Sustainable livelihoods is defined as the ability of the users to cope with and respond to the stresses and shocks related to fluctuations in the Nature’s contribution to people that adversely impact their material, relational and subjective dimensions of life and create vulnerabilities, develop their capabilities to strengthen access and entitlements to the variety of livelihood resources, without unnecessarily undermining the natural resource base (the wild species and its natural environment), so as to achieve a desirable standard of living that befits them as humans and also approved by the measures of wellbeing and human development. (Source: IPBES, Sustainable Use Assessment, 2022).
Broader: средства к существованию
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Multilateral environment agreements tagged with Sustainable livelihood
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Sustainable livelihood. This includes official treaty texts, decisions, recommendations, and other related
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Конвенция об охране всемирного наследия | 1 decision |