This Act lays down rules for the registration, sale and consignment of fertilisers and feeding stuffs; prohibition of import, distribution and sales of unregistered fertilisers and feeding stuffs; duty of the Chief Agricultural Officer to keep a Register of fertilisers and feeding stuffs; labelling of and warranties for the particulars contained in the statutory statement; marking of articles prepared for consignment; inspection of registers and statutory statements and the powers of the inspectors for entry and sampling; and offences, penalties and legal proceedings. The First Schedule lists the articles to which this Act does not apply, the Second Schedule lists the particulars to be contained in statutory Statements, the Third Schedule provides for the presence of ingredients in feeding stuffs which must be declared, and the Fourth Schedule sets out deleterious ingredients in feeding stuffs.
Consolidated version of the Act No. 42 of 1961 as last amended by the L.N. No. 168 of 1967.
Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act (CAP. 261).
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