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The Conference of the Parties,
Acknowledging the comments by parties and the Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres on the strengthening of the centres,11UNEP/CHW.10/INF/3.
Recognizing with appreciation the host countries’ contributions to the operation of the centres and the contributions of those countries served by the centres,
Recalling the facilitative and catalytic role played by the Secretariat in mobilizing financial resources and technical assistance for the centres,
Recognizing the financial and technical assistance provided by donors to support the operation of the centres and the fact that further efforts and assistance will be required for them to function optimally,
Recognizing also the centres’ role in the context of decisions on strategic matters pertaining to the Basel Convention,
Taking note of the outcome of the consultative process on financing options for chemicals and wastes,22UNEP/CHW.10/INF/54.
Recognizing the difficulties currently being faced by the centres in terms of funds for implementing activities and projects,
1.Takes note ofthe following documents: 33UNEP/CHW.10/INF/2.
(a)Workplan for the strengthening of the centres;
(b)Detailed list of the necessary elements for the performance of the core functions based on appendices I and II to decision VI/3;
(c)Strategic framework for the financial sustainability of the centres that would assist the centres in developing strategies for their financial sustainability;
(d)Set of indicators to measure performance and impediments in relation to the centres’ functions and impacts;
2.Requests the centres to submit to the Secretariat business plans for the biennium 2012–2013 by 30 March 2012;
3.Also requests the centres to submit to the Secretariat, at least four months before the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at that meeting, activity reports for the period January 2011–June 2013 and business plans for the biennium 2014–2015;
4.Requests the Secretariat to provide guidance on effective governance and administrative arrangements for the centres, subject to the availability of resources;
5.Encourages the centres to continue to strive to mobilize financial resources for the implementation of their activities with the aim of assisting parties in the implementation of their obligations under the Convention;
6.Urges parties and signatories, especially donor countries, and invitesother stakeholders in a position to do so and, where appropriate, multilateral donors, to provide adequate, sustainable and predictable financial and technical support directly for the centres’ activities and projects to enable the centres to operate in accordance with their core functions and roles;
7.Requests the Secretariat to report on the implementation of the present decision to the Conference of the Parties at its eleventh meeting.