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The National Financial Inclusion Strategy ( NFIS ) is a national policy with a multi-sectoral approach. The timeframe of the NFIS is 8 years covering the period from 2022 to 2030. The NFIS lays down strategies for empowering Fijians to build resilient and sustainable livelihoods and businesses through financial inclusion. The objectives of the policy are: (I) convenient and timely access to affordable products and services offered by the formal financial sector, (II) diversification of financial products and services to meet lifecycle needs and build financial resilience, (III) financial education and access to clear, transparent information that equips all Fijians to make informed financial decisions, and (IV) high quality customer service from the financial sector and protection of the interests of all Fijians.
The NFIS aims to contribute towards sustainable and inclusive economic growth in order to achieve financial deepening, resilience building, and wealth creation. Responsive and appropriate policies and guidelines will be developed and implemented to enable a conducive environment for inclusive financial products and services. Affordable and appropriate financial products and services will be developed, including those to mitigate shocks and build resilience to climate change impact. Technological innovations will be fostered to accelerate access to and usage of affordable and convenient financial products and services. Broad-based, inclusive and sustainable economic growth will be promoted through improved access to finance for MSMEs and their financial resilience. Suitable financial products and services will be developed to support start-ups and key target sectors, such as agriculture. A consumer protection framework will be established for the financial sector to ensure all Fijians have access to high quality financial education and are equipped to make informed financial decisions. Gender sensitive approaches will be integrated into financial policies and developments.
National Financial Inclusion Strategy 2022-2030.
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