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The descriptive part of the National Development Plan for the period of 2023-2025 contains the description of the strategic development vision, the medium-term priority intervention directions, the specific objectives for each intervention direction, as well as a brief description of the priority reform actions and the logic of the interventions to be carried out by the Government in the next three years. The operational part details the vision and key stages set in the descriptive part, through concrete policy actions, to be carried out by the Government in the period 2023-2025, in order to start and implement the reforms established in the long-term strategic framework. The operational part also integrates a set of impact and result indicators for each specific objective, through which the implementation of this Plan will be evaluated annually. The results of the evaluation will be recorded in the annual progress report, which will be a benchmark for the annual update of the provisions of the document, with the redesign of the set of measures for the next three-year planning period (2024-2026).
Specific objective accelerated growth of labor productivity: (a) policies and management in the field of trade, public catering and service provision; (b) supporting small and medium-sized enterprises; (c) promotion of exports; (d) subsidizing agricultural producers; (e) food security; (f) agricultural policy and management; and (g) general labor services.
Objectives to be reached by 2030: (a) reducing by 50% the level of absolute poverty and poverty in all its dimensions according to the national threshold and the international threshold for men, women and children of all ages, with a focus on the most disadvantaged groups; (b) increasing agricultural productivity and incomes of small agricultural producers through secure and equal access to factors of production, knowledge, financial services and markets; (c) stimulation of productivity growth through diversification, technological modernization and innovation; (d) promoting green jobs as an effective way to combine social and environmental development, as well as to improve skills and business practices for sustainable and inclusive growth; (e) reaching, by 2030, a level of employment similar to the average of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and stimulating productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including young people, the elderly and people with disabilities, as well as equal pay for work of equal value; (f) eradicating forced labor, human trafficking and child labor; (g) protection of labor rights and promotion of safe working environments for all employees; stimulating fair labor remuneration by strengthening social dialogue, applying adequate minimum wages and combating under-declared remuneration in line with European best practices; and (h) increasing employee satisfaction by improving working conditions in all sectors of the economy of the Republic of Moldova.
National Development Plan for the period of 2023-2025.
Republic of Moldova
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