The Parties will cooperate in the field of veterinary medicine and take necessary measures to prevent the introduction and spread of infectious animal diseases from the territory of the state of one Party to the territory of the state of the other Party in the process of export, transit and drive of cattle subject to control by the veterinary supervision. The Parties will carry out the necessary activities for the verification of cargo subject to control by veterinary service in the process of import, export and transit through veterinary control points at the borders of the states of the Parties in accordance with the list "A" and "B" of infectious diseases of the International Epizootic Bureau. The Parties pledge to comply with the veterinary and sanitary regulations on import, export and transit of commodities subject to control by veterinary service, sent from territory of one Party to the territory of the other Party, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant international treaties and national legislation of the Parties. In order to ensure effective cooperation in the field of veterinary medicine, the Parties shall perform: (a) exchange of legislation, governing on their territory prevention of infectious animal diseases, no later than two months from the date of their publication; (b) share information about the emergence and spread of infectious diseases in their territories; (c) mutual exchange of information about research, special journals, monographs and important publications on the prevention of infectious animal diseases; and (d) provide each other with scientific, technical and other assistance on issues of prevention of infectious animal diseases. Each lot of cargo subject to control by veterinary service imported from the territory of one Party to the territory of the other Party must be accompanied by a veterinary certificate in Russian issued by state veterinary service of the exporting country.
This Agreement is concluded for a period of 5 years. The validity of this Agreement is automatically extended for subsequent 5-year periods if one of the Parties does not notify the other Party of its intention to terminate it in writing through diplomatic channels no later than 6 months before the expiry of the corresponding 5-year period. This Agreement entered into force in the Republic of Kazakhstan on 8 June 2000.
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Government of Kyrgyz Republic, the government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan on cooperation in the field of veterinary.
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