This Chapter of the Code defines the baseline system (sect. 101), defines the territorial sea and internal waters (sect. 102), declares sovereignty over the Territorial Sea and internal waters (sect. 103), defines the EEZ (sect. 104), and declares powers of jurisdiction of the National Government with respect to the EEZ (sect. 105).
This Chapter of the Code defines the baseline system (sect. 101), defines the territorial sea and internal waters (sect. 102), declares sovereignty over the Territorial Sea and internal waters (sect. 103), defines the EEZ (sect. 104), and declares powers of jurisdiction of the National Government with respect to the EEZ (sect. 105).
Unofficial consolidation as at 19 August 2001.
Chapter 1 of Title 18 of the Code of Federated States of Micronesia concerning Territorial Boundaries and Economic Zones.
Micronesia (Federated States of)
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