The Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) is a revised version of the Intended Nationally Determined Contribution of 2015. This Revised NDC increases the Business-as-Usual greenhouse gas emissions scenario for the years 2020-2030 by including greenhouse gas emissions from hydrofluorocarbons and waste and improving data quality and availability for the years 2015-2019, which allows for better Business-as-Usual greenhouse gas emissions projections. Furthermore, this revised NDC includes national adaptation priorities under the Kiribati Joint Implementation Plan for Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management 2019-2028. This NDC stresses on the climate related natural hazards, including heatwaves, drought, flood, cyclones and storm surge, and ocean acidification, and the impacts of climate change on water, coastal zone, ocean ecosystems and fisheries, agriculture and health.
In order to increase resilience through sustainable climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction using a whole-of-country approach, this NDC lays down strategies for strengthening good governance, policies, strategies and legislation; improving knowledge and information generation, management and sharing; strengthening and greening the private sector, including small and medium-sized enterprises; increasing water and food security with integrated and sector-specific approaches; promoting healthy and resilient ecosystems; strengthening health service delivery to address climate change impacts; promoting sound and reliable infrastructure development and land management; delivering appropriate education, training and awareness programmes; increasing effectiveness and efficiency of early warnings and disaster and emergency management; promoting the use of sustainable, renewable sources of energy and energy efficiency; strengthening capacity to access finance, monitor expenditures and maintain strong partnerships; maintaining the existing sovereignty and unique identity and cultural heritage of Kiribati; and enhancing resilience through strategic partnerships for community participation and engagement ownership and inclusion of vulnerable groups.
Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction measures will be implemented by the communities as an integral part of their development efforts. Food security will be ensured by identifying and promoting salt-, drought-, rain- and heat stress-resilient crops, fruit, vegetables and livestock breeds and preserving local food (fruit trees and seafood). Coastal fisheries will be managed by the communities taking into consideration the sustainability of marine resources as well as climate change and disaster risks. Moreover, the access to local produce and basic food commodities will be provided to communities. The resilience of water resources will be increased to extreme events such as drought, heavy rain and storm surges through strengthened management by the communities. Water reserves will be protected, and communities will be enabled to have access to sufficient and adequate fresh water at all times. Public awareness will be raised on water safety and the prevention of vector-, water- and food-borne diseases. Land and marine planning and management will be strengthened for all islands to implement and enforce land and marine use regulatory frameworks and water regulations. Coastal resilience will be increased through strategic coastal protection initiatives.
Routine systems for surveillance of environmental health hazards and climate-sensitive diseases will be strengthened. Chemical waste management and alternatives will be enhanced to reduce contamination and pollution. Capacity building will be strengthened to take action on adaptation along with risk reduction and coping strategies before, during and after disasters and emission mitigation. The engagement of communities and members of vulnerable groups in climate change and disaster risk management initiatives will be increased and their needs will be addressed. Disaster risk preparedness (through innovative technology), response and recovery will be strengthened across all sectors including, importantly, at the island and the community levels to reduce loss of life, injuries, damage to infrastructure and properties. The cultural heritage of Kiribati will be protected, preserved and promoted.
This NDC addresses mitigation actions in the energy, transport, waste, agriculture, forestry and other land use sectors. The Business-as-Usual greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets include promoting renewable energy generation, promoting the use of biofuel, promoting energy efficiency, separating waste at the source, composting waste, creating biological fertiliser for domestic use, taking actions for the replacement of hydrofluorocarbons, and planting new mangroves to increase carbon sinks.
In order to increase resilience through sustainable climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction using a whole-of-country approach, this NDC lays down strategies for strengthening good governance, policies, strategies and legislation; improving knowledge and information generation, management and sharing; strengthening and greening the private sector, including small and medium-sized enterprises; increasing water and food security with integrated and sector-specific approaches; promoting healthy and resilient ecosystems; strengthening health service delivery to address climate change impacts; promoting sound and reliable infrastructure development and land management; delivering appropriate education, training and awareness programmes; increasing effectiveness and efficiency of early warnings and disaster and emergency management; promoting the use of sustainable, renewable sources of energy and energy efficiency; strengthening capacity to access finance, monitor expenditures and maintain strong partnerships; maintaining the existing sovereignty and unique identity and cultural heritage of Kiribati; and enhancing resilience through strategic partnerships for community participation and engagement ownership and inclusion of vulnerable groups.
Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction measures will be implemented by the communities as an integral part of their development efforts. Food security will be ensured by identifying and promoting salt-, drought-, rain- and heat stress-resilient crops, fruit, vegetables and livestock breeds and preserving local food (fruit trees and seafood). Coastal fisheries will be managed by the communities taking into consideration the sustainability of marine resources as well as climate change and disaster risks. Moreover, the access to local produce and basic food commodities will be provided to communities. The resilience of water resources will be increased to extreme events such as drought, heavy rain and storm surges through strengthened management by the communities. Water reserves will be protected, and communities will be enabled to have access to sufficient and adequate fresh water at all times. Public awareness will be raised on water safety and the prevention of vector-, water- and food-borne diseases. Land and marine planning and management will be strengthened for all islands to implement and enforce land and marine use regulatory frameworks and water regulations. Coastal resilience will be increased through strategic coastal protection initiatives.
Routine systems for surveillance of environmental health hazards and climate-sensitive diseases will be strengthened. Chemical waste management and alternatives will be enhanced to reduce contamination and pollution. Capacity building will be strengthened to take action on adaptation along with risk reduction and coping strategies before, during and after disasters and emission mitigation. The engagement of communities and members of vulnerable groups in climate change and disaster risk management initiatives will be increased and their needs will be addressed. Disaster risk preparedness (through innovative technology), response and recovery will be strengthened across all sectors including, importantly, at the island and the community levels to reduce loss of life, injuries, damage to infrastructure and properties. The cultural heritage of Kiribati will be protected, preserved and promoted.
This NDC addresses mitigation actions in the energy, transport, waste, agriculture, forestry and other land use sectors. The Business-as-Usual greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets include promoting renewable energy generation, promoting the use of biofuel, promoting energy efficiency, separating waste at the source, composting waste, creating biological fertiliser for domestic use, taking actions for the replacement of hydrofluorocarbons, and planting new mangroves to increase carbon sinks.
Revised Nationally Determined Contribution.
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