These Regulations, made under the Environmental Management Act, provides rules for the management of hazardous waste. They also provide for the protection of water source areas and other sensitive areas and the prevention of pollution of water by hazardous waste. No hazardous waste shall be disposed of at any other place except in a licensed hazardous waste disposal site or landfill. Any person who disposes hazardous waste shall ensure that the hazardous waste disposal site or landfill has specified facilities. The import into Zimbabwe of wastes falling under the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal ("Convention wastes") is prohibited unless (a) such wastes are imported from a State (i) that is a contracting party to the Basel Convention; or (ii) under a bilateral or multilateral agreement to which Zimbabwe is a party. Notification is made to the Agency by the State from which such wastes originate or the generator or exporter of those wastes in that state, and the Environmental Management Agency has acknowledged and assented to such notification in writing.
These Regulations, made under the Environmental Management Act, provides rules for the management of hazardous waste. They also provide for the protection of water source areas and other sensitive areas and the prevention of pollution of water by hazardous waste. No hazardous waste shall be disposed of at any other place except in a licensed hazardous waste disposal site or landfill. Any person who disposes hazardous waste shall ensure that the hazardous waste disposal site or landfill has speci
Consolidated version as amended by SI 6/11.
Environment Management Act (Hazardous Waste Management) Regulations, 2007 (Cap. 20:27).
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