اتفاقية آرهوس |
Ratification |
Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds |
Ratification |
Barcelona Convention |
Succession |
اتفاقية بازل |
Accession |
Cartagena Protocol |
Ratification |
الاتفاقية المتعلقة بالتنوع البيولوجي |
Ratification |
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora |
Ratification |
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution |
Ratification |
Convention on Migratory Species |
Ratification |
Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents |
Accession |
Espoo Convention |
Accession |
International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling |
Adherence |
المعاهدة الدولية بشأن الموارد الوراثية النباتية للأغذية والزراعة |
Accession |
International Tropical Timber Agreement |
Accession |
Kyiv Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers |
Ratification |
Kyoto Protocol |
Ratification |
Land-Based Sources Protocol |
Succession |
Minamata Convention on Mercury |
Ratification |
Montreal Protocol |
Ratification |
بروتوكول ناغويا حول الحصول على الموارد وتقاسم المنافع |
Accession |
Nagoya – Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol |
Accession |
Paris Agreement |
Ratification |
Prevention and Emergency Protocol |
Succession |
Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment |
Ratification |
Protocol on Water and Health |
Ratification |
Rotterdam Convention |
Accession |
Specially Protected Areas and Biodiversity Protocol |
Succession |
Stockholm Convention |
Ratification |
The Beijing Amendment (1999) |
Ratification |
The Convention on Wetlands |
Ratification |
The Copenhagen Amendment (1992) |
Ratification |
The Kigali Amendment (2016) |
Ratification |
The London Amendment (1990) |
Ratification |
The Montreal Amendment (1997) |
Ratification |
The Water Convention |
Accession |
UN Fish Stocks Agreement |
Accession |
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea |
Ratification |
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification |
Acceptance |
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change |
Acceptance |
Vienna Convention |
Ratification |