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The text of the Act consists of 130 sections and 10 Schedules. The sections are divided into 18 Parts: Preliminary (I); Parks and Wildlife Board (II); Financial provisions (II); Parks and Wildlife Estate and Parks and Wildlife Land (III); National Parks (IV); Botanical Reserves and Botanical gardens (V); Sanctuaries (VI); Safari Areas (VII); Recreational Parks (VIII); Specially Protected Animals (IX); Specially Protected Indigenous Plants (X); Indigenous Plants (XI); Hunting, Removal, Viewing and Sale of Animals and Animal Products (XII); Protection of Animals and Indigenous Plants on Alienated Land (XIII); Fish Conservation (XIV); Evidence, Prevention and Detection of Offences and Additional Penalties and Forfeitures (XV); Inspectors, Officers, Employees and Advisory Committees (XVI); General (XVII).
The Parks and Wild Life Board, mainly a policy advisory body established under section 3 shall consist of members appointed by the Minister. Section 21 specifies the purposes for which national parks may be established. Botanical reserves may be established pursuant to section 25 for the purpose of preservation and protection of rare or endangered indigenous plants. Sanctuaries shall serve the purpose of special protection to all animals or particular species of animals in the sanctuary concerned (sect. 30). Safari areas are established to preserve and protect natural habitat and the wild life therein (sect. 35). The Minister may lease sites in a safari area and grant hunting rights to such persons as he deems fit (sect. 37). The animals specified in the Sixth Schedule are hereby declared to be specially protected animals (sect. 43). Sections 44 to 47 deal with hunting of and trading in specially protected animals and with trophies. Section 66 provides for the granting of professional hunter's licences. Part XIV makes provision for the declaration of controlled fishing waters (sect. 82) and the control of fish in any waters in general: Appropriate authority for waters (sect. 83); Controlled fishing waters and powers of the Minister in relation thereto (sect. 84); control of fishing (sect. 85); permission to fish (sect. 86); use of explosives, etc. (sect. 87); control of introduction into waters of fish and aquatic growth and importation of live fish and fish ova (sect. 88); control of fishing nets (sect. 91); registration as dealer in or manufacturer of fishing nets (sect. 92); authorized fishing gear (sect. 93); permits to carry on business of catching and selling fish (sect. 94); Minister may prohibit persons from fishing (sect. 96).
The text of the Act consists of 130 sections and 10 Schedules. The sections are divided into 18 Parts: Preliminary (I); Parks and Wildlife Board (II); Financial provisions (II); Parks and Wildlife Estate and Parks and Wildlife Land (III); National Parks (IV); Botanical Reserves and Botanical gardens (V); Sanctuaries (VI); Safari Areas (VII); Recreational Parks (VIII); Specially Protected Animals (IX); Specially Protected Indigenous Plants (X); Indigenous Plants (XI); Hunting, Removal, Viewing an
Consolidated edition of Act No. 14 of 1975 as amended last by Act No. 13 of 2002.This Act repeals the Fish Conservation Act of 1961.
Parks and Wild Life Act [Chapter 20:14].
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