These Regulations require a licence to be obtained from the Environmental Management Agency for various activities that (may) affect the environment or wildlife and provides with respect to the conduct of an environmental impact assessment and the preparation of an environmental impact assessment report for such activities. The Regulations also provide for the approval and registration of environment impact assessment consultants by the Agency and lay down procedures for an environmental impact assessment and the issue of a certificate by the Agency. The Agency shall carry out bi-annual environmental audits to ensure that all projects being implemented are in compliance with these Regulations.
Controlled activities include, among other things, excavation activities and to reclaim or drain, drill or make a tunnel, introduce any exotic animal or plant species, cultivate, or licence the cultivation of, or destroy any natural vegetation on, or dig up, break up, remove or alter in any way the soil or surface of (a) a wetland; or (b) a land within 30 metres of the naturally defined banks of a public stream; or (c) land within 30 metres of the high flood-level of any body of water conserved in artificially constructed water storage work on a public stream; or (d) bed, banks or course of any river or stream. The land user, landowner, farmer, lessee or designated authority shall be responsible for extinguishing all fires on their property regardless of the origin of the fire.
Controlled activities include, among other things, excavation activities and to reclaim or drain, drill or make a tunnel, introduce any exotic animal or plant species, cultivate, or licence the cultivation of, or destroy any natural vegetation on, or dig up, break up, remove or alter in any way the soil or surface of (a) a wetland; or (b) a land within 30 metres of the naturally defined banks of a public stream; or (c) land within 30 metres of the high flood-level of any body of water conserved in artificially constructed water storage work on a public stream; or (d) bed, banks or course of any river or stream. The land user, landowner, farmer, lessee or designated authority shall be responsible for extinguishing all fires on their property regardless of the origin of the fire.
These Regulations require a licence to be obtained from the Environmental Management Agency for various activities that (may) affect the environment or wildlife and provides with respect to the conduct of an environmental impact assessment and the preparation of an environmental impact assessment report for such activities. The Regulations also provide for the approval and registration of environment impact assessment consultants by the Agency and lay down procedures for an environmental impact
The Natural Resources (Protection) Regulations, 1991, published in Statutory Instrument 291 of 1991 and the Natural Resources (Sleighs) Regulations, 1975, published in Statutory Instrument 604 of 1975 are repealed.
Environment Management Act (Environmental Impact Assessment & Ecosystems Protection) Regulations, 2007 (Cap. 20:27).
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