This Law regulates the management of genetically modified organisms and rules the inter-relations or combination of genetically modified organisms and products containing genetically modified organisms and/or consisting of or derived from a combination of genetically modified organisms including genetically modified organisms as a product, prevention measures and rules for reduction of possible negative impacts on human health and environment, as a consequence of limited use of genetically modified organisms, or deliberate release of the same in the environment or placing on the market of products containing such genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The provisions of this Law refer to genetically modified organisms as determined in article 4. Objectives of this Law are: providing a high degree of protection of human health and environment in the management of genetically modified organisms; defining measures to ensure related monitoring and marking of such substances or products; protection and control at all stages of their deliberate release into the environment, biodiversity conservation and control of risks arising through deliberate release of genetically modified organisms; ensuring an adequate level of protection in the field of security during trade (import, export and transit), handling and use of GMOs, including genetically modified organisms as a product, especially in the transboundary movement (cumulative long-term effects are the total accumulated effects of the limited use of GMOs or the deliberate release of GMOs into the environment on human health, including: flora, fauna, soil fertility, decomposition of organic matter in the soil, food chain, biodiversity and animal health).
This text is divided into eighteen main thematic Chapters and a total of 76 articles. Titles of Chapters are: I. General provisions; II. Principles for protection of environment; III. General obligations; IV. Limited use of GMOs; V. Intentional release of GMO in environment and GMO products on the market; VI. Cross-border movement of GMO and GMO products; VII. GMO register and report delivery; VIII. Expert bodies; IX. Application supervision; X. Misdemeanor provisions; XI. Transitional and final provisions.
This text is divided into eighteen main thematic Chapters and a total of 76 articles. Titles of Chapters are: I. General provisions; II. Principles for protection of environment; III. General obligations; IV. Limited use of GMOs; V. Intentional release of GMO in environment and GMO products on the market; VI. Cross-border movement of GMO and GMO products; VII. GMO register and report delivery; VIII. Expert bodies; IX. Application supervision; X. Misdemeanor provisions; XI. Transitional and final provisions.
Consolidated version
Law on genetically modified organisms.
North Macedonia
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