The Kiribati National Coastal Fisheries Roadmap is a national policy covering the period between 2019 and 2036. The overall purpose of the Roadmap is to ensure resilient, healthy and prosperous Kiribati through sustainable coastal fisheries, underpinned by inclusive, collaborative and innovative approaches between communities and the Government.
This Roadmap guides fisheries programs and actions to achieve sustainable management of coastal fisheries and maximize economic returns to the coastal communities. This policy underlines the vital role of coastal fisheries for food security, livelihoods, nutrition, income and employment benefits to coastal communities. The contribution of women, youth, and vulnerable groups to coastal fisheries will be recognized and more inclusive fisheries management platforms and livelihoods will be promoted. Diverse users, their roles and responsibilities will be identified in coastal fisheries, and community-based fisheries management, co-management, capacity building, motivation and empowerment of communities will be promoted. The partnerships and networking across all stakeholders and key players involved in coastal fisheries will be promoted and strengthened at the national, sub- national, regional scale, and with international partners. Ecosystem-based approaches to fisheries management will be promoted to ensure a holistic approach to decision-making processes and the improved management of coastal fisheries. Good governance, transparency, accountability and continually updated best practice will be promoted in coastal fisheries management and sustainable development. The legal and policy frameworks will be updated, and an effective and robust monitoring and compliance framework will be developed on existing legal regimes to address fisheries management. National coastal fisheries capacity, including the institutional and community levels, will be enhanced to effectively manage and conserve fisheries resources. Effective communication strategy will be developed to ensure accessibility and sharing of up-to-date coastal fisheries-relevant information among international, regional bodies and institutions, relevant government bodies, NGOs, the private sector and communities.
Community-based fisheries management approaches will be promoted to support the conservation and management of coastal fisheries. A coastal fisheries permit system will be developed for the sustainable management of key commercial species. Innovative fisheries development initiatives and new sustainable income activities will be promoted to improve fish production and diversify livelihoods. Innovation and development of appropriate aquaculture production will be promoted in rural areas to support livelihood and nutrition. The farming of environmentally friendly and resilient seafood species will be introduced for aquaculture development. Sanitary and phytosanitary protocols of introduced aquaculture species will be developed to effectively address biosecurity issues. Small-scale fisheries development programs targeting existing and new fisher cooperatives, will be supported. The consumption of fresh seafood will be promoted as part of well-balanced diets and long-term nutritional security. Sustainable supply of seafood will be made available to critical social groups, like infants, pregnant and lactating women. Seafood safety standards will be promoted in fishing communities and other relevant entities, such as fish markets. Value-chain process and post-harvest processing for seafood will be promoted. Sustainable and adaptive fishing initiatives will be diversified to support food security. Fish quality and availability in markets will be improved. An enabling environment and infrastructures will be developed to facilitate trade between rural, urban and overseas markets. The national licensing system and conditions will be improved to maximize benefits communities experience from coastal resources. The local adaptive capacity will be strengthened to respond to external threats, such as climate change impacts.
This Roadmap guides fisheries programs and actions to achieve sustainable management of coastal fisheries and maximize economic returns to the coastal communities. This policy underlines the vital role of coastal fisheries for food security, livelihoods, nutrition, income and employment benefits to coastal communities. The contribution of women, youth, and vulnerable groups to coastal fisheries will be recognized and more inclusive fisheries management platforms and livelihoods will be promoted. Diverse users, their roles and responsibilities will be identified in coastal fisheries, and community-based fisheries management, co-management, capacity building, motivation and empowerment of communities will be promoted. The partnerships and networking across all stakeholders and key players involved in coastal fisheries will be promoted and strengthened at the national, sub- national, regional scale, and with international partners. Ecosystem-based approaches to fisheries management will be promoted to ensure a holistic approach to decision-making processes and the improved management of coastal fisheries. Good governance, transparency, accountability and continually updated best practice will be promoted in coastal fisheries management and sustainable development. The legal and policy frameworks will be updated, and an effective and robust monitoring and compliance framework will be developed on existing legal regimes to address fisheries management. National coastal fisheries capacity, including the institutional and community levels, will be enhanced to effectively manage and conserve fisheries resources. Effective communication strategy will be developed to ensure accessibility and sharing of up-to-date coastal fisheries-relevant information among international, regional bodies and institutions, relevant government bodies, NGOs, the private sector and communities.
Community-based fisheries management approaches will be promoted to support the conservation and management of coastal fisheries. A coastal fisheries permit system will be developed for the sustainable management of key commercial species. Innovative fisheries development initiatives and new sustainable income activities will be promoted to improve fish production and diversify livelihoods. Innovation and development of appropriate aquaculture production will be promoted in rural areas to support livelihood and nutrition. The farming of environmentally friendly and resilient seafood species will be introduced for aquaculture development. Sanitary and phytosanitary protocols of introduced aquaculture species will be developed to effectively address biosecurity issues. Small-scale fisheries development programs targeting existing and new fisher cooperatives, will be supported. The consumption of fresh seafood will be promoted as part of well-balanced diets and long-term nutritional security. Sustainable supply of seafood will be made available to critical social groups, like infants, pregnant and lactating women. Seafood safety standards will be promoted in fishing communities and other relevant entities, such as fish markets. Value-chain process and post-harvest processing for seafood will be promoted. Sustainable and adaptive fishing initiatives will be diversified to support food security. Fish quality and availability in markets will be improved. An enabling environment and infrastructures will be developed to facilitate trade between rural, urban and overseas markets. The national licensing system and conditions will be improved to maximize benefits communities experience from coastal resources. The local adaptive capacity will be strengthened to respond to external threats, such as climate change impacts.
Kiribati National Coastal Fisheries Roadmap 2019-2036.
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