18.1 (Rev. CoP19) Rules of Procedure of the Conference of the Parties
18.2 Terms of reference of the Finance and Budget Subcommittee
19.1 Emerging operational issues of the committees
19.2 Emerging operational issues of the committees
19.3 Emerging operational issues of the committees
18.4 Access to funding
19.4 Access to funding
19.5 Access to funding
19.6 Access to funding
19.7 Access to funding
19.8 Access to funding
19.9 Access to funding
18.12 Sponsored Delegates Project
19.10 Sponsored Delegates Project
19.11 CITES Strategic Vision
19.12 CITES Strategic Vision
19.13 CITES Strategic Vision
19.14 CITES Strategic Vision
19.15 Role of CITES in reducing risk of future zoonotic disease emergenceassociated with international wildlife trade
19.16 Role of CITES in reducing risk of future zoonotic disease emergence associated with international wildlife trade
19.17 Role of CITES in reducing risk of future zoonotic disease emergenceassociated with international wildlife trade
19.18 Role of CITES in reducing risk of future zoonotic disease emergence associated with international wildlife trade
19.19 Role of CITES in reducing risk of future zoonotic disease emergenceassociated with international wildlife trade
17.55 (Rev. CoP19) Cooperation with Multilateral Environmental Agreements and other international organizations
17.56 (Rev. CoP19) Cooperation with Multilateral Environmental Agreements and other international organizations
