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The State Program for the Creation of a Real Estate Cadastre provides for the main measures and stages of their implementation in order to set up a real estate cadastre. The setting up of the cadastre also implies the implementation by the state of a number of measures that will not infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of the owners of real estate. Prior to the start of the functioning of the territorial cadastral office on the territory of the administrative-territorial unit, the current system of registration of transactions with real estate (buildings, apartments, separate premises) will be applied. All transactions with land plots, rights to land plots and encumbrances thereof will be registered in the cadastral register of land owners, which is maintained by the mayor's office of the city (municipality), village (commune) under whose jurisdiction the immovable property is located. Mayor's offices of villages (communes), cities (municipalities) register land owners in the cadastral register of land owners, issue documents certifying the right of land owners, provide the necessary information for notarization of contracts. The organization of the real estate cadastre provides for the implementation of the following activities: (a) setting up a legislative framework for the implementation of the real estate cadastre; (b) accelerating the process of allocating land to citizens; (c) information support of the population, personnel training; (d) creation of a system of cadastral offices; (e) primary mass registration of real estate and rights to it; (f) development of a mechanism for assessing real estate objects; and (g) creation of a cadastral information system. The Procedure for mass primary registration of real estate establishes the method for drawing up a cadastral file and assigning a cadastral number. Mass initial registration is carried out on the basis of the general boundaries of land plots subject to registration. Mass initial registration is free of charge for owners of real estate within the time limits set by the Program for setting up a real estate cadastre. The objects of mass primary registration are land plots, capital structures, apartments, isolated premises, ownership of real estate, as well as other property rights, the registration of which was provided for and carried out in accordance with the law before being included in the register of real estate. Registrar is an official who has the right to consider documents of title and decide on the registration of real estate and rights to it, to make and correct entries in the register of real estate in the established manner.
Governmental Decree No. HG1030/1998 validating the Regulations on some issues related to setting up real estate cadastre.
Republic of Moldova
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