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The European Community and the Republic of Kiribati have entered into the present Agreement in order to establish the principles and rules which shall govern the fishing activities of Community vessels in the waters over which Kiribati has sovereignty or jurisdiction in respect of fisheries. In any case, fishing shall not be permitted within the 12 nautical miles from the baselines. The fishing activities covered by this Agreement shall be subject to the laws and regulations in force on Kiribati (art. 2). Fishing within the Kiribati fishing zone by Community vessels shall be subject to the possession of a licence issued by the Kiribati s authorities (art. 4). A Joint Committee composed of officials of both Parties is to be set up in accordance with article 10. The Protocol and the Annex attached constitute an integral part of the Agreement. The Protocol sets out the financial contribution to be made by the Community to Kiribati in return for the fishing opportunities granted, whereas the Annex lays down the conditions which shall govern fishing activities by Community vessels within the Kiribati fishing zone. The following items are dealt with: (1) Registration of fishing vessels; (2) Licence application and issuing formalities; (3) Agents; (4) Statement of catch; (5) Statement of additional fees due by shipowners; (6) Inspection and monitoring; (7) Observers; (8) Control of fishing activities; (9) Fishing zones; (10) Reporting details; (11) Transhipment and use of services; (12) Crew; (13) Arrest of fishing vessels and application of penalties. Lastly, four Appendixes are attached. Appendix II contains the application form for a fishing licence. Appendix IV specifies the details to be reported to the Chief Fisheries Officer of Kiribati by Captains of Community vessels.
The Agreement has been concluded for an initial period of five years from the date of its entry into force. Unless one of the Parties ends it by giving notice to that effect six months before the end of the five-year period, it shall be tacitly renewed for further periods of two years, unless denounced by notice given at least three months before the end of any such two-year period.
Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Kiribati on fishing within the Kiribati fishing zone
European Union
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