19.20 Cooperation with Multilateral Environmental Agreements and other international organizations
19.21 Cooperation with Multilateral Environmental Agreements and other international organizations
19.22 Cooperation with the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation
19.23 Cooperation with the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation
18.55 Cooperation on the Black sea bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus ponticus)
18.59 Joint CITES-CMS African Carnivores Initiative
18.60 (Rev. CoP19) Joint CITES-CMS African Carnivores Initiative
18.61 Joint CITES-CMS African Carnivores Initiative
19.24 Joint CITES-CMS African Carnivores Initiative
19.25 Joint CITES-CMS African Carnivores Initiative
19.26 International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC)
19.27 International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC)
19.28 IPBES Assessment report on the sustainable use of wild species
19.29 IPBES Assessment report on the sustainable use of wild species
19.30 World Wildlife Trade Report
19.31 World Wildlife Trade Report
19.32 CITES and forests
19.33 CITES and forests
19.34 CITES and forests
19.35 Financial and operational sustainability of the MIKE and ETIS programmes
19.36 Financial and operational sustainability of the MIKE and ETIS programmes
19.37 Financial and operational sustainability of the MIKE and ETIS programmes
19.38 Language strategy for the Convention
19.39 Language strategy for the Convention
19.40 Capacity-building
19.41 Capacity-building
19.42 Capacity-building
19.43 Capacity-building
19.44 Compliance Assistance Programme
19.45 Compliance Assistance Programme
19.46 Compliance Assistance Programme
19.47 Country-wide Review of Significant Trade
19.48 Country-wide Review of Significant Trade
19.49 CITES Tree Species Programme
19.50 CITES Tree Species Programme
19.51 CITES gender action plan
19.52 CITES gender action plan
19.53 CITES gender action plan
17.57 (Rev. CoP19) Engagement of indigenous peoples and local communities
18.31 (Rev. CoP19) Engagement of indigenous peoples and local communities
18.32 (Rev. CoP19) Engagement of indigenous peoples and local communities
19.54 Engagement of indigenous peoples and local communities
18.33 (Rev. CoP19) Livelihoods*
18.34 (Rev. CoP19) Livelihoods*
18.35 (Rev. CoP19) Livelihoods*
19.55 Demand reduction to combat illegal trade
19.56 Demand reduction to combat illegal trade
19.57 Demand reduction to combat illegal trade
19.58 National laws for implementation of the Convention
19.59 National laws for implementation of the Convention
19.60 National laws for implementation of the Convention
19.61 National laws for implementation of the Convention
19.62 National laws for implementation of the Convention
17.108 (Rev. CoP19) Review of Significant Trade
17.109 (Rev. CoP19) Review of Significant Trade
17.110 (Rev. CoP19) Review of Significant Trade
19.63 Review of Resolution Conf. 17.7 (Rev. CoP19) on Review of trade in specimens reported as produced in captivity
19.64 Review of Resolution Conf. 17.7 (Rev. CoP19) on Review of trade in specimens reported as produced in captivity
19.65 Review of Resolution Conf. 17.7 (Rev. CoP19) on Review of trade in specimens reported as produced in captivity
18.175 Captive-breeding of Sri Lankan agamids
19.66 Review of Resolution Conf. 11.3 (Rev. CoP19) on Compliance and enforcement
19.67 Possession of specimens of species included in Appendix I
18.117 (Rev. CoP19) Closure of domestic ivory markets
18.118 Closure of domestic ivory markets
18.119 (Rev. CoP19) Closure of domestic ivory markets
19.68 Review of the National Ivory Action Plans Process
19.69 Review of the National Ivory Action Plans Process
19.70 Review of the National Ivory Action Plans Process
19.71 Malagasy palisanders and rosewoods (Dalbergia spp.) and ebonies (Diospyros spp.)
19.72 Malagasy palisanders and rosewoods (Dalbergia spp.) and ebonies (Diospyros spp.)
19.73 Malagasy palisanders and rosewoods (Dalbergia spp.) and ebonies (Diospyros spp.)
19.74 Totoabas (Totoaba macdonaldi)
19.75 Totoabas (Totoaba macdonaldi)
19.76 Totoabas (Totoaba macdonaldi)
18.292 (Rev. CoP19) Totoabas (Totoaba macdonaldi)
18.293 (Rev. CoP19) Totoabas (Totoaba macdonaldi)
18.294 (Rev. CoP19) Totoabas (Totoaba macdonaldi)
18.295 (Rev. CoP19) Totoabas (Totoaba macdonaldi)
19.77 Enforcement
19.78 Enforcement
19.79 Enforcement
19.80 Annual illegal trade reports
19.81 Wildlife crime linked to the Internet
19.82 Wildlife crime linked to the Internet
19.83 Wildlife crime linked to the Internet
18.90 (Rev. CoP19) Wildlife crime enforcement support in West and Central Africa
18.91 (Rev. CoP19) Wildlife crime enforcement support in West and Central Africa
19.84 Wildlife crime enforcement support in West and Central Africa
19.85 Wildlife crime enforcement support in West and Central Africa
19.86 Wildlife crime enforcement support in West and Central Africa
19.87 Wildlife crime enforcement support in West and Central Africa
19.88 Wildlife crime enforcement support in West and Central Africa
19.89 Task Force on illegal trade in specimens of CITES-listed tree species
19.90 Task Force on illegal trade in specimens of CITES-listed tree species
19.91 Task Force on illegal trade in specimens of CITES-listed tree species
19.92 CITES Big Cats Task Force
19.93 CITES Big Cats Task Force
19.94 Implementation of the priority recommendations from the review of the ETIS programme
19.95 Implementation of the priority recommendations from the review of the ETIS programme
19.96 Implementation of the priority recommendations from the review of the ETIS programme
19.97 ETIS categorization of Parties
19.98 ETIS categorization of Parties
19.99 Ivory seizures and domestic ivory markets
19.100 Ivory seizures and domestic ivory markets
19.101 Ivory seizures and domestic ivory markets
19.102 Trade in mammoth ivory
19.103 Trade in mammoth ivory
19.104 Illegal trade in cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)
19.105 Illegal trade in cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)
19.106 Illegal trade in cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)
18.217 (Rev. CoP19) Marine turtles (Cheloniidae spp. and Dermochelyidae spp.)
18.226 (Rev. CoP19) Trade in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus)
19.107 Trade in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus)
19.108 Trade in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus)
14.69 Asian big cats (Felidae spp.)
18.100 Asian big cats (Felidae spp.)
18.101 Asian big cats (Felidae spp.)
18.102 (Rev. CoP19) Asian big cats (Felidae spp.)
18.103 (Rev. CoP19) Asian big cats (Felidae spp.)
18.105 Asian big cats (Felidae spp.)
18.106 Asian big cats (Felidae spp.)
18.107 (Rev. CoP19) Asian big cats (Felidae spp.)
18.108 (Rev. CoP19) Asian big cats (Felidae spp.)
18.109 (Rev. CoP19) Asian big cats (Felidae spp.)
