This Decree applies to Norwegian and foreign vessels fishing for mackerel. It is forbidden to use a certain kind of strain ("avsilingsrist"), gutters and other equipment used for the sorting of mackerel. The width of openings in equipment necessary for sorting of fish may not exceed 10 mm. Section 4 prescribes rules for the use of sorting equipment on board of purse seine vessels. (6 sections)
This Decree applies to Norwegian and foreign vessels fishing for mackerel. It is forbidden to use a certain kind of strain ("avsilingsrist"), gutters and other equipment used for the sorting of mackerel. The width of openings in equipment necessary for sorting of fish may not exceed 10 mm. Section 4 prescribes rules for the use of sorting equipment on board of purse seine vessels. (6 sections)
Consolidated text of Decree No. 519 of 1991 as amended by Decree No. 805 of 1993.
Decree No. 519 of 1991 to prohibit certain equipment and sorting installations on board of vessels engaged in fishing for mackerel.
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