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Cultural heritage, Funds, Technical assistance
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In examining the 10 technical cooperation requests for cultural properties, 2 submitted by ICCROM and 8 by State Parties, the Bureau decided, in accordance with previous decisions taken by the Committee, to give priority to activities for properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger and to those having a catalytic effect rather than for the funding of specific restoration works.


Requests approved by the Bureau

1. The Historic Town of Ouro Preto (Brazil) - US$20,000

The Bureau approved US$20,000 out of the total amount of US$50,000, subject to obtaining assurance that the balance of US$30,000 for the construction of 5 houses for the relocation of the affected inhabitants be funded by other sources.

2. ICCROM Technical Assistance - US$25,000

The Bureau approved this financial support to the ICCROM Technical Assistance programme to supply institution of State Parties, free of charge, with basic documentation, scientific and didactic equipment and conservation products.

3. Printing of Management Guidelines for World Cultural Heritage Sites, by B.M. Feilden and J. Jokilehto - US$6,900

The Bureau approved this request to support the printing cost of the French-language edition of this publication if othersources, notably of the Francophone community cannot be identified.


Requests not approved by the Bureau

1. Ngorongoro Conservation Area (United Republic of Tanzania) (International Conference on Ngorongoro, in Bellagio, Italy)

The Bureau, while recognizing the value of the proposed international conference in Italy for the Tanzanian conservators, did not recommend approval of this request in view  of other requests of higher priority and due to the availability of other funding sources for this conference at the Rockfeller Foundation in Italy.

2. Palmyra (Syrian Arab Republic)

The Bureau did not recommend the approval by the Committee of this request for US$90,000. It recommended that the Committee requests the Syrian authorities to prepare a global and coherent conservation programme for this site in accordance with the recommendations of the UNESCO expert mission which took place in December 1993.