19.109 Asian big cats (Felidae spp.)
19.110 Jaguars (Panthera onca)
19.111 Jaguars (Panthera onca)
19.112 Jaguars (Panthera onca)
19.113 Jaguars (Panthera onca)
19.114 Jaguars (Panthera onca)
18.116 Rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotidae spp.)
19.115 Rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotidae spp.)
19.116 Rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotidae spp.)
19.117 Rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotidae spp.)
19.118 Rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotidae spp.)
19.119 Rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotidae spp.)
19.120 Rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotidae spp.)
19.121 Rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotidae spp.)
19.122 Rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotidae spp.)
19.123 Tortoises and freshwater turtles (Testudines spp.)
19.124 Tortoises and freshwater turtles (Testudines spp.)
19.125 Tortoises and freshwater turtles (Testudines spp.)
19.126 Tortoises and freshwater turtles (Testudines spp.)
19.127 Tortoises and freshwater turtles (Testudines spp.)
19.128 Legal acquisition findings
19.129 Legal acquisition findings
19.130 Legal acquisition findings
19.131 Legal acquisition findings
19.132 Non-detriment findings
19.133 Non-detriment findings
19.134 Non-detriment findings
19.135 Non-detriment findings for specimens of Appendix-II species taken from areas beyond national jurisdiction
19.136 Non-detriment findings for specimens of Appendix-II speciestaken from areas beyond national jurisdiction
19.137 Non-detriment findings for specimens of Appendix-II species taken from areas beyond national jurisdiction
19.138 Non-detriment findings for specimens of Appendix-II species taken from areas beyond national jurisdiction
19.139 Non-detriment findings for specimens of Appendix-II species taken from areas beyond national jurisdiction
18.166 Guidance on non-detriment findings for trade in leopard (Panthera pardus) hunting trophies
18.168 (Rev. CoP19) Guidance on non-detriment findings for trade in leopard (Panthera pardus) hunting trophies
18.169 (Rev. CoP19) Guidance on non-detriment findings for trade in leopard (Panthera pardus) hunting trophies
19.140 Introduction from the sea
19.141 Introduction from the sea
19.142 Materials for the identification of specimens of CITES-listed species
19.143 Materials for the identification of specimens of CITES-listed species
19.144 Materials for the identification of specimens of CITES-listed species
19.145 Identification of timber and other wood products
19.146 Identification of timber and other wood products
19.147 Identification of timber and other wood products
19.148 Identification of timber and other wood products
19.149 Purpose-of-transaction codes
19.150 Electronic systems and information technology
19.151 Electronic systems and information technology
19.152 Electronic systems and information technology
19.153 Risk assessment and analysis for border control
19.154 Risk assessment and analysis for border control
19.155 Risk assessment and analysis for border control
17.170 (Rev. CoP19) Stocks and stockpiles
18.184 (Rev. CoP19) Stocks and stockpiles (elephant ivory)
18.185 (Rev. CoP19) Stocks and stockpiles (elephant ivory)
