This Regulation lays down rules for minimum technical and hygienic criteria for materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs; residues of pesticides and veterinary drugs in foodstuffs; food additives; flavourings and certain food ingredients with flavouring properties; vitamins, minerals and other specific substances; food enzymes; contaminants; packaging, labelling, sampling and analysis methods; maximum levels for the presence of coccidiostats or histomonostats in food resulting from the unavoidable carry-over of these substances in non-target feed; vertical and horizontal codex principles for transportation and storage; geographical indicators; and specific food and foodstuffs. This Regulation sets forth provisions on the scope of the vertical and horizontal codex principles; geographical indicators and local food products; transportation and storage of food in accordance with food hygiene requirements; official controls; and administrative sanctions. This Regulation underlines that the food produced before the publication date of this Regulation by food businesses which are operating before the publication date of this Regulation shall not be placed into market after 31st of December, 2020.
The provisions of this Regulation are governed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
Turkish Food Codex Regulation.
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