This Act amends the long title of the Principal Act as "An Act to make provisions for the conservation, management, development and sustainable use of fisheries and marine resources, to control and monitor fishing and related activities within and beyond Kiribati waters, and for connected purposes." Furthermore, the purpose of the Principal Act is amended as: (a) to ensure through effective management, the long-term conservation, development and sustainable use of Kiribati fisheries and other marine resources, including the recovery of fees that reflect the value of the resources, (b) to maximize the economic returns from fisheries and other marine resources for the benefits of present and future generations of I-Kiribati; (c) to implement measures to protect and preserve the marine biological diversity, rare or fragile ecosystems as well as habitat of depleted, threatened or endangered species and other forms of marine life; (d) to introduce integrated approaches or systems to fisheries and other marine resources development and management and to address human activities in marine areas through marine spatial planning and/or ocean zoning; (e) to promote and establish an ecosystem approach to fisheries and other marine resources development and management; and (f) to protect and preserve the marine resources and the marine environment of Kiribati. This Act also adds new definitions to the Principal Act, such as the definitions of conservation of marine resources, ecosystem approach to fisheries management, marine genetic resources, marine protected area, marine scientific research, marine spatial planning, ocean zoning, recreational fishing, small-scale fishing vessel, and sustainable use and development. Moreover, new subsections are added regarding (I) the duties and powers of the Minister responsible for the conservation, development, management and sustainable use of all marine resources and marine biological diversity within the jurisdiction of Kiribati, (II) designation of marine protected areas and species, (III) requirements for small scale fishing vessel engaged in fishing, and (IV) access to and utilization of marine genetic resources.
Fisheries (Amendment) Act No. 22 of 2021.
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