19.156 Stocks and stockpiles (elephant ivory)
19.157 Stocks and stockpiles (elephant ivory)
19.158 Transport of live specimens
19.159 Transport of live specimens
19.160 Rapid movement of wildlife diagnostic samples and musical instruments
19.161 Specimens produced through biotechnology
19.162 Specimens produced through biotechnology
19.163 Specimens produced through biotechnology
19.164 Definition of the term ‘appropriate and acceptable destinations’
19.165 Definition of the term ‘appropriate and acceptable destinations’
19.166 Definition of the term ‘appropriate and acceptable destinations’
19.167 Trade in live African elephants (Loxodonta africana)
19.168 Trade in live African elephants (Loxodonta africana)
19.169 Disposal of confiscated specimens
19.170 Disposal of confiscated specimens
19.171 Disposal of confiscated specimens
19.172 Disposal of confiscated specimens
19.173 Disposal of confiscated specimens
19.174 Disposal of confiscated specimens
19.175 Labelling system for trade in caviar
19.176 Labelling system for trade in caviar
19.177 Trade in stony corals (Scleractinia spp.)
19.178 Trade in stony corals (Scleractinia spp.)
19.179 Review of CITES provisions related to trade in specimens of animals and plants not of wild source
19.180 Review of CITES provisions related to trade in specimens of animals and plants not of wild source
19.181 Review of Resolution Conf. 12.10 (Rev. CoP15) on Registration of operations that breed Appendix-I animal species in captivity for commercial purposes
19.182 Guidance on the term ‘artificially propagated’
19.183 Guidance on the term ‘artificially propagated’
19.184 Assessment of Appendix-I listed species
19.185 Assessment of Appendix-I listed species
19.186 Identifying information on species at risk of extinction affected by international trade
19.187 Identifying information on species at risk of extinction affected by international trade
19.188 Identifying information on species at risk of extinction affected by international trade
19.189 Aquatic species listed in the CITES Appendices
19.190 Aquatic species listed in the CITES Appendices
19.191 Aquatic species listed in the CITES Appendices
19.192 West African vultures (Accipitridae spp.)
19.193 West African vultures (Accipitridae spp.)
19.194 West African vultures (Accipitridae spp.)
19.195 West African vultures (Accipitridae spp.)
19.196 West African vultures (Accipitridae spp.)
19.197 Conservation of amphibians (Amphibia spp.)
19.198 Conservation of amphibians (Amphibia spp.)
19.199 Conservation of amphibians (Amphibia spp.)
18.238 Pangolins (Manis spp.)
18.239 Pangolins (Manis spp.)
19.200 Pangolins (Manis spp.)
19.201 Pangolins (Manis spp.)
19.202 Pangolins (Manis spp.)
19.203 Pangolins (Manis spp.)
19.204 Pangolins (Manis spp.)
19.205 African lions (Panthera leo)
19.206 African lions (Panthera leo)
19.207 African lions (Panthera leo)
19.208 African lions (Panthera leo)
19.209 African lions (Panthera leo)
19.210 African lions (Panthera leo)
19.211 Leopards (Panthera pardus) in Africa
19.212 Leopards (Panthera pardus) in Africa
18.256 (Rev. CoP19) Songbird trade and conservation management (Passeriformes spp.)
18.257 (Rev. CoP19) Songbird trade and conservation management (Passeriformes spp.)
18.258 (Rev. CoP19) Songbird trade and conservation management (Passeriformes spp.)
18.259 (Rev. CoP19) Songbird trade and conservation management (Passeriformes spp.)
17.256 (Rev. CoP19) African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus)
