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Environmental monitoring, Implementation
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4/22. Implementation and follow-up of United Nations Environment Assembly resolutions

The United Nations Environment Assembly,

Recognizing that coordinated implementation and follow-up of resolutions of the Assembly can contribute to the achievement of the environmental dimension of the Sustainable Development Goals in a balanced manner,

Aware that the implementation of UNEA resolutions is one of the responsibilities of the United Nations Environment Programme and member states and that all should continue to actively do so,

Aware of the need for member states and other partners to continue to support, within their ability to do so, the implementation of UNEA resolutions,

Mindful of the importance of the increased participation of Member States, in particular, developing countries and Least Developed Countries, in the work of UNEA,

Noting the need to better align UNEA resolutions with the Programme of Work and Budget and to take concrete action to address issues and concerns including resource constraints that may hamper implementation of UNEA resolutions,

1. Affirms the importance of the implementation of, and the adequate reporting on, resolutions of the UNEA;

2. Encourages Member States and other actors to continue to provide support, according to their capacity, with a view to advancing the implementation of UNEA resolutions;

3. Requests the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme to develop a monitoring mechanism, in consultation with the CPR, to track and assess UNEP’s implementation of resolutions in the framework of the Programme of Work and Budget;

4. Requests that the monitoring mechanism:

(a) Builds on and improves existing formats of reporting and monitoring;

(b) Provides an inventory and a brief summary of the implementation of UNEA resolutions via a dedicated webpage;

(c) Identifies existing linkages between each resolution and the Programme of Work and Budget;

(d) Provides links to existing reports related to UNEA resolutions;

(e) Provides the opportunity for Members States to voluntarily report on national implementation efforts;

(f) Based on available information, including existing UNEP and national voluntary reports, summarizes specific challenges that have hindered implementation efforts, including those of Member States;

5. Requests the Executive Director to propose to the CPR at its 146th meeting options for an improved framework for reporting on the implementation of UNEA resolutions to be integrated with the reporting on the Programme of Work and budget;

6. Also requests the Executive Director to report on the implementation of this resolution at the next UNEA.