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Kiribati Development Plan is a national policy with a cross-sectoral approach. The timeframe of the policy is 3 years between 2020 and 2023. This Plan focuses on six key priority areas, namely: (I) human wealth, (II) economic growth and leaving no-one behind, (III) improvement of health, (IV) protection of the environment and increase its resilience, (V) good governance, and (VI) development of infrastructure.
This Plan lays down strategies for economic growth for all. First of all, fisheries sector will be diversified to increase the percentage of sustainable fisheries as a proportion of GDP. To this end, the evaluation of fisheries economic values and ecosystems of selected marine habitats will be promoted. Economic returns from marine resources and sustainable fisheries development will be maximized in the pursuit of: i) vessel day scheme; ii) marine bonded warehouse; iii) purse seine net mending yard; and iv) marine stewardship council certification. The Monitoring, Control and Surveillance schemes and diversified sustainable and adaptive fishing schemes will be promoted and operational efficiency will be improved through reliable and secure infrastructure facilities and digital transformation. An integrated fisheries information management system will be established to strengthen fishery and catch management data. Aquaculture activities as well as responsible exploration and conservation of deep ocean resources will be promoted and supported. Artisanal and small-scale fishers will be supported to maximize sustainable livelihoods. Moreover, product development and diversification will be promoted through value addition, especially in exported goods. Market access will be strengthened by establishing quality standards for different products.
Economic and social wellbeing will be ensured through reduction in unemployment rate, increase in new overseas labour markets and poverty reduction strategies. Health promotion and nutrition actions will be carried out to improve maternal, new-born, child and adolescent health. In addition to that, access to quality health care will be improved and partnerships with communities involved in health activities will be strengthened. Furthermore, education system will be improved in an inclusive and equitable manner and actions will be carried out to increase school access and participation. Access to drinking water and sanitation will be improved by increasing the number of water tanks, the number of desalination and distillation plants, and the number of solar and hand water pumps installed in vulnerable areas; providing more public and private facilities with basic sanitation; developing a drought response plan; and awareness-raising and training on water and sanitation programmes.
UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund, the Food and Agriculture Organization and the fisheries industry provided assistance to Kiribati for strengthening the food systems and supply chains in response to COVID-19 pandemic. This resulted in agriculture training programmes for both women and men, efforts to improve soils and the distribution of seeds and planting materials. According to this Plan, food security will be ensured by integrating sector-specific approaches and promoting healthy and resilient ecosystems through increasing the distribution of food crops for re-planting and animal breeds for cross breeding. Restocking programmes in relation to islands facing overexploitation in marine species like seashells and sea cucumbers will be carried out by the Kiribati Fisheries Division.
Climate change adaptation and mitigation and disaster risk management will be strengthened to reduce vulnerabilities and respond to observed and likely impacts of climate change and disaster risks. Awareness will be raised and early warnings systems will be established for disaster and emergency management. Measures will be taken to improve the protection, management, sustainability, and resilience of the environment, with a special emphasis on biodiversity conservation, waste management and pollution prevention, climate change adaptation and mitigation and disaster risk management. Moreover, licensing, enforcement and compliance, data management and planning of the environment will be strengthened. Energy efficient systems and standards will be developed and adopted and utilization of renewable energy resources will be promoted.
Kiribati Development Plan 2020-2023.
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