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The Conference of the Parties, in Decision VCII/10 of its Second Meeting, decided:
- To request the Secretariat to submit as soon as possible to all Parties certified and audited accounts of the Vienna Convention Trust Fund for the expenditures under the Fund for the 1990 financial year;
- To request the Secretariat to submit to the Parties the certified and audited accounts for 1989 of the Interim Ozone Secretariat;
- To submit certified and audited accounts for subsequent years prior to regular meeting of the Parties;
- To emphasize that expenditures incurred due to recommendations by the Bureau should only be met either within the budget adopted by the Parties for that year or by other additional contributions made towards these expenditures;
- To emphasize that it is essential to avoid increases in already adopted budgets in the years to which they relate;
- To extend the Trust Fund for the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer from 31 March 1993 to 31 March 1995;
- To urge all Parties to pay their outstanding 1990 and 1991 contributions promptly and to also pay their future contributions promptly and in full in accordance with the terms of reference and the formula for contributions as attached to this report as Annex II;
- To note that the revised 1991 budget has been increased to 13,690, which corresponds to the funds available to the Secretariat from paid and pledged contributions of 1990 and 1991, less the expenditures incurred in 1990;
- To adopt the final budget for 1992 of 51,430 and for 1993 of 77,445, as set out in Annex I.