Treaty The Convention on Wetlands Meeting 11th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties Type Decision Status Active Skip to full text Visit on MEA website Share meeting Files Language AR CH EN FR RU SP Files pdf RamsarCOP11_R5-Arabic.pdf Files pdf cop11-res05-e.pdf Files pdf cop11-res05-f.pdf Files pdf cop11-res05-RUS.pdf Files pdf cop11-res05-s.pdf From the same meeting n/aResolution XI.20: Promoting sustainable investment by the public and private sectors to ensure the maintenance of the benefits people and nature gain from wetlands n/aResolution XI.6: Partnerships and synergies with Multilateral Environmental Agreements and other institutions n/aResolution XI.21 : Wetlands and sustainable development n/aResolution XI.10: Wetlands and energy issues n/aResolution XI.11: Principles for the planning and management of urban and peri-urban wetlands n/aResolution XI.19: Adjustments to the terms of Resolution 7.1 on the composition, roles, and responsibilities of the Standing Committee and regional categorization of countries under the Convention Pagination Page 1 Next page Next Browse all decisions Other meetings 14th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (COP14) 14th meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties Pagination Page 1 Next page Next Browse all meetings