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Multilateral environment agreements tagged with Activity A.2.2.3 Upgrade registration process (between 1 Feb and 1 March year 1) to include both technical check for completeness and to indicate whether prima facie all elements of justification of Outstanding Universal Value are met, including those where judgement is required E.g. check list to indicate whether nomination compares each claim to Outstanding Universal Value against all sites on World Heritage List, Tentative Lists and other obvious sites; that all elements of protection and management are articulated. Nominations that do not meet all elements not permitted to proceed further.

You can see below a list of multilateral environment agreements. Use the links on the right to view the content tagged with Activity A.2.2.3 Upgrade registration process (between 1 Feb and 1 March year 1) to include both technical check for completeness and to indicate whether prima facie all elements of justification of Outstanding Universal Value are met, including those where judgement is required E.g. check list to indicate whether nomination compares each claim to Outstanding Universal Value against all sites on World Heritage List, Tentative Lists and other obvious sites; that all elements of protection and management are articulated. Nominations that do not meet all elements not permitted to proceed further.. This includes official treaty texts, decisions, recommendations, and other related informational documents such as publications, annuals, meetings, documents or reports.