The present Decree lays down provisions on commodities contained in plastic packages except for infant food and pharmaceutical products To reduce the negative environmental impact, the manufacturers and the traders must meet the following requirements: (1) registration of plastic packages and plastic waste according to Annex 1; (2) compliance with the requirements regarding collection and recycling of plastic waste; The system of collection and recycling shall include inter alia the elaboration of technical standards for plastic waste as well as marketing the by-products resulting from recycling of plastic waste. Plastic materials used for packages shall be subject to collection and recycling. Manufacturing or trading plastic packages shall be carried out with a view to reduce the negative environmental impact.
The present Decree lays down provisions on commodities contained in plastic packages except for infant food and pharmaceutical products To reduce the negative environmental impact, the manufacturers and the traders must meet the following requirements: (1) registration of plastic packages and plastic waste according to Annex 1; (2) compliance with the requirements regarding collection and recycling of plastic waste; The system of collection and recycling shall include inter alia the elaboration
Decree No. 12 on collection and recycling of plastic waste.
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