This Presidential Decision creates the Permanent Committee for the Supervision of Inventories of the Fauna and Flora of the Okavango Region of Angola, coordinated by the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry. It establishes composition, duties and responsibilities of the above mentioned Committee, entitled to: a) Authorize and supervise the periodic fauna and flora inventories; b) Validate the data on the fauna and flora inventory; c) Approve the annual work plan and the final report presented by the Technical Group; d) Mobilize the financial resources to carry out the fauna and flora inventory; e) Approve measures for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of wildlife and forestry resources in the region, to be proposed by the Technical Group; f) Mobilize the participation of national and international partners in carrying out the fauna and forest inventory; g) Approve other measures that may contribute to the successful completion of the inventory of fauna and flora resources.
Presidential Decision No. 90/23 creating the Permanent Committee for the Supervision of Inventories of the Fauna and Flora of the Okavango Region of Angola, coordinated by the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry.
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