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Updated Nationally Determined Contribution of the Republic of Moldova is a policy document aimed at achievement of more ambitious targets than in its NDC1. The country s new economy-wide unconditional target is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 70 per cent below its 1990 level in 2030, instead of 64-67 per cent as committed in NDC1. The Republic of Moldova stays committed to and striving for an ambitious international agreement on climate change in line with recommendations by science to maintain the average global temperature increase below two degrees Celsius. The Republic of Moldova s climate change adaptation vision incorporates the concept of integrating climate adaptation into medium- and long-term development planning to foster adaptation action, enhancing climate risks into investment decision- making and business planning with the aim of increasing the resilience of economic sectors, land use and ecosystems and accelerating country s transition towards low carbon and resilient development.
The Republic of Moldova s climate change adaptation approach incorporates also the aspects of most vulnerable socio-economic and natural systems, population groups, urban and rural communities, in which critical issues are found and which require a coherent and wide response to climate risks and vulnerabilities through transformative adaptation interventions. In support of climate action, the Government of the Republic of Moldova strives to create an effective enabling environment for attracting climate investments in adaptation priority areas. Technologically innovative solutions, new business models are expected to be deployed by international donors, investors and the country s private sector in resilient infrastructure and nature-based solutions.
The Republic of Moldova is more likely to be affected by three types of climate impacts: temperature increases; changes in precipitation regimes and increased climate aridity, which are associated with the frequency and intensity amplification of extreme weather events, such as heatwaves and frost, floods, storms with heavy rains and hail, severe droughts.
The climate change negative impacts present challenges for country s economic growth, directly and indirectly affecting the sectors which are based on natural resources (agriculture, water and forestry) but also industrial sectors, such as energy, transport, along with the impact on population s health. The exacerbating impacts of climate change may have repercussions on social and gender equalities.
Updated Nationally Determined Contribution of the Republic of Moldova.
Republic of Moldova
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