
This content is exclusively provided by FAO / FAOLEX / ECOLEX

The National Energy Policy of Grenada is a national policy with a multi-sectoral approach. The overall goal of this Policy is to ensure access to affordable, equitable, and reliable energy sources and services to ensure energy security and to improve the quality of life for all citizens. To this end, this Policy lays down strategies to facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources into the national energy mix; guarantee the development of indigenous hydrocarbon resources; ensure social inclusiveness and equity to access to energy; and build a more competitive and productive economy. Climate change adaptation and mitigation will be integrated into the energy sector to achieve a low carbon development and a more diversified and sustainable energy sector. Risk and vulnerability assessments will be conducted on all major energy infrastructure to increase the resilience of energy assets, especially for the ones located in coastal areas. The use of renewable energy resources, particularly in the form of geothermal, solar and wind, will be promoted to ensure energy security and to reduce the reliance on imported energy sources. Public awareness will be raised on energy efficiency and conservation to encourage energy-saving behaviour by all consumers. Incentives will be provided to households to generate their own energy through renewable energy sources. The use of energy-efficient and low impact production measures will be promoted in the agriculture sector to achieve agricultural development while ensuring energy conservation and protecting the environment. In order to reduce energy requirements for irrigation, recycling and harvesting of water for agricultural use will be promoted. Furthermore, institutional capacity building will be enhanced and the National Sustainable Energy Office and the Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency will be established to strengthen the management of the energy sector. Legislative and regulatory frameworks will be developed by updating the existing legislation. Offshore hydrocarbon programme will be developed by conducting EIA, completing seismic data surveys, and carrying out licensing. The participation in regional and international sustainable energy initiatives will be enhanced and the linkage between energy policy and climate change negotiations will be strengthened. A National Energy Commission will be established to monitor the implementation of this policy.
National Energy Policy of Grenada.
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