This Law establishes a general framework on the welfare and protection of animals and defines specific rules of conduct to be observed in order to treat stray, captive, and all animals under human supervision and protect their health and welfare. The Law concerns any species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects, fish, molluscs and crustaceans; equines; poultry; wild animals; controlled animal, as an animal which has an owner or a keeper and is under their direct control or supervision; office of veterinary services. Part II of the Law concerns general provisions and includes: respect of physiological and ethological needs of the animals; protection of health and well-being of the animals; prohibition of exposing animals, without reasonable cause, to pain, suffering, injury or fear; prohibition of administering noxious or harmful substances to any animal, except for the fight against harmful rodents and insects; protection of animals against killing for entertainment, ill-treatment, neglect and unnecessary overstrain; respect of the feeding and drinking areas of the stray animal; general animal care, obligation to provide animals with food and water; specific provisions concerning horses, cats and dogs and fish; issuance of Ministerial decrees on: licences for professional animal caretakers, veterinary checks, inspection of premises and means of transport for animals, licenses for premises with wild animal species; use of animals for scientific purposes and establishment of the National Committee for their protection; prohibition of certain methods of keeping, feeding and breeding animals.
Part III concerns trade, transport and use of animals for advertising or other purposes; exhibitions of animals. Part IV concerns therapeutic treatment and operations; mandatory anaesthesia before slaughtering and methods of anaesthesia; emergency killing or slaughter of animals. Part V concerns provisions for stray animals and related risks to public health and safety; means used for the capture of stray animals. Part VI concerns the establishment and functioning of provincial committees and animal welfare coordinating committee. Part VII provides for administrative and criminal provisions, fines and penalties; power of entry, inspection and seizure of police and competent authorities.
Part III concerns trade, transport and use of animals for advertising or other purposes; exhibitions of animals. Part IV concerns therapeutic treatment and operations; mandatory anaesthesia before slaughtering and methods of anaesthesia; emergency killing or slaughter of animals. Part V concerns provisions for stray animals and related risks to public health and safety; means used for the capture of stray animals. Part VI concerns the establishment and functioning of provincial committees and animal welfare coordinating committee. Part VII provides for administrative and criminal provisions, fines and penalties; power of entry, inspection and seizure of police and competent authorities.
Consolidated text of the Law no. 46/I of 1994 as last amended by the Law no. 175/I of 2020.
The Animal Protection and Welfare Act no. 46/I of 1994.
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