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This Act establishes the Medical Regulatory Authority as a legal personality, to ensure that medicines manufactured, imported or exported from Botswana, the personnel, premises and practices involved, are registered and conform to established criteria of quality, safety and efficacy, respectively. Among other functions; it ensures that cosmetics manufactured in, imported into, or exported from Botswana are safe to use; performs sampling and establish a laboratories and other facilities for testing and analysis of medicines and cosmetics; grant, renew or suspend marketing authorizations for medicines. The Act provides for the establishment of the Board of Authority for the direction of the affairs of the Authority. Essentially, the Act makes extensive provisions for the control of veterinary medicinal products, the operation of feed mills, etc. This Act repeals the Drugs and Related Substances Act.
Consolidated version of Act 8 of 2013 as last amended by Act 39 of 2018.
Medicines and Related Substances Act, 2018.
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