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Carpathian Biodiversity Framework, including a Carpathian Vision 2050 FINAL

The Carpathian Convention – which brings together the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Ukraine – was established in 2003 to protect the second largest mountain range in Europe, home to nearly 4,000 plant species and the largest pristine forests in Europe. It is also inhabited by the richest population of large carnivores on the continent. The Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention is hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).


Conservation, restoration and sustainable use of biodiversity in the Carpathians is enhanced, by harmonized and coordinated efforts and cooperation on conservation, maintenance and sustainable use of natural and semi-natural habitats and securing habitat continuity and connectivity; restoration of degraded habitats; conservation and sustainable use of species of flora and fauna characteristic to the Carpathians, especially endangered or endemic species and large carnivores; and conservation and restoration of wetlands and fresh water ecosystems. (Source: Main reference document: Carpathian Convention Biodiversity Protocol Article 1 on General objective and principles)
The Carpathian forests are sustainably managed and protected by, inter alia, improving the health and vitality of the forests; improving the conservation and sustainable use of forest biodiversity; identifying and protecting natural, especially virgin forests; promoting the restoration of close-to-nature forests; and enhancing the role of the forest-based sector in mitigating climate change. (Source: Main reference document: Carpathian Convention Sustainable Forest Management Protocol, Article 1 on General objective and principles)
Tourism in the Carpathians is sustainable, thanks to enhanced cooperation that maximizes the positive benefits of tourism for biodiversity, ecosystems, and economic and social development, while mitigating negative ecological, environmental and socio-economic impacts from tourism. (Source: Main reference document: Carpathian Convention Sustainable Tourism Protocol, Article 1 on General objective and principles)
Transport and related infrastructure in the Carpathians is developed sustainably with the objective to contribute to the overall sustainable development of the region while avoiding, minimizing and, where necessary, mitigating or compensating negative environmental and socio-economic impacts of transport and related infrastructure development, including through, inter alia, development and promotion of environmentally friendly transport models and systems, particularly in environmentally sensitive areas, and [sic]. (Source: Main reference document: Carpathian Convention Sustainable Transport Protocol Article 1 on General objective and principles)
The agriculture sector in the Carpathians, including traditionally cultivated land, is maintained and developed sustainably. Traditional knowledge and sustainable agriculture practices are maintained, enabling rural communities to flourish while preserving the natural resources and cultural heritage of the Carpathians. (Source: Main reference document: Carpathian Convention Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Protocol, Article 1 on General objective and principles)
The resilience of the Carpathian region is strengthened through climate change mitigation and through increased regional adaptation actions within the Carpathian Convention activities. (Source: Main reference document: Carpathian Convention Art. 12bis and the Long-term Vision 2030 towards combating climate change in the Carpathians, http://www.carpathianconvention.org/tl_files/carpathiancon/Downloads/03%20Meetings%20and%20Events/COP/2020_COP6_Online/official%20documents/CC%20COP6%20DOC10_Long_Term_Vision_2030_FINAL%20DRAFT.pdf)
Awareness about the objectives and main sustainable development aspects of the Carpathian Convention is strengthened among the general public in the Carpathians. Lifelong learning and global education approaches are integrated into the Carpathian Convention activities and cross-sectoral cooperation and synergies across projects are enhanced, bridging together local and regional actors and strengthening partnerships towards sustainable development of the Carpathians. (Source: Main reference document: Carpathian Convention COP6 Decisions (Decisions/COP6/9), Carpathian Convention Implementation Committee recommendation from 2022, and the Carpathian Convention Art. 13 on Awareness raising, education and public participation, http://www.carpathianconvention.org/tl_files/carpathiancon/Downloads/01%20The%20Convention/CC%20COP6%20DOC3_COP6%20DECISIONS_%20FINAL%20ADOPTED%202020.pdf and http://www.carpathianconvention.org/tl_files/carpathiancon/Downloads/03%20Meetings%20and%20Events/Implementation%20Committee/CCIC%202022/Meeting%20documents/2312%20CCIC%20recommendations%202022%20FINAL%20clean.pdf)
Cooperation with Ukraine on protecting and sustainably developing the whole Carpathian region is strengthened to better address the direct and indirect impacts of the war in Ukraine on the Carpathians, particularly on the natural environment and nature protection services. (Source: Main reference document: Ministerial Declaration of the Carpathian Convention on the impact of war in Ukraine on the environment and the need for cooperation and assistance, adopted in November 2022 in Rzeszow, Poland, http://www.carpathianconvention.org/tl_files/carpathiancon/Downloads/03%20Meetings%20and%20Events/Others/Carpathian%20Ministerial%20Conference/Carpathian%20Ministerial%20Declaration_impact%20of%20war%20on%20Ukraine%20and%20the%20need%20for%20cooperation_FINAL.pdf)