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19. In introducing the information document concerning the World Heritage Fund, the representative of the Director General explained that the draft financial regulations set out in Annex I of the document, were communicated to the General Assembly to enable the Director General to take into consideration any comments made by the Assembly before he reported thereon to the Executive Board, in conformity with Article 6.7 of the Financial Regulations of the Organization.
20. With respect to the amount of the compulsory or voluntary contributions that States Parties will make to the World Heritage Fund, the delegations of Switzerland and Poland proposed that fixed at 0.75% of the contribution to the Regular Budget of Unesco, whereas the delegations of Zaire, Nigeria, Algeria, Syria and Australia proposed 1%. Since no objection was lodged when the Chairman asked the General Assembly if it accepted this latter percentage, this was adopted without recourse to a vote. The delegation of Switzerland stated that, had a vote occurred, it would have abstained.
21. The Assembly took note without discussion of the method and procedure for payment set forth in the information document on the World Heritage Fund and did not formulate any comments concerning the draft financial regulations of the Fund.
20. With respect to the amount of the compulsory or voluntary contributions that States Parties will make to the World Heritage Fund, the delegations of Switzerland and Poland proposed that fixed at 0.75% of the contribution to the Regular Budget of Unesco, whereas the delegations of Zaire, Nigeria, Algeria, Syria and Australia proposed 1%. Since no objection was lodged when the Chairman asked the General Assembly if it accepted this latter percentage, this was adopted without recourse to a vote. The delegation of Switzerland stated that, had a vote occurred, it would have abstained.
21. The Assembly took note without discussion of the method and procedure for payment set forth in the information document on the World Heritage Fund and did not formulate any comments concerning the draft financial regulations of the Fund.