19.213 Saiga antelopes (Saiga spp.)
19.214 Saiga antelopes (Saiga spp.)
19.215 Saiga antelopes (Saiga spp.)
19.216 Saiga antelopes (Saiga spp.)
19.217 Saiga antelopes (Saiga spp.)
19.218 Eels (Anguilla spp.)
19.219 Eels (Anguilla spp.)
19.220 Eels (Anguilla spp.)
19.221 Eels (Anguilla spp.)
19.222 Sharks and rays (Elasmobranchii spp.)
19.223 Sharks and rays (Elasmobranchii spp.)
19.224 Sharks and rays (Elasmobranchii spp.)
19.225 Sharks and rays (Elasmobranchii spp.)
19.226 Sharks and rays (Elasmobranchii spp.)
19.227 Sharks and rays (Elasmobranchii spp.)
18.209 Humphead wrasses (Cheilinus undulatus)
19.228 Seahorses (Hippocampus spp.)
19.229 Seahorses (Hippocampus spp.)
19.230 Seahorses (Hippocampus spp.)
19.231 Seahorses (Hippocampus spp.)
19.232 Seahorses (Hippocampus spp.)
19.233 Queen conch (Strombus gigas)
19.234 Queen conch (Strombus gigas)
19.235 Queen conch (Strombus gigas)
19.236 Queen conch (Strombus gigas)
19.237 Marine ornamental fishes
19.238 Marine ornamental fishes
19.239 Agarwood-producing taxa (Aquilaria spp. and Gyrinops spp.)
19.240 Agarwood-producing taxa (Aquilaria spp. and Gyrinops spp.)
19.241 Boswellia trees (Boswellia spp.)
19.242 Boswellia trees (Boswellia spp.)
19.243 Rosewood tree species [Leguminosae (Fabaceae)]
19.244 Rosewood tree species [Leguminosae (Fabaceae)]
19.245 Rosewood tree species [Leguminosae (Fabaceae)]
19.246 Products containing specimens of Appendix II orchids (Orchidaceae spp.)
19.247 Products containing specimens of Appendix II orchids (Orchidaceae spp.)
19.248 Products containing specimens of Appendix II orchids (Orchidaceae spp.)
19.249 Brazil wood (Paubrasilia echinata)
19.250 Brazil wood (Paubrasilia echinata)
19.251 Brazil wood (Paubrasilia echinata)
19.252 Brazil wood (Paubrasilia echinata)
19.253 Brazil wood (Paubrasilia echinata)
19.254 African tree species
19.255 African tree species
19.256 African tree species
19.257 Neotropical tree species
19.258 Neotropical tree species
19.259 Neotropical tree species
19.260 Neotropical tree species
19.261 Trade in medicinal and aromatic plant species
19.262 Trade in medicinal and aromatic plant species
19.263 Trade in medicinal and aromatic plant species
19.264 Trade in medicinal and aromatic plant species
16.162 (Rev. CoP19) Annotations
18.321 (Rev. CoP19) Annotation #15
18.322 (Rev. CoP19) Annotation #15
18.151 (Rev. CoP19) Implications of the transfer of a species from one Appendix to another
18.317 (Rev. CoP19) Information system for trade in specimens of CITES-listed tree species
19.265 Information system for trade in specimens of CITES-listed tree species
19.266 Informal review mechanism for existing and proposed annotations
19.267 Informal review mechanism for existing and proposed annotations
19.268 Orchid specimens exempted through annotation #4 g)
19.269 Orchid specimens exempted through annotation #4 g)
19.270 Orchid specimens exempted through annotation #4 g)
19.271 Orchid specimens exempted through annotation #4 g)
18.323 (Rev. CoP19) Annotation of Cape aloe (Aloe ferox)
18.324 (Rev. CoP19) Annotation of Cape aloe (Aloe ferox)
18.325 (Rev. CoP19) Annotation of Cape aloe (Aloe ferox)
18.326 (Rev. CoP19) Annotation of Cape aloe (Aloe ferox)
18.313 (Rev. CoP19) Nomenclature of Appendix-III listings
18.314 (Rev. CoP19) Nomenclature of Appendix-III listings
19.272 Higher taxon listings in the Appendices
19.273 Higher taxon listings in the Appendices
19.274 Development of a standardized global checklist of species
18.309 Use of time-specific versions of online databases as standard nomenclature references
18.310 (Rev. CoP19) Use of time-specific versions of online databases as standard nomenclature references
18.311 Use of time-specific versions of online databases as standard nomenclature references
18.312 (Rev. CoP19) Use of time-specific versions of online databases as standard nomenclature references
19.275 Taxonomy and nomenclature of African elephants (Loxodonta spp.)
19.276 Taxonomy and nomenclature of African elephants (Loxodonta spp.)
19.277 Taxonomy and nomenclature of African elephants (Loxodonta spp.)
19.278 Nomenclature for bird family and order names
19.279 Nomenclature for aloes (Aloe spp.)
19.280 Nomenclature for aloes (Aloe spp.)
18.304 (Rev. CoP19) Cactaceae Checklist and its Supplement
18.305 (Rev. CoP19) Cactaceae Checklist and its Supplement
18.306 (Rev. CoP19) Cactaceae Checklist and its Supplement
18.307 (Rev. CoP19) Production of a CITES Checklist for rosewoods (Dalbergia spp.)
18.308 (Rev. CoP19) Production of a CITES Checklist for rosewoods (Dalbergia spp.)
