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Resolution 2001-6
Resolution on Japanese Community-Based Whaling
RECALLING that the International Whaling Commission has repeatedly recognised the socio-economic and cultural
needs of the four community-based whaling communities in Japan and the increasing distress to these communities
which has resulted from the whaling moratorium (first, IWC/45/51; most recently, IWC Resolution 2000-1);
RECALLING further that the Commission has repeatedly resolved to work expeditiously to alleviate the distress to
the communities which has resulted from the cessation of minke whaling (first, IWC/45/51; most recently, IWC
Resolution 2000-1); and
NOTING the widespread recognition in various UN covenants, conventions, and other documents, of the importance
for communities to continue customary resource use practices on a sustainable basis,
REAFFIRMS the Commission’s commitment to work expeditiously to alleviate the distress caused by the cessation
of minke whaling to the communities of Abashiri, Ayukawa, Wadaura and Taiji.