This Procedure defines the mechanism of using the funds provided by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy in the state budget under the program "Financial support of agricultural commodity producers", which are directed to agricultural commodity producers to compensate for losses from completely lost (destroyed) crops as a result of man-made and natural emergency situations. Budgetary funds are used for the purpose of providing support to agricultural producers whose crop crops have been completely lost (destroyed) as a result of man-made and natural emergencies, to stabilize the gross production of agricultural crops and ensure the food security of the state. The main administrator of budget funds and responsible executor of the budget program is the Ministry of Agrarian Policy. The administrators of lower-level budget funds are the structural units of regional state administrations that ensure the performance of functions in matters of agro-industrial development. Compensation for losses from completely lost (destroyed) crops of agricultural crops as a result of man-made and natural emergency situations at the expense of budget funds is provided by paying a subsidy per unit of land on which crops are completely lost (destroyed). Subsidies shall be provided to agricultural commodity producers - legal entities regardless of their organizational and legal form and form of ownership and to natural persons - entrepreneurs: (a) in relation to which are not subject to bankruptcy proceedings and/or which have not been declared bankrupt, and/or which are not at the stage of liquidation; (b) who do not have, as of the 1st of the month in which the decision is made to include in the consolidated information of subsidy recipients, more than six months overdue payment arrears, the control of the payment of which is entrusted to the State Tax Service bodies; (c) which are not classified as legal entities or individuals subject to special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions); (d) who did not receive insurance compensation for completely lost (destroyed) crops; and (e) which are included in the list of affected economic entities, in accordance with the decision of the Expert Commission for Determining the Levels and Classes of Emergency Situations of the Emergency Situations of Ukraine regarding the determination of the level and class of natural emergencies that occurred in the region. The subsidy is paid once a year.
Resolution No. 885 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Procedure for the use of funds provided for in the state budget for compensation of losses from damage to agricultural crops as a result of man-made and natural emergencies.
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