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The Governing Council, Recalling its decisions SS.X/3 of 22 February 2008 on the medium-term strategy for the period 2010–2013, 25/9 of 20 February 2009 on South-South cooperation for achieving sustainable development, and SS.XI/7 of 26 February 2010 on oceans, Recalling also its decision SS.X/3, which welcomes the United Nations Environment Programme medium-term strategy for the period 2010–2013 and, among other things, encourages the Executive Director to continue to strengthen results-based management in the United Nations Environment Programme, 1. Takes note of the reports by the Executive Director34 summarizing the activities undertaken by the United Nations Environment Programme on South-South cooperation for achieving sustainable development and on oceans; 2. Requests the Executive Director to continue to strengthen results-based management in the United Nations Environment Programme and, wherever possible, to provide an account of relevant activities in a results-based report to the Governing Council on the implementation of the programmes of work and budgets.