetings for the harmonization of national Tentative Lists within the same geo-cultural area;(iii)prepare nominations of properties for inscription on the World Heritage List, including preparatory work such as collection of basic information, scoping studies of the potential for demonstration of Outstanding Universal Value, including integrity or authenticity, comparative studies of the property in relation to other similar properties (see 3.2 of Annex 5), including analysis in the context of the Gap Studies produced by tire Advisory Bodies. Priority will be given to requests for sites recognized in approved thematic advice as corresponding to gaps on the List and/or for sites where preliminary investigations have shown that further inquiries would be justified, especially in the case of States Parties whose heritage is unrepresented or underrepresented on the World Heritage List;(iv)prepare requests for Conservation & Management assistance for consideration by the World Heritage Committee. | Up to US$ 5.000Between US$ 5.001 and 30.000 | At any time31 October | Director of the World Heritage CentreChairperson of the Committee |
Conservation and Management Assistance(incorporating Training and Research assistance, Technical cooperation assistance and Promotion and education assistance) | This assistance may be requested for:(i)the training of staff and specialists at all levels in thefields of identification, monitoring, conservation, management and presentation of World Heritage, with an emphasis on group training;(ii)scientific research benefiting World Heritage properties or studies on the scientific and technical problems of conservation, management, and presentation of World Heritage properties;(iii)establishment/revision of national policies or legal frameworks on heritage preservation benefitting World Heritage properties;Note: Requests for support for individual training courses from UNESCO should be submitted on the standard '‘Application for fellowship” form available from the Secretariat.(iv)provision of experts, technicians and skilled labour for the conservation, management, and presentation of properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger and the World Heritage List;(v)supply of equipment which the State Party requires for the conservation, management, and presentation of properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger and the World Heritage List;(vi)Low-interest or interest-free loans for undertaking activities for the conservation, management, and presentation of properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger and the World HeritageList, which may be repayable on a long-term basis;(vii)At the regional and international levels for programmes, activities and the holding of meetings that could:help to create interest in the Convention within the countries of a given region; create a greater awareness of the different issues related to the implementation of the Convention to promote more active involvement in its application;be a means of exchanging experiences;stimulate joint education, information andpromotional programmes and activities, especially when they involve the participation of young people in World Heritage conservation activities;(viii) At the national level for:meetings specifically organized to make the Convention better known, especially amongst young people, or for the creation of national World Heritage associations, in accordance with Article 17 of the Convention;the preparation and discussion of education and information material (such as brochures, publications, exhibitions, films, multimedia tools) for the general promotion of the Convention and the World Heritage List and not for the promotion of a particular property, and especially for young people.(vii)At the national level for:meetings specifically organized to make the Convention better known, especially amongst young people, or for the creation of national World Heritage associations, in accordance with Article 17 of the Convention;the preparation and discussion of education and information material (such as brochures, publications, exhibitions, films, multimedia tools) for the general promotion of the Convention and the World Heritage List and not for the promotion of a particular property, and especially for young people | Only for requests falling under items (i) to (vi):Up to US$ 5.000BetweenUS$ 5.001 and 30.000Over US$ 30.000Only for requests falling under items (vii) and (viii):Up to US$ 5,000Between US$ 5,001 and 10,000 | Only for requests falling under items (i) to (vi):At any time31 October31 OctoberOnly for requests falling under items (vii) and (viii):At any time31 October | Only for requests falling under items (i) to (vi):Director of the World Heritage CentreChairperson of the CommitteeCommitteeOnly for requests falling under items (vii) and (viii):Director of the World Heritage CentreChairperson of the Committee |
Chapter VII.F
Procedure and format
Chapter VII.G
Assessment of International Assistance requests
Chapter VII.H
Contractual arrangements
Chapter VII.I
Evaluation and follow-up of International Assistance
VIII – The World Heritage Emblem
Chapter VIII.A

Chapter VIII.B
Chapter VIII.C
Responsibilities of States Parties
Chapter VIII.D
Increasing proper uses of the World Heritage Emblem
Production of plaques to commemorate the inscription of properties on the World Heritage List
Chapter VIII.E
Principles on the use of the World Heritage Emblem
Chapter VIII.F
Authorization procedure for the use of the World Heritage Emblem
Simple agreement of the national authorities
99-4e.pdf 99-4e.pdf]
Agreement requiring quality control of content
It is recommended that the initials of the responsible national official be affixed to each page of text.
The National Authorities are given one month from their acknowledged receipt in which to authorize the content, following which the producers may consider that the content has been tacitly approved, unless the responsible National Authorities request in writing a longer period.
Texts should be supplied to the National Authorities in one of the two official languages of the Committee, or in the official language (or in one of the official languages) of the country in which the properties are located, at the convenience of both parties.