The National Climate Finance Strategy (NCFS) lays out Fiji s main investment priorities for cultivating a climate-resilient, low-carbon economy from 2022 to 2029 and will be the climate finance blueprint for the Fijian government and its development partners. The NCFS addresses the vulnerabilities to the impacts of climate change in the key sectors, especially in agriculture, blue economy, climate-induced relocation, disaster risk management, electricity, forestry, gender and social inclusion, housing, human health, climate policy and governance, transport, and water and sanitation.
Climate-resilient and low-carbon economy interventions will be integrated into the agriculture sector by promoting climate-smart agriculture, implementing disaster risk financing for agriculture, adopting sustainable agricultural methods, providing support for sustainable agribusiness and e-commerce on the outer islands and in rural areas, and expanding education and training programmes about the use of pesticides and business development practices. A national food and nutrition security policy or framework will be developed, and awareness will be raised on the importance of food and nutrition security. Food and nutrition security priorities will be implemented in agriculture, fisheries, and other sectors. Broad-based support to agriculture will be continued as a key driver to economic growth and poverty alleviation. Farms will be empowered through agriculture land use practices and improved farm efficiency that promote sustainability in resource utilization. Research and academic partnerships and its institutional, technical, and scientific capacity will be improved to do evidence-based planning and programming to support sustainable agroforestry practices, with a specific focus on improving soil health and soil conservation. The effectiveness of bottom-up outreach to subsistence and smallholder farmers will be improved to ensure their access to resilient crop varieties, livestock breeds, and affordable crop insurance. The blue economy will be developed to ensure protection and sustainable use of ocean resources, such as fisheries and coastal ecosystems including mangroves, sea grass, and coral reefs, in order to support ecosystem health, economic growth, and improved livelihoods. Offshore and inshore coastal fisheries will be supported through sustainable fisheries management and development, in order to sustain the growth and economic contributions of the fisheries sector. Climate considerations and disaster risk management will be integrated into national, sub-national, and community planning and investment processes. Vulnerability assessments and climate change and natural hazards impact projections will be included in infrastructure and urban planning. Access to affordable, reliable, modern and sustainable energy services will be provided for all Fijians, and the energy efficiency will be improved in the electricity sector. Sustainable forest management will be strengthened by establishing total area under long-term conservation, enhancing reforestation of degraded forests, and developing Emissions Reduction Program Document (REDD+). A financing mechanism will be developed to capture the socio-economic impact of forests and promote the conservation and preservation of forests. Gender and other socially inclusive approaches will be mainstreamed into all government-backed projects and operations. Climate considerations will be integrated into the health sector to prevent vector- and water-borne diseases, create climate resilient and environmentally sustainable health infrastructure, and promote healthy lifestyles to strengthen resilience to climate change. Water policy planning and sustainable resource management will be strengthened. Access to water and sanitation services will be provided to all Fijians in an equitable manner. Long-term sustainability in the provision of freshwater resources and catchment security will be ensured. Water conservation practices will be improved to reduce water loses and emissions from water generating activities.
Climate-resilient and low-carbon economy interventions will be integrated into the agriculture sector by promoting climate-smart agriculture, implementing disaster risk financing for agriculture, adopting sustainable agricultural methods, providing support for sustainable agribusiness and e-commerce on the outer islands and in rural areas, and expanding education and training programmes about the use of pesticides and business development practices. A national food and nutrition security policy or framework will be developed, and awareness will be raised on the importance of food and nutrition security. Food and nutrition security priorities will be implemented in agriculture, fisheries, and other sectors. Broad-based support to agriculture will be continued as a key driver to economic growth and poverty alleviation. Farms will be empowered through agriculture land use practices and improved farm efficiency that promote sustainability in resource utilization. Research and academic partnerships and its institutional, technical, and scientific capacity will be improved to do evidence-based planning and programming to support sustainable agroforestry practices, with a specific focus on improving soil health and soil conservation. The effectiveness of bottom-up outreach to subsistence and smallholder farmers will be improved to ensure their access to resilient crop varieties, livestock breeds, and affordable crop insurance. The blue economy will be developed to ensure protection and sustainable use of ocean resources, such as fisheries and coastal ecosystems including mangroves, sea grass, and coral reefs, in order to support ecosystem health, economic growth, and improved livelihoods. Offshore and inshore coastal fisheries will be supported through sustainable fisheries management and development, in order to sustain the growth and economic contributions of the fisheries sector. Climate considerations and disaster risk management will be integrated into national, sub-national, and community planning and investment processes. Vulnerability assessments and climate change and natural hazards impact projections will be included in infrastructure and urban planning. Access to affordable, reliable, modern and sustainable energy services will be provided for all Fijians, and the energy efficiency will be improved in the electricity sector. Sustainable forest management will be strengthened by establishing total area under long-term conservation, enhancing reforestation of degraded forests, and developing Emissions Reduction Program Document (REDD+). A financing mechanism will be developed to capture the socio-economic impact of forests and promote the conservation and preservation of forests. Gender and other socially inclusive approaches will be mainstreamed into all government-backed projects and operations. Climate considerations will be integrated into the health sector to prevent vector- and water-borne diseases, create climate resilient and environmentally sustainable health infrastructure, and promote healthy lifestyles to strengthen resilience to climate change. Water policy planning and sustainable resource management will be strengthened. Access to water and sanitation services will be provided to all Fijians in an equitable manner. Long-term sustainability in the provision of freshwater resources and catchment security will be ensured. Water conservation practices will be improved to reduce water loses and emissions from water generating activities.
Fiji National Climate Finance Strategy.
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