The Regulation applies to Norwegian and foreign vessels fishing for crayfish in the Skagerrak, limited to the west by a straight line through Lindesnes and Hanstholmen and south of a straight line through the Skagen lighthouse and Tistlarna. It sets rules on fishing nets with a min. size mesh of 70 mm and with a sorting grid spacing not exceeding 35 mm and of an inclination angle not exceeding 50 . The railing thereof shall be made of aluminum, steel, fiberglass or plastic and by a width between 8 and 20 mm.
The Regulation applies to Norwegian and foreign vessels fishing for crayfish in the Skagerrak, limited to the west by a straight line through Lindesnes and Hanstholmen and south of a straight line through the Skagen lighthouse and Tistlarna. It sets rules on fishing nets with a min. size mesh of 70 mm and with a sorting grid spacing not exceeding 35 mm and of an inclination angle not exceeding 50°. The railing thereof shall be made of aluminum, steel, fiberglass or plastic and by a width between
Regulation No. 1105 on the design and installation of sorting grids in crayfish-fishing.
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