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Recalling that, pursuant to the objectives defined in decision I/6 of the Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, the Ozone Research Managers review ongoing national and international research and monitoring programmes with a view to ensuring the proper coordination of those programmes and identifying gaps that need to be addressed,
Recognizing the importance of continuing and enhancing the monitoring of changes in the ozone layer, including its projected recovery in an atmosphere whose conditions are different from pre‑1980 conditions owing to changes in its composition,
Recognizing also that the latest assessment by the Scientific Assessment Panel suggests a potential influence of climate change on the ozone layer, especially in the tropics,
Recognizing further the need to increase knowledge and understanding of the atmosphere and its processes, with regard to which many uncertainties remain, including the intricate linkages between the ozone layer and climate and, therefore, the need to monitor and analyse the ozone layer and climate variables together whenever possible,
Noting the importance of capacity-building activities in parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Montreal Protocol that expand scientific expertise and have the added benefit of expanding the geographic area that can be measured and data archives in respect of the key variables related to the ozone layer and changing climate,
- To take note with appreciation of the report of the ninth meeting of the Ozone Research Managers, published in 2014 (World Meteorological Organization Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project Report No. 54);
- To encourage parties to adopt and implement as appropriate the recommendations of the Ozone Research Managers under the topics of research, systematic observations, data archiving and capacity‑building;
- To accord priority to capacity-building activities, in particular the specific projects identified for priority funding under the General Trust Fund for Financing Activities on Research and Systematic Observations Relevant to the Vienna Convention, related to the inter-calibration of instruments, the training of instrument operators and increasing the number of ozone observations, especially through the relocation of available Dobson instruments;
- To encourage the Ozone Research Managers to review, at their tenth meeting, in 2017, the capacity-building activities that have been conducted, with a view to assessing their effectiveness, and to include further specific recommendations in their report to the Conference of the Parties;
- To encourage the national ozone focal points, or other appropriate officials, to distribute information on, and coordinate where relevant, monitoring, research and scientific activities in their countries;