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Regulation on the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Public Health regulates the mission, functions, area of activity, rights and organization of its activities. The mission of the Ministry is to analyze the situation and problems in the managed area of activity, develop effective public policies in the area of its competence, monitor the quality of policies and regulations and propose reasonable state interventions that will result in effective decisions in areas of competence, ensuring the best balance between expected results and anticipated costs. The main functions of the Ministry are: (a) development of ex ante analyses, policy documents, draft regulations in the field of its competence, including to ensure the implementation of regulations and decrees of the President of the Republic of Moldova, in cooperation with relevant representatives of civil society and business circles; (b) cooperation, in accordance with national legislation, with foreign specialized organizations; (c) monitoring the assessment and position of the Republic of Moldova within the framework of international indicators and rankings related to its specific area, and developing proposals for their improvement; (d) monitoring the perception of citizens and economic agents of public policies, regulations and state activities in the field of activities specific to the Ministry, and the development of proposals for its improvement; (e) monitoring the quality of public policies and regulations in the field of activities specific to the Ministry, including in cooperation with civil society and the private sector; (f) implementation of normative acts and implementation of international treaties of the Republic of Moldova in the field of its competence; (g) consideration and preparation of opinions on draft normative acts developed by other public authorities and submitted for consideration; (h) development, approval and implementation of sectoral spending strategies, submission of proposals for the development of a budget forecast for the medium term, the development of proposals for the budget in the area of its competence of the annual activity plan, as well as annual monitoring of the degree of implementation through the development and publication of relevant reports; (i) organization of systems for planning, execution, accounting and reporting on the budget within the Ministry and, if necessary, in subordinate budgetary bodies/institutions; (j) ensuring the management of budgetary appropriations and property management in accordance with the principles of good governance; (k) coordination and monitoring of the activities of subordinate administrative bodies and public institutions subordinated to the Ministry; (l) ensuring the provision of medical services; (m) management of international programs and financial assistance to support healthcare reforms; and (n) implementation of other specific functions.
Governmental Decree No. HG148/2021 validating the Regulation on the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Public Health.
Republic of Moldova
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