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Event description

Joint CC-SC Meeting
The Working Group was established through IWC Resolution 2014-4 to facilitate the implementation and follow-up of conservation recommendations. The Joint CC-SC meeting will be held virtually on 11 July 2022 at 15:00-17:00 London time (GMT+1). A draft agenda for this meeting is attached and we invite comments by Friday 1 July.  Any queries on this should be directed to the Secretariat.
Meeting attendance
The Terms of Reference for the Joint Working Group note that the group will comprise at least the Chairs and Vice-chairs of the Scientific and Conservation committees, with encouragement of SC convenors and leads of the CC SWGs to attend. Additional expertise (or requests for participation by specified Contracting Governments) may be included as appropriate at the discretion of the Chairs of the SC and CC.
Chairs of both the CC and SC, their convenors and Standing Working Group chairs and topic leads will receive an invitation to this meeting.  Others who wish to attend this meeting should contact the IWC Secretariat (secretariat [at] (secretariat[at]iwc[dot]int)) and the Chairs/Vice-Chairs of Scientific Committee and Conservation Committee by Friday 1 July 2022 to request participation and indicate specific agenda items of interest. 
Conservation Committee Planning Group
At IWC66 in October 2016 the Commission endorsed a recommendation to establish a Conservation Committee Planning Group (CCPG), tasked with helping set the agenda for the biennial Conservation Committee meeting and progression of the Conservation Committee’s work plan in the intersessional period.

The next meeting of the Conservation Committee Planning Group will take place virtually on 12 July 2022 at 20:00-22:00 London time (GMT+1). A draft annotated agenda for this meeting is attached. This draws attention to some items which will also be dealt with by email in advance to increase the efficiency of, and reduce the time needed for the remote meeting.

Meeting attendance
The Terms of Reference for the Planning Group note that the group is intended to be small and focused and does not replace a full meeting of the Conservation Committee. It will primarily be composed of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Conservation Committee, Chairs of the Committee’s Standing Working Groups, and nominees from Contracting Governments and observers who have a contribution to make on particular agenda items. Additional expertise will be decided by the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Conservation Committee based on the CCPG agenda.
Chairs of Conservation Committee Standing Working Groups and other topic leads will receive an invitation to this meeting.  Others who wish to attend this meeting should write to the Chair and/or Vice Chair of the Conservation Committee and the IWC Secretariat (projectdevelopment [at] (projectdevelopment[at]iwc[dot]int)) by Friday 1 July 2022 to request participation and indicate specific agenda items of interest. 

To download draft agendas please click here

11 July 2022
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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