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The utilisation of the River Niger, its tributaries and sub-tributaries, is open to each riparian State in respect of the portion of the River Niger basin lying in its territory and without prejudice to its sovereign rights in accordance with the principles defined in the present Act and in the manner that may be set forth in subsequent special agreements. The utilisation of the said River, its tributaries and sub-tributaries, shall be taken in a wide sense, to refer in particular to navigation, agricultural and industrial uses, and collection of the products of its fauna and flora. Navigation on the River Niger, its tributaries and sub-tributaries, shall be entirely free for merchant vessels and pleasure craft and for the transportation of goods and passengers. The ships and boats of all nations shall be treated in all respects on a basis of complete equality. The riparian States undertake to establish close cooperation with regard to the study and the execution of any project likely to have an appreciable effect on certain features of the regime of the River.
The General Act of Berlin of 26th February 1885, the General Act and Declaration of Brussels of 2nd July 1890 and the Convention of Saint-Germain-en-Laye of 10th September 1919 are and remain abrogated as far as they concern the River Niger, its tributaries and sub-tributaries.
Act regarding navigation and economic cooperation between the states of the Niger Basin done at Niamey on 26 October 1963.
Côte D'Ivoire
Burkina Faso
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