19.281 Nomenclature for ebonies (Diospyros spp.) (populations of Madagascar)
19.282 Nomenclature for ebonies (Diospyros spp.) (populations of Madagascar)
19.283 Standard nomenclature for cumarus (Dipteryx spp.)
19.284 Standard nomenclature for African mahoganies (Khaya spp.)
19.285 Nomenclature for Appendix-II listed orchids (Orchidaceae spp.)
19.286 Nomenclature for Appendix-II listed orchids (Orchidaceae spp.)
19.287 Nomenclature for pachypodiums (Pachypodium spp.)
19.288 Nomenclature for pachypodiums (Pachypodium spp.)
19.289 Standard nomenclature for roseroots (Rhodiola spp.)
19.290 Nomenclature for yews (Taxus spp.)
19.291 Nomenclature for yews (Taxus spp.)
Conf. 19.1 Financing and the costed programme of work for the Secretariat for the triennium 2023-2025
Conf. 19.2 Capacity-building
Conf. 19.3 Gender and international trade in wild fauna and flora
Conf. 19.4 Materials for the identification of specimens of CITES-listed species
Conf. 19.5 Conservation of and trade in marine turtles
Conf. 18.2 Establishment of committees
Conf. 18.3 CITES Strategic Vision: 2021-2030
Conf. 18.4 Cooperation with the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Conf. 18.5 Cooperation and synergy with the World Heritage Convention
Conf. 18.6 Designation and role of Management Authorities
Conf. 18.7 (Rev. CoP19) Legal acquisition findings
Conf. 18.8 Conservation of vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) and trade in its fibre and products
Conf. 17.1 (Rev. CoP18) World Wildlife Day
Conf. 17.3 (Rev. CoP19) Sponsored Delegates Project
Conf. 17.4 (Rev. CoP19) Demand reduction strategies to combat illegal trade in CITES-listed species
Conf. 17.5 (Rev. CoP18) Youth engagement
Conf. 17.6 (Rev. CoP19) Prohibiting, preventing, detecting and countering corruption, which facilitates activities conducted in violation of the Convention
Conf. 17.7 (Rev. CoP19) Review of trade in animal specimens reported as produced in captivity
Conf. 17.8 (Rev. CoP19) Disposal of illegally traded and confiscated specimens of CITES-listed species
Conf. 17.9 Trade in hunting trophies of species listed in Appendix I or II
Conf. 17.10 (Rev. CoP19) Conservation of and trade in pangolins
Conf. 17.11 Conservation of and trade in helmeted hornbill
Conf. 17.12 Conservation, sustainable use of and trade in snakes
Conf. 16.4 Cooperation of CITES with other biodiversity-related conventions
Conf. 16.5 Cooperation with the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Conf. 16.6 (Rev. CoP18) CITES and livelihoods
Conf. 16.7 (Rev. CoP17) Non-detriment findings
Conf. 16.8 (Rev. CoP17) Frequent cross-border non-commercial movements of musical instruments
Conf. 16.9 African Elephant Action Plan and African Elephant Fund
Conf. 16.10 Implementation of the Convention for agarwood-producing taxa
Conf. 15.2 Wildlife trade policy reviews
Conf. 14.3 (Rev. CoP19) CITES compliance procedures
Conf. 14.4 Cooperation between CITES and ITTO regarding trade in tropical timber
Conf. 14.5 Dialogue meetings
Conf. 14.6 (Rev. CoP16) Introduction from the sea
Conf. 14.7 (Rev. CoP15) Management of nationally established export quotas
Conf. 14.8 (Rev. CoP19) Periodic Review of species included in Appendices I and II
Conf. 13.2 (Rev. CoP14) Sustainable use of biodiversity: Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines
Conf. 13.3 Cooperation and synergy with the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS)
Conf. 13.4 (Rev. CoP18) Conservation of and trade in great apes
Conf. 13.5 (Rev. CoP18) Establishment of export quotas for black rhinoceros hunting trophies
Conf. 13.6 (Rev. CoP18) Implementation of Article VII, paragraph 2, concerning 'pre-Convention' specimens
Conf. 13.7 (Rev. CoP17) Control of trade in personal and household effects
Conf. 13.9 Encouraging cooperation between Parties with ex situ breeding operations and those with in situ conservation programmes
Conf. 13.10 (Rev. CoP14) Trade in alien invasive species
Conf. 13.11 (Rev. CoP18) Wild meat
Conf. 12.3 (Rev. CoP19) Permits and certificates
Conf. 12.4 (Rev. CoP18) Cooperation between CITES and the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources regarding trade in toothfish
