These Regulations, made under the Environmental Management Act, implement provisions of the Act relative to the control of he disposal of waste or effluent which may affect the quality of environment and the issue of licences for this purpose by the Environmental Management Agency. The Regulations also require operators of waste management enterprises to implement and adhere annually to a waste management plan and to comply with various other requirements and conditions. Every local authority shall designate suitable sites as waste collection sites within its area of jurisdiction for the management of wastes and ensure a waste collection frequency that minimizes accumulation and avoids decomposition of waste on collection sites. No person shall dispose of waste or effluent into a public stream or into any other surface water or groundwater, whether directly or through drainage or seepage, except under a licence. The Agency (a) shall reject an application for the issue, renewal or amendment of a licence (i) relating to the disposal of waste or effluent consisting of waste water which does not conform to the standards of quality prescribed in Part II of the Fourth Schedule; (ii) in respect of the disposal of waste or effluent in a sensitive area (designated river catchment areas and other water protection sites), unless the disposal qualifies for the issue of a blue licence in accordance with the stricter test parameters required for the issue of such a licence in such an area as prescribed in the 2nd column of the table in Part II of the Fourth Schedule.
These Regulations, made under the Environmental Management Act, implement provisions of the Act relative to the control of he disposal of waste or effluent which may affect the quality of environment and the issue of licences for this purpose by the Environmental Management Agency. The Regulations also require operators of waste management enterprises to implement and adhere annually to a waste management plan and to comply with various other requirements and conditions. Every local authority sh
Consolidated version as amended by SI 4/11.The Water (Waste and Effluent Disposal) Regulations,2000, published in Statutory Instrument 274 of 2000, are repealed.
Environment Management Act (Effluents and Solid Waste Disposal) Regulations, 2007 (Cap. 20:27).
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