These Regulations prohibit the importation of ozone depleting substance (ODS) in the Second Schedule and ozone depleting substance dependent equipment (equipment or appliance which uses or whose function relies on the substances listed in the Second Schedule). Any person who wishes to import or export ozone depleting substance or ozone depleting substance dependent equipment or any chemical listed in the Third, Fourth and Fifth Schedules shall apply to the Ozone Office. The Ozone Office shall establish a register for the purpose of registering all licensed importers, exporters or consumers of ozone depleting substances and ozone depleting substance dependent equipment. Imported substances shall be clearly labelled, and every licensed importer or exporter of ozone depleting substance or equipment shall furnish the Ozone Office with annual reports or other information on import or export activities as specified. Destroying of ODS requires permission of the Ozone Office.
These Regulations prohibit the importation of ozone depleting substance (ODS) in the Second Schedule and ozone depleting substance dependent equipment (equipment or appliance which uses or whose function relies on the substances listed in the Second Schedule). Any person who wishes to import or export ozone depleting substance or ozone depleting substance dependent equipment or any chemical listed in the Third, Fourth and Fifth Schedules shall apply to the Ozone Office. The Ozone Office shall es
The Environmental and Natural Resources Management (Control of Ozone Depleting Substances and Ozone Depleting Substances Dependent Equipment) Regulations, 2004, published in Statutory Instrument 133 of 2004, are repealed.
Environmental Management (Prohibition and Control of Ozone Depleting Substances & Ozone Depleting Substances Dependent Equipment) Regulations, 2011
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