Conf. 12.5 (Rev. CoP19) Conservation of and trade in tigers and other Appendix-I Asian big cat species
Conf. 12.6 (Rev. CoP18) Conservation and management of sharks
Conf. 12.7 (Rev. CoP17) Conservation of and trade in sturgeons and paddlefish
Conf. 12.8 (Rev. CoP18) Review of Significant Trade in specimens of Appendix-II species
Conf. 12.10 (Rev. CoP15) Registration of operations that breed Appendix-I animal species in captivity for commercial purposes
Conf. 12.11 (Rev. CoP19) 标准命名
Conf. 11.3 (Rev. CoP19) Compliance and enforcement
Conf. 11.4 (Rev. CoP12) Conservation of cetaceans, trade in cetacean specimens and the relationship with the International Whaling Commission
Conf. 11.7 Conservation of and trade in musk deer
Conf. 11.8 (Rev. CoP17) Conservation of and control of trade in the Tibetan antelope
Conf. 11.9 (Rev. CoP18) Conservation of and trade in tortoises and freshwater turtles
Conf. 11.10 (Rev. CoP15) Trade in stony corals
Conf. 11.11 (Rev. CoP18) Regulation of trade in plants*
Conf. 11.12 (Rev. CoP15) Universal tagging system for the identification of crocodilian skins
Conf. 11.15 (Rev. CoP18) Non-commercial loan, donation or exchange of museum, herbarium, diagnostic and forensic research specimens
Conf. 11.16 (Rev. CoP15) Ranching and trade in ranched specimens of species transferred from Appendix I to Appendix II
Conf. 11.17 (Rev. CoP19) National reports
Conf. 11.20 (Rev. CoP18) Definition of the term 'appropriate and acceptable destinations'
Conf. 11.21 (Rev. CoP19) Use of annotations in Appendices I and II
Conf. 10.3* Designation and role of the Scientific Authorities
Conf. 10.4 (Rev. CoP14) Cooperation and synergy with the Convention on Biological Diversity
Conf. 10.8 (Rev. CoP14) Conservation of and trade in bears
Conf. 10.13 (Rev. CoP18) Implementation of the Convention for tree species
Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP19) Trade in elephant specimens
Conf. 10.14 (Rev. CoP19) Quotas for leopard hunting trophies and skins for personal use
Conf. 10.15 (Rev. CoP14) Establishment of quotas for markhor hunting trophies
Conf. 10.16 (Rev. CoP19) Specimens of animal species bred in captivity
Conf. 10.17 (Rev. CoP14) Animal hybrids
Conf. 10.19 (Rev. CoP14) Traditional medicines
Conf. 10.20* Frequent cross-border movements of personally owned live animals
Conf. 10.21 (Rev. CoP19) Transport of live specimens
Conf. 9.5 (Rev. CoP16) Trade with States not party to the Convention
Conf. 9.6 (Rev. CoP19) Trade in readily recognizable parts and derivatives
Conf. 9.7 (Rev. CoP15) Transit and transhipment
Conf. 9.14 (Rev. CoP19) Conservation of and trade in African and Asian rhinoceroses
Conf. 9.19 (Rev. CoP15) Registration of nurseries that artificially propagate specimens of Appendix-I plant species for export purposes
Conf. 9.21 (Rev. CoP18) Interpretation and application of quotas for species included in Appendix I
Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP17) Criteria for amendment of Appendices I and II
Conf. 9.25 (Rev. CoP18) Implementation of the Convention for species in Appendix III
Conf. 8.3 (Rev. CoP13) Recognition of the benefits of trade in wildlife
Conf. 8.4 (Rev. CoP15) National laws for implementation of the Convention
Conf. 8.13 (Rev. CoP17) Use of coded-microchip implants for marking live animals in trade
Conf. 8.21 (Rev. CoP16) Consultation with range States on proposals to amend Appendices I and II
Conf. 7.12 (Rev. CoP15) Marking requirements for trade in specimens of taxa with populations in both Appendix I and Appendix II
Conf. 6.7 Interpretation of Article XIV, paragraph 1, of the Convention
Conf. 5.10 (Rev. CoP19) Definition of 'primarily commercial purposes'
Conf. 5.20 (Rev. CoP17) Guidelines for the Secretariat when making recommendations in accordance with Article XV
Conf. 4.6 (Rev. CoP19) Submission of draft resolutions and other documents for meetings of the Conference of the Parties
Conf. 4.22* Proof of foreign law
Conf. 4.25 (Rev. CoP19) Reservations
Conf. 4.27* Interpretation of Article XVII, paragraph 3, of the Convention
Conf. 2.11 (Rev.) Trade in hunting trophies of species listed in Appendix I