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These Regulations, made by the Minister of Environment, Water and Climate in terms of section 140 of the Environmental Management Act, concern environmental protection in mining activities and prospecting along streams or rivers. The Regulations set out standards for mining operations and require an Environmental Impact Assessment Report to be carried out and an EIA certificate to be obtained. The Regulations set out rules for the making and approval of the EIA report and Certificate and specify conditions attached to certificates. They also provide with respect to rehabilitation measures during and at cessation of the alluvial mining, closure of the mine or by order of court and inspections.
These Regulations, made by the Minister of Environment, Water and Climate in terms of section 140 of the Environmental Management Act, concern environmental protection in mining activities and prospecting along streams or rivers. The Regulations set out standards for mining operations and require an Environmental Impact Assessment Report to be carried out and an EIA certificate to be obtained. The Regulations set out rules for the making and approval of the EIA report and Certificate and specify
Environmental Management (Control of Alluvial Mining) Regulations, 2014 (S.I. No. 92 of 2014).
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