Share meeting
6. Mr. Amini Aza MTURI (United Republic of Tanzania) was elected Chairman of the Committee by acclamation. Mr. Alex T. Davidson (Canada) was elected Rapporteur, and the representatives of the following States Parties were elected Vice-Chairmen, also by acclamation: Algeria, Bulgaria, India, Mexico and Norway.
7. The outgoing Chairman, Mr. J. Gazaneo (Argentina), congratulated the new Chairman and members of the Bureau on their election. He wished to convey some recent information to the Committee and make a few suggestions for the future. Mr. Gazaneo informed the Committee that an international conference, held at Solo (Indonesia), on "Tourism and Heritage in the Pacific", in which he had taken part as Chairman of the Committee. He drew the Committee's attention to the large number of endangered properties in the region and the need for the various organizations concerned to make concerted efforts to safeguard them. He considered, moreover, that the time had come to apply photogrammetry and remote sensing techniques to show the state of sites at the time of their inscription and thus be able to assess their subsequent development.