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Multilateral environment agreements tagged with Activity A.1.3.3 Develop guidance to fill gaps in existing guidance, including: a) the need for EIAs/HIAs of potential developments’ impact on Outstanding Universal Value, the range of proposed activities with a likely impact on Outstanding Universal Value to be reported on and the documentation required by the World Heritage Centre, b) the uses, limits and documentation requirements for traditional management systems and c) protection mechanisms for setting (beyond and including buffer zones)
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Activity A.1.3.3 Develop guidance to fill gaps in existing guidance, including:
a) the need for EIAs/HIAs of potential developments’ impact on Outstanding Universal Value, the range of proposed activities with a likely impact on Outstanding Universal Value to be reported on and the documentation required by the World Heritage Centre,
b) the uses, limits and documentation requirements for traditional management systems and
c) protection mechanisms for setting (beyond and including buffer zones). This includes official treaty texts, decisions, recommendations, and other related
informational documents such as publications, annuals, meetings, documents or reports.