This Decree-Law, consisting of 29 articles divided into five Chapters, creates the National Authority for Water and Sanitation and approves the related Statute (ANAS, I.P.). It establishew composition, duties and responsibilities of the above mentioned ANAS, I.P. aimed at proposing, monitoring and ensuring the implementation of national policy in the field of water resources, in order to guarantee its sustainable and integrated management, as well as the supervision and inspection of the sectors of public water supply, sanitation of urban waste water and urban solid waste. In particular, ANAS, I.P., is entitled to carry out the following duties: a) support the Government in the definition of the water resources management, water supply and sanitation policy; b) prepare proposals for water resources management plans to be submitted to the tutelage; c) support the work of the Coordination Council for Integrated Water Resources Management; d) promote the rational use of water through Water Resources Management Planning; e) propose the creation of areas in the public water domain; f) coordinate, at the national level, the adoption of exceptional measures in extreme drought or flood situations; g) ensure the monitoring, inspection and licensing of the use of water resources in accordance with the law and water resource management plans; h) propose to the Government the approval of regulatory norms related to the water resources sector, water supply and sanitation; i) regulate water supply and urban wastewater sanitation services and the quality of the service provided to users by management entities; j) ensure the monitoring, inspection and licensing of the activity of entities managing water supply and sanitation systems, in accordance with the law; k) control the correct use of water supply and sanitation systems by consumers, etc.
Decree-Law No. 38/2020 creating the National Authority for Water and Sanitation and approving the related Statute.
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